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primrose monkey-flower

Shasta limestone monkeyflower, Taylor's or Shasta limestone monkeyflower

Habit Perennials, rhizomatous or stoloniferous, mat-forming, rhizomes or stolons flagelliform. Annuals, filiform-taprooted.

erect to ascending, usually simple, 2–10(–20) cm, villous, internodes shortened.

erect, straight at nodes, simple or few-branched from base, 5–10 cm, sparsely eglandular-villous proximally, becoming sparsely short stipitate-glandular distally.


all basal or near basal, often rosulate;

petiole 0 mm;

blade palmately 3-veined, oblanceolate to elliptic-obovate, 7–40 × 4–12 mm, base cuneate to attenuate, margins entire, distally denticulate to dentate, or sharply serrate-dentate, apex acute to obtuse, abaxial surface glabrous, adaxial glabrous or glabrate to sparsely to densely long-villous, eglandular.

usually cauline, basal not persistent, largest at mid stem or basal and mid stem to nearly even-sized;

petiole 3–5(–8) mm;

blade often purple adaxially, palmately 3–5-veined, broadly ovate to elliptic-ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 4–20 × 4–12 mm, base rounded to truncate, margins serrate-dentate, teeth 2–4 per side, shallow, apex rounded to obtuse or acute, surfaces: distals moderately short-stipitate-glandular.


herkogamous, 1.

herkogamous, sometimes plesiogamous, 2–6(–8), from proximal to distal nodes.





yellow to orange-yellow, usually brown-spotted abaxially, base of each abaxial lobe usually with a larger reddish brown spot, bilaterally or nearly radially symmetric, weakly bilabiate or nearly regular, densely hirsute on abaxial side of opening;

tube-throat narrowly campanulate, 15–20 mm, exserted beyond calyx margin;

lobes broadly obovate-oblong, apex rounded- or truncate-notched, throat open, palate densely villous, abaxial ridges prominent.

yellow, throat ceiling sometimes red-spotted or -lined, abaxial limb yellow or with 1 or 2 red splotches, bilaterally symmetric, bilabiate;

tube-throat funnelform, 5–7 mm, exserted beyond calyx margin.

Fruiting pedicels

30–110(–130) mm, glabrous or sparsely stipitate-glandular near base.

divergent to arcuate-divergent, 6–13 mm.

Fruiting calyces

tubular-campanulate, weakly or not inflated, 6–8 mm, glabrous.

wing-angled, tubular-campanulate, 4–5 mm, margins distinctly toothed or lobed, densely invested with tiny, waxy-white, eglandular, papillose hairs between angles, lobes pronounced, erect.


included, 6–7 mm.

included, 3–4 mm.


slightly exserted, margins ciliate, glabrous.

included, glabrous.


= 34.

Erythranthe primuloides

Erythranthe taylorii

Phenology Flowering Jun–Aug. Flowering Feb–May.
Habitat Wet meadows, seeps, streamsides. Crevices in limestone cliff faces and outcrops.
Elevation 600–3400 m. (2000–11200 ft.) 900–1100 m. (3000–3600 ft.)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]

Flowers in Erythranthe primuloides and E. linearifolia characteristically appear to be scapose, but the scapes are pedicels arising from axils of greatly foreshortened stems. Occasionally in both species the internodes may lengthen somewhat, and the leaves are not so densely clustered at the base of the stems.

