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bent spike-rush, Canada spikesedge, capitate spike-rush

spike-rush, spikesedge, éléocharide

Habit Plants tufted, without creeping rhizomes. Herbs, annual or perennial, usually cespitose, often rhizomatous, sometimes stoloniferous; rhizomes rarely with terminal tubers or bulbs, horizontal and long or ascending and caudexlike.

to 45 cm × 0.2–1 mm.

sometimes solitary, terete, 3–5-angled or more, or strongly compressed in cross section, spongy with internal air cavities and incomplete transverse septa or sometimes hollow with complete transverse septa.


distal leaf sheaths persistent, firm, distally tightly sheathing, apex acute.

basal, 2 per culm;

ligules absent;

blades absent or a mucro or awn (tooth) at apex of sheath, very rarely flattened, to 6 cm.



spikelet 1;

involucral bracts absent, rarely a proximal scale of spikelet resembling short bract.


orbicular to ovoid, 1–9 × 1–4 mm, apex rounded to acute;

proximal scale without flower, not amplexicaulous;

floral scales to 125, 11–14 per mm of rachilla, tightly appressed, dark red-brown to stramineous, ovate to elliptic, 0.8–3 × 0.6–2(–2.3) mm, membranous to cartilaginous, apex rounded to acute.

scales 4–500 or more, spirally or rarely distichously arranged, each subtending flower or proximal 1–2(–3) empty, stramineous (straw-brown) to medium brown or red brown or blackish brown.


perianth bristles (0–)4–8, typically 7, red-brown, rarely whitish, vestigial to much exceeding tubercle, typically equaling achene, spinules few to dense;

styles 2-fid.


perianth of (0–)3–6(–10) bristles, straight or curved, shorter than to 2 times longer than achene, retrorsely (to antrorsely) spinulose or sometimes smooth;

stamens 1–3;

styles linear, 2–3-fid, base (tubercle) usually persistent, usually enlarged, usually different in appearance from achene.


brown ripening to black, biconvex, orbicular to obpyriform, 0.5–1.1 × 0.3–0.7 mm, apex rarely constricted proximal to tubercle, very finely reticulate at 40X.

biconvex, plano-convex, or trigonous to subterete.


stramineous to whitish, umbonate to subconic, 0.2–0.4 × 0.2–0.5 mm, apex rounded to acute.


= 10.

Eleocharis geniculata


Phenology Fruiting spring–winter (Mar–Dec).
Habitat Brackish creeks, canal banks, dune depressions, hammocks, irrigation ditches, lakeshores, lagoons, mangrove thickets, maritime mud flats, ditches, salt marshes
Elevation 0–1500 m (0–4900 ft)
from FNA
AL; AZ; CA; FL; GA; IL; IN; LA; MI; MS; NE; NM; NV; OH; OK; PA; TX; ON; Mexico; Central America; South America; West Indies; Bermuda; Asia; Africa; Pacific Islands
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from USDA
[BONAP county map]

The name Eleocharis caribaea (Rottbøll) S. F. Blake is considered by most contemporary authorities to be misapplied (K. L. Wilson 1990). Eleocharis geniculata has been reported from South Carolina; I have not seen a voucher.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Species ca. 200 (67 in the flora).

The name of the genus has sometimes been given as Heleocharis Lestibudois; this is now regarded as an orthographic variant of Eleocharis.

Eleocharis dulcis (Burman f.) Trinius ex Henschel is sometimes cultivated for its edible tubers. Some species are weeds in rice fields, mostly extraterritorially. Almost all species are restricted to wetlands, often emergent, and sometimes submerged aquatic.

No recent comprehensive worldwide taxonomic treatment of Eleocharis is available. The treatment herein is based mostly on the extensive studies by H. K. Svenson (1929, 1932, 1934, 1937, 1939, 1947, 1957), which were mostly restricted to species of North America. Classification of Eleocharis is unusually difficult because relatively few macroscopic characters are provided by the simple structure characteristic of the genus (only two leaves, basal, without blades or with only rudimentary blades, and unbranched aerial stems, each with a single terminal spikelet and without an involucral bract). Undoubtedly much evolutionary convergence has occurred in most vegetative and reproductive structures (M. S. González-E. and J. A. Tena-F. 2000; E. H. Roalson and E. A. Friar 2000).

