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bent spike-rush, Canada spikesedge, capitate spike-rush

small spikerush

Habit Plants tufted, without creeping rhizomes. Plants annual, tufted, often mat-forming, often stoloniferous, sometimes entirely vegetative; rhizomes absent.

to 45 cm × 0.2–1 mm.

erect, ascending or arching, quadrangular, sulcate, 1–13 cm × 0.1–0.3 mm, soft.


distal leaf sheaths persistent, firm, distally tightly sheathing, apex acute.

distal leaf sheaths persistent or disintegrating, red-brown, stramineous, green, or mottled red-brown, translucent, apex narrowly acute.


orbicular to ovoid, 1–9 × 1–4 mm, apex rounded to acute;

proximal scale without flower, not amplexicaulous;

floral scales to 125, 11–14 per mm of rachilla, tightly appressed, dark red-brown to stramineous, ovate to elliptic, 0.8–3 × 0.6–2(–2.3) mm, membranous to cartilaginous, apex rounded to acute.

basal spikelets often present, bisexual; often proliferous, ovoid or ellipsoid, laterally compressed when young, but terete at maturity, 2–7 × 1–2.6 mm, acute;

proximal scale empty, often persistent, amplexicaulous, similar to floral scales;

subproximal scale with a flower;

floral scales spirodistichous (superficially appearing ± spiraled), (4–)10–28, 6–9 per mm of rachilla, pale brown, mottled red-brown to purple, ovate or elliptic, 1.3–2.1 × 0.7–1 mm, membranous, midribs green and red-brown, prominent, apex rounded to obtuse.


perianth bristles (0–)4–8, typically 7, red-brown, rarely whitish, vestigial to much exceeding tubercle, typically equaling achene, spinules few to dense;

styles 2-fid.

perianth bristles 6, colorless, white, or stramineous, slightly shorter than to equaling achene, spinules retrorse, acute;

stamens 3;

anthers 0.4–0.5 mm;

styles 3-fid.


brown ripening to black, biconvex, orbicular to obpyriform, 0.5–1.1 × 0.3–0.7 mm, apex rarely constricted proximal to tubercle, very finely reticulate at 40X.

greenish or pale brown or red-brown, often clearly spotted greenish or red-brown, ellipsoid to obovoid, trigonous (or terete?), angles prominent (keeled), 0.6–0.8 × 0.4–0.5 mm, apex constricted proximal to tubercle, smooth.


stramineous to whitish, umbonate to subconic, 0.2–0.4 × 0.2–0.5 mm, apex rounded to acute.

red-brown, pyramidal, trigonous, 0.1–0.3 × 0.2–0.4 mm.


= 10.

Eleocharis geniculata

Eleocharis minima

Phenology Fruiting spring–winter (Mar–Dec). Fruiting mid spring–fall.
Habitat Brackish creeks, canal banks, dune depressions, hammocks, irrigation ditches, lakeshores, lagoons, mangrove thickets, maritime mud flats, ditches, salt marshes Freshwater, sandy and peaty shores of lakes, muddy areas
Elevation 0–1500 m (0–4900 ft) 0–400 m (0–1300 ft)
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FL; MD; TX; Mexico; South America; West Indies; Central America (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama)
[BONAP county map]

The name Eleocharis caribaea (Rottbøll) S. F. Blake is considered by most contemporary authorities to be misapplied (K. L. Wilson 1990). Eleocharis geniculata has been reported from South Carolina; I have not seen a voucher.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Eleocharis minima is most often confused with E. bicolor and E. baldwinii (see comments under 33. E. bicolor). Although floral scales in E. minima often superficially appear to be spirally disposed, in reality they are spirodistichous, ± decussate, while in E. baldwinii they are strictly distichous in one plane. The number of floral scales per millimeter is much greater in E. minima than in E. baldwinii.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 23, p. 101. FNA vol. 23, p. 97.
Parent taxa Cyperaceae > Eleocharis > subg. Eleocharis > sect. Eleogenus > ser. Maculosae Cyperaceae > Eleocharis > subg. Eleocharis > sect. Eleocharis > ser. Tenuissimae
Sibling taxa
E. acicularis, E. aestuum, E. albida, E. ambigens, E. atropurpurea, E. baldwinii, E. bella, E. bernardina, E. bicolor, E. bifida, E. bolanderi, E. brachycarpa, E. brittonii, E. cancellata, E. cellulosa, E. coloradoensis, E. compressa, E. cylindrica, E. decumbens, E. diandra, E. elliptica, E. elongata, E. engelmannii, E. equisetoides, E. erythropoda, E. fallax, E. flavescens, E. intermedia, E. interstincta, E. kamtschatica, E. lanceolata, E. macrostachya, E. mamillata, E. melanocarpa, E. microcarpa, E. minima, E. montana, E. montevidensis, E. nana, E. nigrescens, E. nitida, E. obtusa, E. obtusetrigona, E. occulta, E. ovata, E. pachycarpa, E. palustris, E. parishii, E. parvula, E. quadrangulata, E. quinqueflora, E. radicans, E. ravenelii, E. retroflexa, E. reverchonii, E. robbinsii, E. rostellata, E. suksdorfiana, E. tenuis, E. torticulmis, E. tortilis, E. tricostata, E. tuberculosa, E. uniglumis, E. vivipara, E. wolfii
E. acicularis, E. aestuum, E. albida, E. ambigens, E. atropurpurea, E. baldwinii, E. bella, E. bernardina, E. bicolor, E. bifida, E. bolanderi, E. brachycarpa, E. brittonii, E. cancellata, E. cellulosa, E. coloradoensis, E. compressa, E. cylindrica, E. decumbens, E. diandra, E. elliptica, E. elongata, E. engelmannii, E. equisetoides, E. erythropoda, E. fallax, E. flavescens, E. geniculata, E. intermedia, E. interstincta, E. kamtschatica, E. lanceolata, E. macrostachya, E. mamillata, E. melanocarpa, E. microcarpa, E. montana, E. montevidensis, E. nana, E. nigrescens, E. nitida, E. obtusa, E. obtusetrigona, E. occulta, E. ovata, E. pachycarpa, E. palustris, E. parishii, E. parvula, E. quadrangulata, E. quinqueflora, E. radicans, E. ravenelii, E. retroflexa, E. reverchonii, E. robbinsii, E. rostellata, E. suksdorfiana, E. tenuis, E. torticulmis, E. tortilis, E. tricostata, E. tuberculosa, E. uniglumis, E. vivipara, E. wolfii
Synonyms Scirpus geniculatus, E. capitata, E. caribaea, E. dispar Chaetocyperus jamesonii, Chaetocyperus polymorphus, Chaetocyperus viviparus, E. durandii, E. jamesonii, E. minima var. ambigua, E. oropuchensis, E. savannarum, E. subtilis, E. tenuissima, E. villaricensis, E. wrightiana, Isolepis ambigua
Name authority (Linnaeus) Roemer & Schultes: in J. J. Roemer et al., Syst. Veg. 2: 150. (1817) Kunth: Enum. Pl. 2: 139. (1837)
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