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giant helleborine, Mexican love grass, Orcutt's lovegrass

Rio Grande lovegrass

Habit Plants annual; cespitose, without innovations. Plants perennial; cespitose, with innovations and knotty bases, without rhizomes, not glandular.

10-130 cm, erect, sometimes geniculate, glabrous, sometimes with a ring of glandular depressions below the nodes.

50-90(120) cm, glabrous below the nodes.


sometimes with glandular pits, pilose near the apices and on the collars, hairs to 4 mm, papillose-based;

ligules 0.2-0.5 mm, ciliate;

blades 5-25 cm long, 2-7(9) mm wide, flat, abaxial surfaces glabrous, adaxial surfaces scabridulous, occasionally pubescent near the base.

villous and the hairs not papillose-based, or mostly glabrous, apices hairy, hairs to 5 mm, not papillose-based;

ligules 0.2-0.4 mm;

blades (14)20-35 cm long, 1-2.4 mm wide, involute, abaxial surfaces glabrous, adaxial surfaces scabridulous, sometimes sparsely hairy.


(5)10-40 cm long, (2)4-18 cm wide, ovate, rachises angled and channeled;

primary branches 3-12(15) cm, solitary to whorled, appressed or diverging to 80° from the rachises;

secondary branches somewhat appressed;

pulvini glabrous;

pedicels 1-6(7) mm, almost appressed to narrowly divergent, stiff.

12-40 cm long, 4-20 cm wide, oblong, open;

primary branches 2-20 cm, diverging 20-70° from the rachises, capillary;

pulvini glabrous or sparsely hairy;

pedicels (0.4)1-4(14) mm, appressed or diverging, only the terminal pedicels on each branch longer than 4 mm.


(4)5-10(11) mm long, 0.7-2.4 mm wide, ovate to linear-lanceolate, gray-green to purplish, with 5-11(15) florets;

disarticulation acropetal.

4-6(7.3) mm long, 1-2 mm wide, linear-lanceolate, plumbeous, with 5-12 florets;

disarticulation acropetal, paleas persistent.


subequal, 0.7-2(2.3) mm, ovate to lanceolate, membranous;

lemmas 1.2-2.4 mm, ovate, membranous, glabrous or with a few hairs, gray-green, lateral veins evident, often greenish, apices acute;

paleas 1-2.2 mm, hyaline, keels scabrous, apices obtuse to truncate;

anthers 3, 0.2-0.5 mm, purplish.

lanceolate to ovate, hyaline;

lower glumes 1.1-1.8 mm;

upper glumes 1.2-2.2 mm, exceeded by the basal lemmas;

lemmas 2-2.6 mm, ovate, membranous, hyaline towards the apices and margins, keels weak or strong, without glands, lateral veins from inconspicuous to conspicuous, apices acute;

paleas 1.7-2.4 mm, hyaline, bases not projecting beyond the lemmas, apices truncate, often notched;

anthers 3, 0.6-1.3 mm, yellowish to purplish.


0.5-0.8(1) mm, ovoid to rectangular-prismatic, laterally compressed, shallowly to deeply grooved on the adaxial surface, striate, reddish-brown, distal 2/3 opaque.

0.6-0.8 mm, rectangular-prismatic to subellipsoid, laterally compressed, with a well-developed adaxial groove, faintly striate, opaque, reddish-brown.


= 60.

= 40.

Eragrostis mexicana

Eragrostis palmeri

from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[BONAP county map]

Eragrostis mexicana grows along roadsides, near cultivated fields, and in disturbed open areas, at 100-3000 m. It is native to the Americas, its native range extending from the southwestern United States through Mexico, Central and northern South America, to Argentina. Within the Flora region, it has been introduced beyond its native range, often becoming an established part of the flora.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Eragrostis palmeri grows on rocky slopes and hills between 300-2150 m, generally in association with Pinus edulis, Juniperus monosperma, Bouteloua gracilis, and Prosopis. Its range extends from the southwestern United States into Mexico. It resembles E. erosa, but differs in its shorter lemmas and caryopses.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Spikelets ovate to oblong in outline, 1.5-2.4mm wide; lower glumes 1.2-2.3 mm long; sum of the spikelet width and lower glume length 2.7-4.7 mm; culms and sheaths sometimes with glandular depressions
subsp. mexicana
1. Spikelets linear to linear-lanceolate, 0.7-1.4 wide; lower glumes 0.7-1.7 mm long; sum of the spikelet width and lower glume length 1.5-3.1 mm; culms and sheaths without glandular depressions
subsp. virescens
Source FNA vol. 25, p. 78. FNA vol. 25, p. 93.
Parent taxa Poaceae > subfam. Chloridoideae > tribe Cynodonteae > Eragrostis Poaceae > subfam. Chloridoideae > tribe Cynodonteae > Eragrostis
Sibling taxa
E. airoides, E. amabilis, E. atrovirens, E. bahiensis, E. barrelieri, E. capillaris, E. cilianensis, E. ciliaris, E. cumingii, E. curtipedicellata, E. curvula, E. cylindriflora, E. echinochloidea, E. elliottii, E. elongata, E. erosa, E. frankii, E. gangetica, E. hirsuta, E. hypnoides, E. intermedia, E. japonica, E. lehmanniana, E. lugens, E. lutescens, E. minor, E. obtusiflora, E. palmeri, E. pectinacea, E. pilosa, E. plana, E. polytricha, E. prolifera, E. refracta, E. reptans, E. scaligera, E. secundiflora, E. sessilispica, E. setifolia, E. silveana, E. spectabilis, E. spicata, E. superba, E. swallenii, E. tef, E. trichodes, E. trichophora, E. unioloides
E. airoides, E. amabilis, E. atrovirens, E. bahiensis, E. barrelieri, E. capillaris, E. cilianensis, E. ciliaris, E. cumingii, E. curtipedicellata, E. curvula, E. cylindriflora, E. echinochloidea, E. elliottii, E. elongata, E. erosa, E. frankii, E. gangetica, E. hirsuta, E. hypnoides, E. intermedia, E. japonica, E. lehmanniana, E. lugens, E. lutescens, E. mexicana, E. minor, E. obtusiflora, E. pectinacea, E. pilosa, E. plana, E. polytricha, E. prolifera, E. refracta, E. reptans, E. scaligera, E. secundiflora, E. sessilispica, E. setifolia, E. silveana, E. spectabilis, E. spicata, E. superba, E. swallenii, E. tef, E. trichodes, E. trichophora, E. unioloides
Subordinate taxa
E. mexicana subsp. mexicana, E. mexicana subsp. virescens
Name authority (Hornem.) Link S. Watson
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