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John Day or Washington monkeyflower, Washington monkey-flower

large mountain monkey-flower, mountain monkeyflower, Olympic monkeyflower, subalpine monkeyflower

Habit Annuals, fibrous-rooted or filiform-taprooted. Perennials, rhizomatous, rooting at proximal nodes, sometimes producing creeping, small-leaved runners, forming matted colonies, rhizomes filiform.

erect to ascending, straight or geniculate at nodes, usually many-branched, terete, 5–25 cm, moderately puberulent-glandular to villous-glandular, hairs 0.1–0.8 mm, flattened, sometimes vitreous, distinctly multicellular, gland-tipped.

procumbent or decumbent to decumbent-ascending, delicate, usually in masses, terete or flattish, branched, 3–10 cm, glabrous, minutely hirtellous, or stipitate-glandular.


cauline, basal not persistent;

petiole 2–14 mm;

blade palmately veined, deltate or ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 4–16(–23) × 2–11(–16) mm, base rounded to cuneate or truncate, margins denticulate or entire, apex acute, surfaces moderately puberulent-glandular to villous-glandular, hairs 0.1–0.8 mm, flattened, sometimes vitreous, distinctly multicellular, gland-tipped.

basal and cauline;

petiole: proximals 2–5 mm, distals 0 mm;

blade often purple beneath, palmately 3-veined, orbicular to narrowly elliptic or ovate, proximals usually sublyrate, 3–12 mm, becoming larger distally, base cuneate to a short petiole, margins entire, mucronulate, or barely denticulate, apex obtuse, surfaces sparsely to moderately puberulent, hairs minute, stipitate-glandular.


herkogamous, 1–6, from proximal to distal nodes.

herkogamous, 1–3, from distal nodes, commonly solitary.



minutely hirtellous.


yellow with small reddish brown dots, abaxial limb with 2 white patches (abaxial ridges), bilaterally symmetric, strongly bilabiate;

tube-throat funnelform, 8–10 mm, exserted beyond calyx margin;

limb expanded 7–10 mm, lobes obovate-oblong, apex rounded to rounded-cuneate.

yellow, dark red-spotted, bilaterally symmetric, bilabiate;

tube-throat broadly funnelform to cylindric-funnelform, 15–18 mm, exserted beyond calyx margin;

abaxial limb with deflexed-spreading lobes, adaxial with ascending lobes, palate partially closed.

Fruiting pedicels

divergent at nearly right angles, 20–50 mm, densely, minutely stipitate-glandular.

10–30(–40) mm, sparsely to moderately villous, hairs short, gland-tipped, sometimes hirtellous.

Fruiting calyces

greenish, ridge-angled, tubular, weakly inflated, 6–8 mm, margins distinctly toothed or lobed, densely, minutely stipitate-glandular, lobes pronounced, erect.

broadly campanulate, inflated, sagittally compressed, 7–15 mm, glabrous, minutely hirtellous, or stipitate-glandular, throat closing, proximalmost lobe pair upcurving, distalmost 3–5 mm, prominently protruding.


included, 5–8.5 mm.

included, 4–5 mm.


included, glabrous.

included, glabrous.


= 32.

Erythranthe washingtonensis

Erythranthe caespitosa

Phenology Flowering May–Sep. Flowering Jul–Sep.
Habitat Shallow basalt gravel in narrow channels and intermittent streams, sandy stream banks, open slopes, rocky shelves near seeps. Alpine meadows and slopes, stream banks, wet rocks in streams, wet crevices, talus.
Elevation 700–1300 m. (2300–4300 ft.) 1100–2000(–2300) m. (3600–6600(–7500) ft.)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]

