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bryoid fissidens moss, lesser pocket-moss

Habit Plants 3–11 × 0.9–3.2 mm. Plants 1.2–10 × 1–2.5 mm.

unbranched and branched;

axillary hyaline nodules absent;

central strand usually present.

unbranched and branched;

axillary hyaline nodules present;

central strand weak or absent.


as many as 20 pairs, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate or oblong-lingulate, acute to short-acuminate or obtuse-apiculate, to 0.8–2.7 × 0.2–0.5 mm;

dorsal lamina narrowed proximally, ending at or before insertion, infrequently slightly decurrent;

vaginant laminae 1/2 leaf length, mostly equal;

margin entire but often serrulate distally, limbate on all laminae, limbidium reaching apex or ending a few cells before or partially absent to infrequently completely absent, limbidial cells 1–3-stratose;

costa excurrent to ending as many as 6 cells before apex, bryoides-type;

laminal cells 1-stratose, distinct, smooth, often slightly bulging, firm-walled, irregularly hexagonal, a few elongate, 6.5–16 µm, somewhat larger in proximal parts of vaginant laminae.

as many as 25 pairs, narrowly lanceolate to ovate–lanceolate, acute to sharply acute to short acuminate, to 1.9 × 0.3;

dorsal lamina narrowed proximally, ending before or at insertion, infrequently ± decurrent;

vaginant laminae 1/2–4/5 leaf length, ± equal, minor lamina ending on or near margin;

margin entire, limbate on all laminae, limbidium confluent at apex or ending shortly before apex, extending to base of dorsal lamina, limbidial cells 2–3-stratose;

costa percurrent to excurrent, bryoides-type;

laminal cells 1-stratose, distinct, smooth, ± bulging, firm-walled, elongate, 7–22 × 4–13 µm, increasing in size toward proximal part of leaf.


1.4–10 mm.

to 12 mm.

Sexual condition


naked antheridia and archegonia often in axils of distal leaves.


perigonia gemmiform, proximal to infertile and fertile stems.


theca exserted, erect, radially symmetric to ± inclined, bilaterally symmetic, 0.2–1.2 mm;

peristome bryoides-type;

operculum 0.5 mm.

theca exserted, ± erect, radially symmetric to inclined, arcuate, bilaterally symmetic, 0.35–1.25 mm;

peristome bryoides-type;

operculum 0.25–0.3 µm. Calyptra cucullate, smooth, 0.5 mm.


cucullate smooth, to 0.5 mm.


10–20 µm.

11–18 µm.


1–2 per perichaetium.

1 per perichaetium.

Fissidens bryoides

Fissidens curvatus

Habitat Soil in moist, shaded sites, stones and rocks (both acidic and basic) in shaded areas, along streams, sometimes inundated, infrequently around bases of trees Bare, shaded soil, often among grasses in open Quercus forests and around bases of coastal shrubs
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Fissidens bryoides is a veritable kaleidoscope of intergrading expressions. At one extreme is F. bryoides in the strict sense, with plants gonioautoicous and the limbidium, 1–3 cells thick, confluent at the leaf apex with the percurrent to short-excurrent costa. At the other extreme is the expression that has been singled out as F. exiguus, with plants rhizautoicous and the 1-stratose limbidium usually restricted to the vaginant laminae of perichaetial leaves. In rare cases the limbidium can be absent from all leaves. All expressions, however, have clear, distinct, 1-stratose, irregularly hexagonal laminal cells, 6.5–16 µm, that in transverse section are no deeper than wide, and that have smooth walls that can be slightly bulging. H. A. Crum and L. E. Anderson (1981) illustrated the major expressions found in the flora area. Axillary, multicellular gemmae have been reported in Indian specimens.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Fissidens curvatus is distinguished by its delicate dimorphic stems, usually long excurrent costa, limbidium confluent at leaf apex, and slightly elongate laminal cells. The theca is usually arcuate but can also be erect.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 27, p. 345. FNA vol. 27, p. 347.
Parent taxa Fissidentaceae > Fissidens Fissidentaceae > Fissidens
Sibling taxa
F. adianthoides, F. amoenus, F. aphelotaxifolius, F. appalachensis, F. arcticus, F. asplenioides, F. bushii, F. closteri, F. crispus, F. curvatus, F. dubius, F. elegans, F. exilis, F. fontanus, F. grandifrons, F. hallianus, F. hyalinus, F. leptophyllus, F. littlei, F. minutulus, F. obtusifolius, F. osmundioides, F. pallidinervis, F. pauperculus, F. pellucidus, F. polypodioides, F. santa-clarensis, F. scalaris, F. serratus, F. subbasilaris, F. sublimbatus, F. submarginatus, F. taxifolius, F. taylorii, F. ventricosus, F. zollingeri
F. adianthoides, F. amoenus, F. aphelotaxifolius, F. appalachensis, F. arcticus, F. asplenioides, F. bryoides, F. bushii, F. closteri, F. crispus, F. dubius, F. elegans, F. exilis, F. fontanus, F. grandifrons, F. hallianus, F. hyalinus, F. leptophyllus, F. littlei, F. minutulus, F. obtusifolius, F. osmundioides, F. pallidinervis, F. pauperculus, F. pellucidus, F. polypodioides, F. santa-clarensis, F. scalaris, F. serratus, F. subbasilaris, F. sublimbatus, F. submarginatus, F. taxifolius, F. taylorii, F. ventricosus, F. zollingeri
Synonyms F. andersonii, F. bryoides var. incurvus, F. bryoides var. pusillus, F. exiguus, F. exiguus var. falcatulus, F. pusillus, F. synoicous, F. texanus, F. viridulus, F. viridulus var. pusillus, F. viridulus var. tamarindifolius, F. viridulus var. texanus F. milobakeri
Name authority Hedwig: Sp. Musc. Frond., 153. (1801) Hornschuch: Linnaea 15: 148. (1841)
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