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deer's-ears, elkweed, frasera, giant frasera, monument plant

pine frasera or green-gentian, pine green-gentian

Habit Herbs monocarpic, 5–20 dm, glabrous or stems and leaves puberulent. Herbs perennial, 2–5.5 dm, glabrous.


1–several, with several rosettes.


blades not white-margined;

basal spatulate or oblanceolate to elliptic-obovate, 7–50 × 1–15 cm, apex rounded to acute;

cauline leaves whorled, blade oblong-lanceolate.

blades narrowly white-margined, basal 2–20 × 0.3–0.9 cm, linear to narrowly oblanceolate;

cauline leaves opposite, blade linear to narrowly oblanceolate.


elongate, open proximally, ± dense distally.

narrow, 1.5–4 cm wide, dense, interrupted.


calyx 10–25 mm;

corolla pale yellowish green, purple-dotted, occasionally suffused with purple distally, 12–25 mm, lobes elliptic-oblong to obovate, apex [obtuse or] acute to short-acuminate;

androecial corona scales 7–9 mm, deeply multicleft;

style slender, distinct;

nectaries and foveae 2 per corolla lobe, foveae narrowly elliptic, opening directly adaxial to nectary, each opening with a ± even fringe all around, the pair opening into a green but not rimmed area on the corolla surface.

calyx 5–8 mm;

corolla greenish white, purple-streaked, 7–15 mm, lobes oblong-obovate, apex abruptly acuminate;

androecial corona a low fringe;

style slender, distinct;

nectaries and foveae 1 per corolla lobe, foveae opening distal to nectary, into a round to nearly square differentiated area on the corolla lobe, rim ± evenly fringed all around.


 = 78.

Frasera speciosa

Frasera neglecta

Phenology Flowering summer. Flowering late spring–summer.
Habitat Open woods, montane to sub­alpine meadows. Dry, open woods.
Elevation 1500–3500 m. (4900–11500 ft.) 1400–3500 m. (4600–11500 ft.)
from FNA
AZ; CA; CO; ID; MT; NM; NV; OR; SD; TX; UT; WA; WY; Mexico (Nuevo León, Tamaulipas)
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[BONAP county map]
from FNA
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[BONAP county map]

Swertia radiata var. maderensis Henrickson, endemic to Mexico, is conspecific with Frasera speciosa, but the necessary combination in Frasera has not been published. If that is done, our material will become var. speciosa.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Frasera neglecta is endemic to the San Bernardino, San Emigdio, and San Gabriel mountains of southern California.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 14. FNA vol. 14.
Parent taxa Gentianaceae > Frasera Gentianaceae > Frasera
Sibling taxa
F. ackermaniae, F. albicaulis, F. albomarginata, F. caroliniensis, F. coloradensis, F. fastigiata, F. gypsicola, F. montana, F. neglecta, F. paniculata, F. parryi, F. puberulenta, F. tubulosa, F. umpquaensis
F. ackermaniae, F. albicaulis, F. albomarginata, F. caroliniensis, F. coloradensis, F. fastigiata, F. gypsicola, F. montana, F. paniculata, F. parryi, F. puberulenta, F. speciosa, F. tubulosa, F. umpquaensis
Synonyms F. macrophylla, Swertia radiata, Swertia radiata var. macrophylla, Tesseranthium radiatum, T. speciosum Swertia neglecta
Name authority Douglas ex Grisebach in W. J. Hooker: Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 66, plate 153. (1837) H. M. Hall: Bot. GaZ. 31: 388, plate 10. (1901)
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