Erythranthe washingtonensis is considered to be extirpated in Washington by the Washington Natural Heritage Program.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Erythranthe caespitosa is endemic to northwestern and central Washington (Cascade and Olympic mountains) and adjacent British Columbia (Cascades, Selkirk Mountains and Chilliwack Valley, Coast Mountains). The plants have consistently small leaves with subentire margins, and the stems are consistently procumbent to decumbent-ascending, usually forming matted colonies. Erythranthe caespitosa and E. tilingii appear to be sympatric in counties of northwestern Washington, but this needs to be verified in the field.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 17, p. 396. FNA vol. 17, p. 409.
Parent taxa Phrymaceae > Erythranthe Phrymaceae > Erythranthe
Sibling taxa
E. acutidens, E. alsinoides, E. ampliata, E. androsacea, E. arenaria, E. arenicola, E. arvensis, E. barbata, E. bicolor, E. brachystylis, E. breviflora, E. breweri, E. caespitosa, E. calcicola, E. calciphila, E. cardinalis, E. carsonensis, E. charlestonensis, E. chinatiensis, E. cinnabarina, E. corallina, E. cordata, E. decora, E. dentata, E. diffusa, E. discolor, E. eastwoodiae, E. erubescens, E. exigua, E. filicaulis, E. filicifolia, E. floribunda, E. gemmipara, E. geniculata, E. geyeri, E. glaucescens, E. gracilipes, E. grandis, E. grayi, E. guttata, E. hallii, E. hardhamiae, E. hymenophylla, E. inamoena, E. inconspicua, E. inflatula, E. jungermannioides, E. laciniata, E. latidens, E. lewisii, E. linearifolia, E. marmorata, E. michiganensis, E. microphylla, E. minor, E. montioides, E. moschata, E. nasuta, E. norrisii, E. nudata, E. palmeri, E. pardalis, E. parishii, E. parvula, E. patula, E. percaulis, E. primuloides, E. ptilota, E. pulsiferae, E. purpurea, E. regni, E. rhodopetra, E. rubella, E. scouleri, E. shevockii, E. sierrae, E. suksdorfii, E. taylorii, E. thermalis, E. tilingii, E. trinitiensis, E. unimaculata, E. utahensis, E. verbenacea, E. willisii
E. acutidens, E. alsinoides, E. ampliata, E. androsacea, E. arenaria, E. arenicola, E. arvensis, E. barbata, E. bicolor, E. brachystylis, E. breviflora, E. breweri, E. calcicola, E. calciphila, E. cardinalis, E. carsonensis, E. charlestonensis, E. chinatiensis, E. cinnabarina, E. corallina, E. cordata, E. decora, E. dentata, E. diffusa, E. discolor, E. eastwoodiae, E. erubescens, E. exigua, E. filicaulis, E. filicifolia, E. floribunda, E. gemmipara, E. geniculata, E. geyeri, E. glaucescens, E. gracilipes, E. grandis, E. grayi, E. guttata, E. hallii, E. hardhamiae, E. hymenophylla, E. inamoena, E. inconspicua, E. inflatula, E. jungermannioides, E. laciniata, E. latidens, E. lewisii, E. linearifolia, E. marmorata, E. michiganensis, E. microphylla, E. minor, E. montioides, E. moschata, E. nasuta, E. norrisii, E. nudata, E. palmeri, E. pardalis, E. parishii, E. parvula, E. patula, E. percaulis, E. primuloides, E. ptilota, E. pulsiferae, E. purpurea, E. regni, E. rhodopetra, E. rubella, E. scouleri, E. shevockii, E. sierrae, E. suksdorfii, E. taylorii, E. thermalis, E. tilingii, E. trinitiensis, E. unimaculata, E. utahensis, E. verbenacea, E. washingtonensis, E. willisii
Synonyms Mimulus washingtonensis Mimulus scouleri var. caespitosus, M. caespitosus, M. tilingii var. caespitosus
Name authority (Gandoger) G. L. Nesom: Phytoneuron 2012-39: 39. (2012) — (as washingtoniensis) (Greene) G. L. Nesom: Phytoneuron 2012-39: 43. (2012)
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