In northern Klamath, western Deschutes, and eastern Douglas counties, Oregon, an area within the range of typical populations, Erythranthe primuloides has distinctively large corollas (limbs 10–15 mm wide). Apparent clones of large-flowered and smaller-flowered plants sometimes grow in close proximity or even intermixed, appearing as two different entities.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Erythranthe taylorii is known only from the Shasta Lake region of northwestern Shasta County. Its broad, distinctly bilabiate corollas and ovate leaf blades with palmate venation are similar to those of species of the northern group of sect. Mimulosma, the "Columbia River clade" (J. B. Whittall et al. 2006) of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming, particularly to the Idaho endemic E. ampliata. Erythranthe taylorii is distinct from E. ampliata in its larger, papillose calyces, shorter fruiting pedicels, corollas with shorter tube-throats, and shorter capsules. Considerable corolla color variation exists in E. taylorii in the occurrence and density of red dots and lines on the throat ceiling and larger red splotches on the abaxial limb.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 17, p. 389. FNA vol. 17, p. 398.
Parent taxa Phrymaceae > Erythranthe Phrymaceae > Erythranthe
Sibling taxa
E. acutidens, E. alsinoides, E. ampliata, E. androsacea, E. arenaria, E. arenicola, E. arvensis, E. barbata, E. bicolor, E. brachystylis, E. breviflora, E. breweri, E. caespitosa, E. calcicola, E. calciphila, E. cardinalis, E. carsonensis, E. charlestonensis, E. chinatiensis, E. cinnabarina, E. corallina, E. cordata, E. decora, E. dentata, E. diffusa, E. discolor, E. eastwoodiae, E. erubescens, E. exigua, E. filicaulis, E. filicifolia, E. floribunda, E. gemmipara, E. geniculata, E. geyeri, E. glaucescens, E. gracilipes, E. grandis, E. grayi, E. guttata, E. hallii, E. hardhamiae, E. hymenophylla, E. inamoena, E. inconspicua, E. inflatula, E. jungermannioides, E. laciniata, E. latidens, E. lewisii, E. linearifolia, E. marmorata, E. michiganensis, E. microphylla, E. minor, E. montioides, E. moschata, E. nasuta, E. norrisii, E. nudata, E. palmeri, E. pardalis, E. parishii, E. parvula, E. patula, E. percaulis, E. ptilota, E. pulsiferae, E. purpurea, E. regni, E. rhodopetra, E. rubella, E. scouleri, E. shevockii, E. sierrae, E. suksdorfii, E. taylorii, E. thermalis, E. tilingii, E. trinitiensis, E. unimaculata, E. utahensis, E. verbenacea, E. washingtonensis, E. willisii
E. acutidens, E. alsinoides, E. ampliata, E. androsacea, E. arenaria, E. arenicola, E. arvensis, E. barbata, E. bicolor, E. brachystylis, E. breviflora, E. breweri, E. caespitosa, E. calcicola, E. calciphila, E. cardinalis, E. carsonensis, E. charlestonensis, E. chinatiensis, E. cinnabarina, E. corallina, E. cordata, E. decora, E. dentata, E. diffusa, E. discolor, E. eastwoodiae, E. erubescens, E. exigua, E. filicaulis, E. filicifolia, E. floribunda, E. gemmipara, E. geniculata, E. geyeri, E. glaucescens, E. gracilipes, E. grandis, E. grayi, E. guttata, E. hallii, E. hardhamiae, E. hymenophylla, E. inamoena, E. inconspicua, E. inflatula, E. jungermannioides, E. laciniata, E. latidens, E. lewisii, E. linearifolia, E. marmorata, E. michiganensis, E. microphylla, E. minor, E. montioides, E. moschata, E. nasuta, E. norrisii, E. nudata, E. palmeri, E. pardalis, E. parishii, E. parvula, E. patula, E. percaulis, E. primuloides, E. ptilota, E. pulsiferae, E. purpurea, E. regni, E. rhodopetra, E. rubella, E. scouleri, E. shevockii, E. sierrae, E. suksdorfii, E. thermalis, E. tilingii, E. trinitiensis, E. unimaculata, E. utahensis, E. verbenacea, E. washingtonensis, E. willisii
Synonyms Mimulus primuloides, M. nevadensis, M. pilosellus, M. primuloides var. minimus, M. primuloides var. pilosellus
Name authority (Bentham) G. L. Nesom & N. S. Fraga: Phytoneuron 2012-39: 35. (2012) G. L. Nesom: Phytoneuron 2013-43: 6, figs. 5–7. (2013) — (as taylori)
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