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deer's tongue, giant fawn-lily, giant white fawn-lily, Oregon fawn-lily, white fawn lily, wild Easter lily

Erythronium klamathense

Klamath fawn-lily


narrowly ovoid, 25–60 mm, sometimes producing sessile offsets.

slender, 25–40 mm.


12–25 cm;

blade distinctly mottled with irregular streaks of brown or white, ovate to broadly lanceolate, margins wavy.

6–17 cm;

blade green, lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, ± folded along midvein, margins entire to wavy.


± reddish, 15–40 cm.

6–20 cm.





tepals white to creamy white with yellow base at anthesis, sometimes pinkish in age, sometimes with red lines or bands, elliptic to narrowly ovate, 25–40 mm, inner with small auricles at base;

stamens 12–25 mm;

filaments white, flattened, ± lanceolate, 2–3 mm wide;

anthers cream to yellow;

style white, 12–18 mm;

stigma with recurved lobes 3–6 mm.

tepals 2/3 or more white, with yellow zone at base, ± pinkish in age, broadly lanceolate, 20–35 mm, inner with small auricles at base;

stamens 8–14 mm;

filaments white, slender;

anthers ± yellow;

style white, 4–9 mm;

stigma ± unlobed.


oblong to narrowly obovoid, 3–5 cm.

narrowly obovoid, 2–5 cm.


= 24.

= 24.

Erythronium oregonum

Erythronium klamathense

Phenology Flowering spring (Mar–May). Flowering late spring to summer (Apr–Jun).
Habitat Open coniferous forests, rocky outcrops, oak woodlands, meadows Montane meadows, openings in coniferous forests
Elevation 0–500 m (0–1600 ft) 1200–1900 m (3900–6200 ft)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Forms from the southern part of the range with cream-white tepals and pale anthers have been described as subsp. leucandrum. This species is closely related to E. revolutum and occasionally hybridizes with it where their ranges meet. In addition, E. citrinum and E. hendersonii are reported to hybridize with E. oregonum in the southern part of its range.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 26, p. 158. FNA vol. 26, p. 158.
Parent taxa Liliaceae > Erythronium Liliaceae > Erythronium
Sibling taxa
E. albidum, E. americanum, E. californicum, E. citrinum, E. elegans, E. grandiflorum, E. helenae, E. hendersonii, E. klamathense, E. mesochoreum, E. montanum, E. multiscapideum, E. pluriflorum, E. propullans, E. purpurascens, E. pusaterii, E. quinaultense, E. revolutum, E. rostratum, E. taylorii, E. tuolumnense, E. umbilicatum
E. albidum, E. americanum, E. californicum, E. citrinum, E. elegans, E. grandiflorum, E. helenae, E. hendersonii, E. mesochoreum, E. montanum, E. multiscapideum, E. oregonum, E. pluriflorum, E. propullans, E. purpurascens, E. pusaterii, E. quinaultense, E. revolutum, E. rostratum, E. taylorii, E. tuolumnense, E. umbilicatum
Synonyms E. giganteum subsp. leucandrum, E. oregonum subsp. leucandrum
Name authority Applegate: Madroño 3: 99. (1935) Applegate: Contr. Dudley Herb. 1: 151. (1930)
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