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red bells, scarlet fritillary

Butte County fritillary

Bulb scales

large 6; small 20–30.

large 2–5; small 10–60.


3–9 dm.

2–8 dm.


in 1–3 whorls of 2–5 leaves per node proximally, alternate distally, 3–15 cm;

blade linear to narrowly lanceolate.

in 1–2 whorls of 3–5 leaves per node proximally, alternate distally, 5–10 cm, usually shorter than inflorescence;

blade linear to narrowly lanceolate, ± glaucous;

distal leaves usually ± equaling proximalmost leaf.



perianth slender;

tepals scarlet, checkered with yellow adaxially and purple abaxially, 1.5–3.7 cm, apex usually strongly recurved;

nectaries yellow, narrowly lanceolate, 1/4 tepal length or less;

style obviously branched for 1/4–1/2 its length, branches ± erect, longer than 1.5 mm.


tepals pale greenish yellow to red, narrowly elliptic, 1–1.7 cm, apex usually flared to slightly recurved;

nectaries green, gold, or yellow, lanceolate, less than 1/3 tepal length;

style obviously branched for less than 1/2 its length, branches barely recurved, longer than 1.5 mm.





= 24, 36.

= 24, 34, 36.

Fritillaria recurva

Fritillaria eastwoodiae

Phenology Flowering Mar–Jun. Flowering Apr–May.
Habitat Dry hillsides in shrubland or woodlands Dry benches and slopes, sometimes on serpentine, in chaparral or beneath conifers
Elevation 300–2200 m (1000–7200 ft) 500–1500 m (1600–4900 ft)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[BONAP county map]

Variety coccinea has been recognized by a number of authors, but examination of numerous specimens indicates no consistent distinction. In some cases, different plants from the same population appear to align with different varieties.

The Shasta and Yana tribes used Fritillaria recurva bulbs as food.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

This species is highly variable and shows evidence of either being of hybrid origin between Fritillaria recurva and F. micrantha, or, if it is of separate origin, appearing to hybridize easily with those two species. In the northern part of its range, F. eastwoodiae intergrades with F. recurva, whereas in the southern part of its range it intergrades with F. micrantha. Occasional individuals throughout the range display traits of both F. recurva and F. micrantha.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 26, p. 171. FNA vol. 26, p. 169.
Parent taxa Liliaceae > Fritillaria Liliaceae > Fritillaria
Sibling taxa
F. affinis, F. agrestis, F. atropurpurea, F. biflora, F. brandegeei, F. camschatcensis, F. eastwoodiae, F. falcata, F. gentneri, F. glauca, F. liliacea, F. micrantha, F. ojaiensis, F. pinetorum, F. pluriflora, F. pudica, F. purdyi, F. striata, F. viridea
F. affinis, F. agrestis, F. atropurpurea, F. biflora, F. brandegeei, F. camschatcensis, F. falcata, F. gentneri, F. glauca, F. liliacea, F. micrantha, F. ojaiensis, F. pinetorum, F. pluriflora, F. pudica, F. purdyi, F. recurva, F. striata, F. viridea
Synonyms F. recurva var. coccinea F. phaeanthera
Name authority Bentham: Pl. Hartw., 340. (1857) R. M. MacFarlane: Madroño 25: 95. (1978)
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