North American Eleocharis includes some extremely difficult species complexes that need taxonomic revision: (1) The E. palustris complex (species 1–7) is discussed under 1. E. palustris. (2) The E. tenuis complex (species 16–21) is discussed under 21. E. tenuis. (3) The four species (species 57–60) of 8c. Eleocharis subg. Zinserlingia that occur in North America belong to the E. quinqueflora (= E. pauciflora) complex, discussed under subg. Zinserlingia. (4) All six species of 8a2b. E. ser. Ovatae (species 42–47) constitute a complex discussed under ser. Ovatae.

The supraspecific classification of Eleocharis used here is that of M. S. González-E. and P. M. Peterson (1997), which was based on a study of most species worldwide. Other recent classifications are based on more or less regional studies (H. K. Svenson 1957; T. V. Egorova 1981; I. Kukkonen 1990). A study using limited DNA data from 30 species (E. H. Roalson and E. A. Friar 2000), mostly from North America, indicates that the following supraspecific taxa are probably monophyletic: 8a2a. ser. Maculosae, 8a2b. ser. Ovatae, and 8d. subg. Limnochloa, whereas the following taxa are probably para- or polyphyletic: 8a1. sect. Eleocharis, 8a1a. ser. Eleocharis, 8a1d. ser. Tenuissimae, and 8a2. sect. Eleogenus.

Users of this treatment should be aware of the following: culms that are smooth when fresh are often ridged when dry; culms of pressed specimens are often flattened and must be carefully rehydrated and sectioned to determine the original cross-section shape; culm widths given here are usually for culms pressed flat; floral scale widths are measured on flattened scales or by doubling the width measured on scales folded along the midrib; and achene length does not include the tubercle, which is often included in descriptions published elsewhere. In this treatment, I describe the tubercle (style base) after the achene in consecutive sentences to stress the separate nature of the two structures.

Some species, mostly of 8a1d. Eleocharis ser. Tenuissimae, often proliferate from spikelets, often on arching or horizontal culms, especially when growing as submerged or floating aquatics. Because many such plants reproduce entirely asexually and have no normal spikelets or achenes, it is often impossible to identify them to species. The invalid name E. prolifera Torrey has sometimes been used for these plants. Species of ser. Tenuissimae in which the spikelets may be proliferous and which are easily confused with each other are E. baldwinii, E. brittonii, E. microcarpa, E. nana, E. retroflexa, and E. vivipara. Aquatic forms of at least some of those species are very hard to distinguish from Websteria confervoides (Poiret) S. S. Hooper. Other species in which the spikelets often poliferate or the culm tips root are E. pachycarpa of ser. Tenuissimae, E. melanocarpa of 8a1b. ser. Melanocarpae, and E. rostellata of 8a1c. ser. Rostellatae. When submersed, plants of E. acicularis of 8b. subg. Scirpidium and E. elongata and E. robbinsii of 8d. subg. Limnochloa may be entirely vegetative, the latter two species sometimes forming whorls of flaccid stems without spikelets.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)


