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broad-petal gentian

Douglas' gentian, swamp gentian

Habit Herbs perennial, 0.5–3.5 dm, glabrous. Herbs annual, 0.5–2.7 dm, glabrous.

1–5, terminal from caudex, erect or nearly so.

1, often branched from near base and distally, main axis erect.


cauline, ± evenly spaced;

blade widely ovate to elliptic, 1.5–4 cm × 8–22 mm, apex obtuse.

basal and cauline, cauline ± evenly spaced;

basal blades oblong-obovate to ovate, 0.4–2.3 cm × 2–9 mm, apex obtuse to acute;

cauline blades ovate to elliptic, 0.3–1 cm × 2–7 mm on main axis, smaller on branches, apex generally ± acute.


solitary flowers or occasionally a terminal pair.

solitary flowers or open, 2–7-flowered cymes terminating main axis and branches.


calyx 8–12 mm, tube cleft to base or nearly so into 2 spathaceous segments, lobes elliptic to ovate-lanceolate, 0.5–5 mm, margins not ciliate;

corolla bright blue, campanulate, open, 30–38 mm, lobes widely ovate-triangular, 6–11 mm, free portions of plicae spreading, low-triangular, less than 1 mm, notched at apex, otherwise entire;

anthers distinct.

calyx 4–7 mm, lobes linear-oblong, 1.5–3 mm, margins not ciliate;

corolla adaxially white with purple spots near base of lobes distal to yellowish green throat, abaxially suffused with green and distally with deep blue, nearly salverform, open, 9–14 mm, lobes ovate-triangular, 3–5 mm, free portions of plicae symmetrically divided to base into 2 lanceolate, acuminate segments;

anthers distinct.


not winged.



 = 26.

Gentiana platypetala

Gentiana douglasiana

Phenology Flowering late summer. Flowering late spring–early fall.
Habitat Alpine and coastal mountain meadows, heathlands, rocky and boggy slopes. Bogs, boggy wood­lands, wet meadows and tundra.
Elevation 0–1400(–2100) m. (0–4600(–6900) ft.) 0–1500 m. (0–4900 ft.)
from FNA
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Gentiana platypetala is restricted to sites near the Pacific largely confined to the insular ranges of British Columbia and southern Alaska from northern Vancouver Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, and Alice Arm, British Columbia, northwest to Kodiak Island, Alaska, but occasionally on mainland coastal ranges.

The distinctive spathaceous calyces of this species are strongly suffused with reddish purple.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 14. FNA vol. 14.
Parent taxa Gentianaceae > Gentiana Gentianaceae > Gentiana
Sibling taxa
G. affinis, G. algida, G. andrewsii, G. austromontana, G. autumnalis, G. calycosa, G. catesbaei, G. clausa, G. decora, G. douglasiana, G. flavida, G. fremontii, G. glauca, G. latidens, G. linearis, G. newberryi, G. nivalis, G. parryi, G. pennelliana, G. plurisetosa, G. prostrata, G. puberulenta, G. rubricaulis, G. saponaria, G. sceptrum, G. setigera, G. villosa
G. affinis, G. algida, G. andrewsii, G. austromontana, G. autumnalis, G. calycosa, G. catesbaei, G. clausa, G. decora, G. flavida, G. fremontii, G. glauca, G. latidens, G. linearis, G. newberryi, G. nivalis, G. parryi, G. pennelliana, G. platypetala, G. plurisetosa, G. prostrata, G. puberulenta, G. rubricaulis, G. saponaria, G. sceptrum, G. setigera, G. villosa
Synonyms G. covillei, G. gormanii
Name authority Grisebach in W. J. Hooker: Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 58. (1837) Bongard: Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg, Sér. 6, Sci. Math. 2: 156, plate 6. (1832)
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