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John Day or Washington monkeyflower, Washington monkey-flower

Arizona big red monkeyflower

Habit Annuals, fibrous-rooted or filiform-taprooted. Perennials, rhizomatous.

erect to ascending, straight or geniculate at nodes, usually many-branched, terete, 5–25 cm, moderately puberulent-glandular to villous-glandular, hairs 0.1–0.8 mm, flattened, sometimes vitreous, distinctly multicellular, gland-tipped.

usually erect to ascending, freely branched, 25–60 cm, glabrous.


cauline, basal not persistent;

petiole 2–14 mm;

blade palmately veined, deltate or ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 4–16(–23) × 2–11(–16) mm, base rounded to cuneate or truncate, margins denticulate or entire, apex acute, surfaces moderately puberulent-glandular to villous-glandular, hairs 0.1–0.8 mm, flattened, sometimes vitreous, distinctly multicellular, gland-tipped.

usually cauline;

petiole 0 mm;

blade palmately veined, elliptic to oblong-elliptic, elliptic-lanceolate, or broadly lanceolate, 60–125 × 25–46 mm, base narrowly auriculate, clasping to subclasping, margins shallowly dentate, teeth sharp-pointed, apex acute, adaxial surface glabrous or minutely sessile- or stipitate-glandular along veins, lamina glabrous.


herkogamous, 1–6, from proximal to distal nodes.

herkogamous, 2–4(–8), axillary at leafy distal nodes.





yellow with small reddish brown dots, abaxial limb with 2 white patches (abaxial ridges), bilaterally symmetric, strongly bilabiate;

tube-throat funnelform, 8–10 mm, exserted beyond calyx margin;

limb expanded 7–10 mm, lobes obovate-oblong, apex rounded to rounded-cuneate.

deep orange, dull orange, red-orange, or deep scarlet, throat yellow-orange, dark red stripes leading onto basal part of lobes, not spotted, palate ridges red, bilaterally symmetric, strongly bilabiate;

tube-throat tubular, 29–36 mm, exserted 7–12 mm beyond calyx margin;

throat open, palate ridges densely short-villous, hairs yellowish.

Fruiting pedicels

divergent at nearly right angles, 20–50 mm, densely, minutely stipitate-glandular.

50–95 mm.

Fruiting calyces

greenish, ridge-angled, tubular, weakly inflated, 6–8 mm, margins distinctly toothed or lobed, densely, minutely stipitate-glandular, lobes pronounced, erect.

cylindric-campanulate, not inflated, (27–)29–34 mm, minutely stipitate- or sessile-glandular, lobes 7–10 mm, ovate, apex abruptly attenuate to linear-caudate.


included, 5–8.5 mm.

included, 14–18 mm.


included, glabrous.

exserted, white-villous, thecae spreading.


= 32.

= 16.

Erythranthe washingtonensis

Erythranthe cinnabarina

Phenology Flowering May–Sep. Flowering Jun–Aug(–Sep).
Habitat Shallow basalt gravel in narrow channels and intermittent streams, sandy stream banks, open slopes, rocky shelves near seeps. Canyons, ravines, streambeds and margins, riparian vegetation, mixed conifer forest.
Elevation 700–1300 m. (2300–4300 ft.) 2100–3300 m. (6900–10800 ft.)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
from FNA

Erythranthe washingtonensis is considered to be extirpated in Washington by the Washington Natural Heritage Program.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Erythranthe cinnabarina is similar to typical E. cardinalis in its spreading anther thecae, relatively short-exserted corolla tube, and its reflexing corolla lobes but distinct in its generally larger leaves with reduced vestiture, fewer flowers, larger calyx and corolla, apically caudate calyx lobes, and its separate geographical range.