Key to the subgenera of Eleocharis

1. Spikelet scales with 15+ prominent to obscure, close, longitudinal veins running length of scale; achenes markedly (to obscurely) sculptured at 10–15X, with 10–40 longitudinal rows of enlarged, horizontally elongated or isodiametric cells that are not distinctly depressed; spikelets cylindric to narrowly ellipsoid, (6–)9–76 mm, often as wide as culms; culms often hollow with complete transverse septa.
subg. Limnochloa
1. Spikelet scales with 1 vein (midrib) or rarely to 10 widely spaced longitudinal veins; achenes smooth to markedly sculptured at 10X, if with longitudinal rows of enlarged cells at 10X then cells distinctly depressed; spikelets mostly ovoid, seldom cylindric or narrowly ellipsoid, rarely as wide as culms; culms rarely hollow with complete transverse septa.
→ 2
2. Achenes with 9–13 longitudinal rows of fine horizontal ridges (trabeculae) between much more prominent longitudinal ridges and achene angles, trigonous or nearly circular in cross section; spikelets with proximal scale subtending flower; distal leaf sheaths thinly membranous-hyaline, often disintegrating; culms to 1.5 mm wide, spongy.
subg. Scirpidium
2. Achenes without longitudinal rows of fine horizontal ridges, biconvex to trigonous or nearly circular in cross section; spikelets with proximal scale subtending flower or not (empty); distal leaf sheaths papery to thinly membranous-hyaline, persistent or disintegrating; culms to 5 mm wide.
→ 3
3. Proximal internodes of rachillae thicker and shorter than internodes in middle of spikelet; spikelet scales 4–12 per spikelet; rhizomes present, often with terminal bulb; achenes usually distally narrowed into thick beaklike region, smooth or finely longitudinally ridged or reticulate at 10–20X, 1.5–2.7 mm; tubercles often similar to and merging with achene apex in color, texture, and form.
subg. Zinserlingia
3. Proximal internodes of rachillae as thick and long as internodes in middle of spikelet; spikelet scales 5–500+ per spikelet; rhizomes present or absent, without bulb, sometimes (in 8a3. sect. Parvulae) with terminal tuber; achenes rarely distally narrowed into thick beaklike region, never finely longitudinally ridged, smooth or variously sculptured at 10–20X, 0.4–2 mm; tubercles clearly different from achene apex in color, texture, and form and not merging with achene apex, or rarely similar to and merging with achene apex (in 8a1c. ser. Rostellatae and 8a3. sect. Parvulae).
subg. Eleocharis
Source FNA vol. 23, p. 101. FNA vol. 23, p. 60. Authors: S. Galen Smith*, Jeremy J. Bruhl*, M. Socorro González-Elizondo*, Francis J. Menapace*.
Parent taxa Cyperaceae > Eleocharis > subg. Eleocharis > sect. Eleogenus > ser. Maculosae Cyperaceae
Sibling taxa
E. acicularis, E. aestuum, E. albida, E. ambigens, E. atropurpurea, E. baldwinii, E. bella, E. bernardina, E. bicolor, E. bifida, E. bolanderi, E. brachycarpa, E. brittonii, E. cancellata, E. cellulosa, E. coloradoensis, E. compressa, E. cylindrica, E. decumbens, E. diandra, E. elliptica, E. elongata, E. engelmannii, E. equisetoides, E. erythropoda, E. fallax, E. flavescens, E. intermedia, E. interstincta, E. kamtschatica, E. lanceolata, E. macrostachya, E. mamillata, E. melanocarpa, E. microcarpa, E. minima, E. montana, E. montevidensis, E. nana, E. nigrescens, E. nitida, E. obtusa, E. obtusetrigona, E. occulta, E. ovata, E. pachycarpa, E. palustris, E. parishii, E. parvula, E. quadrangulata, E. quinqueflora, E. radicans, E. ravenelii, E. retroflexa, E. reverchonii, E. robbinsii, E. rostellata, E. suksdorfiana, E. tenuis, E. torticulmis, E. tortilis, E. tricostata, E. tuberculosa, E. uniglumis, E. vivipara, E. wolfii
Subordinate taxa
E. subg. Eleocharis, E. subg. Limnochloa, E. subg. Scirpidium, E. subg. Zinserlingia
Synonyms Scirpus geniculatus, E. capitata, E. caribaea, E. dispar Scirpus unranked E.
Name authority (Linnaeus) Roemer & Schultes: in J. J. Roemer et al., Syst. Veg. 2: 150. (1817) R. Brown: Prodr., 224. (1810)
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