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broad-petal gentian

downy gentian, prairie gentian

Habit Herbs perennial, 0.5–3.5 dm, glabrous. Herbs perennial, 1–6 dm, puberulent on stems and abaxially on midveins of leaves and primary veins of calyx tubes.

1–5, terminal from caudex, erect or nearly so.

1–5(–20), terminal from caudex, erect or nearly so.


cauline, ± evenly spaced;

blade widely ovate to elliptic, 1.5–4 cm × 8–22 mm, apex obtuse.

cauline, ± evenly spaced;

blade narrowly oblong-lanceolate, 1.5–7 cm × 4–18 mm, apex obtuse to acute.


solitary flowers or occasionally a terminal pair.

1–6-flowered dense cymes or heads, sometimes with additional flowers at 1–3 nodes or on short branches.


calyx 8–12 mm, tube cleft to base or nearly so into 2 spathaceous segments, lobes elliptic to ovate-lanceolate, 0.5–5 mm, margins not ciliate;

corolla bright blue, campanulate, open, 30–38 mm, lobes widely ovate-triangular, 6–11 mm, free portions of plicae spreading, low-triangular, less than 1 mm, notched at apex, otherwise entire;

anthers distinct.

calyx 11–36 mm, lobes linear, 4–18(–25) mm, margins ciliate;

corolla deep blue or rarely rose-violet, narrowly campanulate, open, (30–)35–60 mm, lobes spreading or ± recurved, ovate, 6–15 mm, free portions of plicae divided less than 1/2 their length into 2 ± triangular, lacerate segments;

anthers distinct.


not winged.



 = 26.

Gentiana platypetala

Gentiana puberulenta

Phenology Flowering late summer. Flowering late summer–fall.
Habitat Alpine and coastal mountain meadows, heathlands, rocky and boggy slopes. Mesic to ± dry savannas and prairies, calcareous soils.
Elevation 0–1400(–2100) m. (0–4600(–6900) ft.) 100–1300 m. (300–4300 ft.)
from FNA
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Gentiana platypetala is restricted to sites near the Pacific largely confined to the insular ranges of British Columbia and southern Alaska from northern Vancouver Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, and Alice Arm, British Columbia, northwest to Kodiak Island, Alaska, but occasionally on mainland coastal ranges.

The distinctive spathaceous calyces of this species are strongly suffused with reddish purple.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Gentiana puberulenta is evidently extirpated from Ontario, Louisiana, Maryland, and New York, where outlying prairie communities have largely been eliminated by agricultural and urban expansion.

The name Gentiana puberula Michaux 1803, not Franchet 1890, and the homotypic synonym Dasystephana puberula (Michaux) Small have long and often been misapplied to this species but are typified by a specimen of G. saponaria.

Some small plants of Gentiana puberulenta appear similar to G. affinis var. affinis, but only a few specimens appear actually to be hybrids between these species. Where their ranges approach each other, the flowers of G. affinis are generally much smaller than those of G. puberulenta, and the corolla lobes of G. affinis are generally less than twice as long as the free portions of the plicae, whereas those of G. puberulenta are more than twice as long. The flower size of G. affinis var. ovata more closely approaches that of G. puberulenta, but in that variety, the range of which does not overlap that of G. puberulenta, the leaves are usually ovate to elliptic rather than narrowly oblong-lanceolate, and the distal internodes are often about as long as or longer than the leaves, in contrast to the proportionately shorter internodes of G. puberulenta. For further guidance in distinguishing between G. puberulenta and G. affinis, see discussion under 13. G. affinis.

Hybrids of Gentiana puberulenta with the strikingly dissimilar G. andrewsii, constituting G. × billingtonii Farwell (as species), and with G. flavida, constituting G. × curtisii J. S. Pringle, occur in the tall-grass prairies. Hybrids with G. saponaria formerly occurred in western Maryland.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 14. FNA vol. 14.
Parent taxa Gentianaceae > Gentiana Gentianaceae > Gentiana
Sibling taxa
G. affinis, G. algida, G. andrewsii, G. austromontana, G. autumnalis, G. calycosa, G. catesbaei, G. clausa, G. decora, G. douglasiana, G. flavida, G. fremontii, G. glauca, G. latidens, G. linearis, G. newberryi, G. nivalis, G. parryi, G. pennelliana, G. plurisetosa, G. prostrata, G. puberulenta, G. rubricaulis, G. saponaria, G. sceptrum, G. setigera, G. villosa
G. affinis, G. algida, G. andrewsii, G. austromontana, G. autumnalis, G. calycosa, G. catesbaei, G. clausa, G. decora, G. douglasiana, G. flavida, G. fremontii, G. glauca, G. latidens, G. linearis, G. newberryi, G. nivalis, G. parryi, G. pennelliana, G. platypetala, G. plurisetosa, G. prostrata, G. rubricaulis, G. saponaria, G. sceptrum, G. setigera, G. villosa
Synonyms G. covillei, G. gormanii
Name authority Grisebach in W. J. Hooker: Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 58. (1837) J. S. Pringle: Rhodora 68: 213, plate 1334, figs. 3, 4. (1966)
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