Erythranthe cinnabarina occurs in Cochise County (Chiricahua Mountains), Graham County (Pinaleño Mountains), and Pima County (Santa Catalina Mountains). Erythranthe verbenacea, with which it sometimes has been confused, occurs at lower elevations (350–2600 m) and ranges over most of the state (Apache, Cochise, Coconino, Gila, Graham, La Paz, Maricopa, Mohave, Pima, Pinal, Santa Cruz, and Yavapai counties). Erythranthe cinnabarina apparently occurs alone (without E. verbenacea) in the Pinaleño Mountains and in the Chiricahua Mountains, but both species have been abundantly documented in the Santa Catalina Mountains, where they sometimes closely co-occur in areas of elevational overlap (for example, at Marshall Gulch, about 2500 m; at Bear Wallow Campground, about 2600 m).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 17, p. 396. FNA vol. 17, p. 393.
Parent taxa Phrymaceae > Erythranthe Phrymaceae > Erythranthe
Sibling taxa
E. acutidens, E. alsinoides, E. ampliata, E. androsacea, E. arenaria, E. arenicola, E. arvensis, E. barbata, E. bicolor, E. brachystylis, E. breviflora, E. breweri, E. caespitosa, E. calcicola, E. calciphila, E. cardinalis, E. carsonensis, E. charlestonensis, E. chinatiensis, E. cinnabarina, E. corallina, E. cordata, E. decora, E. dentata, E. diffusa, E. discolor, E. eastwoodiae, E. erubescens, E. exigua, E. filicaulis, E. filicifolia, E. floribunda, E. gemmipara, E. geniculata, E. geyeri, E. glaucescens, E. gracilipes, E. grandis, E. grayi, E. guttata, E. hallii, E. hardhamiae, E. hymenophylla, E. inamoena, E. inconspicua, E. inflatula, E. jungermannioides, E. laciniata, E. latidens, E. lewisii, E. linearifolia, E. marmorata, E. michiganensis, E. microphylla, E. minor, E. montioides, E. moschata, E. nasuta, E. norrisii, E. nudata, E. palmeri, E. pardalis, E. parishii, E. parvula, E. patula, E. percaulis, E. primuloides, E. ptilota, E. pulsiferae, E. purpurea, E. regni, E. rhodopetra, E. rubella, E. scouleri, E. shevockii, E. sierrae, E. suksdorfii, E. taylorii, E. thermalis, E. tilingii, E. trinitiensis, E. unimaculata, E. utahensis, E. verbenacea, E. willisii
E. acutidens, E. alsinoides, E. ampliata, E. androsacea, E. arenaria, E. arenicola, E. arvensis, E. barbata, E. bicolor, E. brachystylis, E. breviflora, E. breweri, E. caespitosa, E. calcicola, E. calciphila, E. cardinalis, E. carsonensis, E. charlestonensis, E. chinatiensis, E. corallina, E. cordata, E. decora, E. dentata, E. diffusa, E. discolor, E. eastwoodiae, E. erubescens, E. exigua, E. filicaulis, E. filicifolia, E. floribunda, E. gemmipara, E. geniculata, E. geyeri, E. glaucescens, E. gracilipes, E. grandis, E. grayi, E. guttata, E. hallii, E. hardhamiae, E. hymenophylla, E. inamoena, E. inconspicua, E. inflatula, E. jungermannioides, E. laciniata, E. latidens, E. lewisii, E. linearifolia, E. marmorata, E. michiganensis, E. microphylla, E. minor, E. montioides, E. moschata, E. nasuta, E. norrisii, E. nudata, E. palmeri, E. pardalis, E. parishii, E. parvula, E. patula, E. percaulis, E. primuloides, E. ptilota, E. pulsiferae, E. purpurea, E. regni, E. rhodopetra, E. rubella, E. scouleri, E. shevockii, E. sierrae, E. suksdorfii, E. taylorii, E. thermalis, E. tilingii, E. trinitiensis, E. unimaculata, E. utahensis, E. verbenacea, E. washingtonensis, E. willisii
Synonyms Mimulus washingtonensis
Name authority (Gandoger) G. L. Nesom: Phytoneuron 2012-39: 39. (2012) — (as washingtoniensis) G. L. Nesom: Phytoneuron 2014-31: 16, figs. 16, 17. (2014)
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