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French broom

broom, Greenwood

Habit Shrubs 1.5–3 m. Stems sericeous, hairs silvery. Shrubs [small trees], armed or unarmed, 1–6 m. Stems erect, branched from base, slender, striate, persistently greenish, sericeous to glabrescent.


stipules deciduous, 0.5–2 mm;

petiole 1–5 mm;

leaflets 3, blades oblanceolate to obovate, 10–15 mm, base cuneate, margins ciliolate, apex obtuse and mucronate, surfaces sericeous abaxially, glabrous adaxially.

often caducous, alternate or opposite, unifoliolate or odd-pinnate;

stipules present [absent], inconspicuous, adnate to leaf bases;

sessile or petiolate;

leaflets 1 or 3, blade margins entire, surfaces glabrous or pubescent.


4–10-flowered, axillary, clustered on short shoots, dense, 15–60 mm;

bracts caducous, narrowly linear, 2–3 mm.

1–20[–30]-flowered, terminal or axillary, clusters or racemes [panicles], or flowers solitary;

bracts present.


1–3 mm.


calyx 5–7 mm, sericeous;

banner ovate, 10–15 mm, glabrous;

wings and keel slightly shorter than banner, wings glabrous, keel tomentose abaxially and distally.


calyx tubular-campanulate, bilabiate, abaxial lip 3-lobed, adaxial lip 2-lobed;

corolla yellow, petals clawed;

stamens 10, monadelphous;

anthers basifixed, dimorphic;

ovary sessile, style abruptly incurved distally, glabrous.


legumes, stipitate, compressed, narrowly oblong [falcate-rhomboid and inflated], dehiscent, not constricted between seeds, usually pubescent, rarely glabrous.


oblong, 15–25 mm, densely sericeous.


(3–)5–7(–10), tan to dark brown, ovoid, 1–1.3 mm;

hilum greenish yellow.

3–10, ovoid, cordate, ellipsoid, rhombic, or orbicular, strophiolate.


= 24.


= 44, 46, 48.

Genista monspessulana


Phenology Flowering Feb–Aug.
Habitat Grasslands, oak woodlands, coastal scrub, chaparral, conifer and mixed evergreen forests, mostly in disturbed areas.
Elevation 0–900 m. (0–3000 ft.)
from FNA
CA; OR; BC; s Europe; w Asia; n Africa; Atlantic Islands (Azores, Canary Islands) [Introduced in North America; introduced also in South America (Argentina, Chile, Uruguay)]
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from USDA
w Europe; n Africa [Introduced in North America; introduced widely]
[BONAP county map]

The flowers and possibly other parts of Genista monspessulana have been reported as toxic. The species apparently hybridizes with G. canariensis and G. stenopetala Webb & Berthelot. Genista stenopetala was previously reported from California; it now appears that the only known specimens of the species were cultivated and that many specimens previously annotated to this name were hybrids with G. monspessulana. The hybrid is found in Oregon.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Species ca. 90 (5 in the flora).

A. Kleist et al. (2014) found evidence suggesting multiple horticultural introductions of Genista monspessulana (French broom) in California. They also indicated that inter-taxon hybridization may also be occurring among the Genista populations in the state, possibly contributing to the invasive success of the species.

A small population of Genista pilosa Linnaeus was recently found on Vancouver Island, British Columbia (F. Lomer 7732, UBC V236493, Sep. 7, 2011).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Leaflets 1.
G. tinctoria
1. Leaflets 3.
→ 2
2. Leaflet blades linear to narrowly elliptic, margins revolute.
G. linifolia
2. Leaflet blades elliptic to oblanceolate, obovate, or elliptic, margins entire, sometimes ciliolate.
→ 3
3. Leaflet blades 5–10 mm; banners with V-shaped patch of pubescence from base to apex; wings and keel longer than banner.
G. canariensis
3. Leaflet blades (5–)10–25 mm; banners glabrous; wings and keel slightly shorter than banner.
→ 4
4. Inflorescences terminal racemes; bracts 1–2.5 mm; seeds orbicular, 2.5–3 mm, olive to brownish or black, hilum red-orange.
G. maderensis
4. Inflorescences dense, axillary clusters on short shoots; bracts 2–3 mm; seeds ovoid, 1–1.3 mm, tan to dark brown, hilum greenish yellow.
G. monspessulana
Source FNA vol. 11. FNA vol. 11. Author: Debra K. Trock.
Parent taxa Fabaceae > subfam. Faboideae > Genista Fabaceae > subfam. Faboideae
Sibling taxa
G. canariensis, G. linifolia, G. maderensis, G. tinctoria
Subordinate taxa
G. canariensis, G. linifolia, G. maderensis, G. monspessulana, G. tinctoria
Synonyms Cytisus monspessulanus, Teline monspessulana
Name authority (Linnaeus) L. A. S. Johnson: Contr. New South Wales Natl. Herb. 3: 98. (1962) Linnaeus: Sp. Pl. 2: 709. (1753): Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 318. (1754)
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