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beach strawberry, Chilean or beach or sand strawberry, Chilean strawberry, coastal strawberry, Pacific coast strawberry

Habit Plants hermaphroditic or unisexual.

dark or dull green, not glaucous, thick, leathery, strongly reticulately veined abaxially, terminal tooth of terminal leaflet usually shorter than adjacent teeth, abaxial surface densely silky, adaxial glabrous, shiny.


bisexual, pistillate or staminate (plants dioecious or trioecious);

hypanthium 14.5–27.8 mm diam.;

petals 5(or 6), obovate to widely depressed obovate, margins distinct or overlapping.


in shallow pits or partially embedded, reddish brown to dark brown, 1.4–2 mm;

bractlets and sepals clasping;

torus not easily separated from hypanthium.

Fragaria chiloensis

from FNA
AK; CA; OR; WA; BC; South America
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Subspecies 4 (2 in the flora).

Fragaria chiloensis was first described from cultivated plants that had been selected in Chile at least 400 years ago and brought to Europe in 1714. Subsequently, it was realized that wild-growing plants of this species exist in North America and South America. The typical subspecies is restricted to South America; subspp. lucida and pacifica are present in North America, and the latter in Hawaii as well.

The proposal by K. E. Hokanson et al. (2006) to classify subsp. lucida and subsp. pacifica as forms of one North American subspecies seems inappropriate.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Stolons, petioles, peduncles, and pedicels usually appressed ascending-hairy, sometimes almost glabrous.
subsp. lucida
1. Stolons, petioles, peduncles, and pedicels spreading-hairy (usually densely so).
subsp. pacifica
Source FNA vol. 9, p. 278.
Parent taxa Rosaceae > subfam. Rosoideae > tribe Potentilleae > Fragaria
Sibling taxa
F. vesca, F. virginiana
Subordinate taxa
F. chiloensis subsp. lucida, F. chiloensis subsp. pacifica
Synonyms F. vesca var. chiloensis
Name authority (Linnaeus) Miller: Gard. Dict. ed. 8, Fragaria no. 4. (1768)
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