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awn barnyard grass, barnyard grass, common barnyard grass, echinochloa pied-de-coq, large barnyard-grass, or large barnyard grass

creeping river grass

Habit Plants annual. Plants perennial; not rhizomatous.

30-200 cm, spreading, decumbent or stiffly erect;

nodes usually glabrous or the lower nodes puberulent.

1-2 m tall, to 1 cm thick, erect or decumbent and rooting at the lower nodes, upper portion sometimes floating distally;

nodes glabrous or antrorsely villous.



ligules absent, ligule region sometimes pubescent;

blades to 65 cm long, 5-30 mm wide, usually glabrous, occasionally sparsely hirsute.

mostly glabrous, minutely puberulent, or hispid, hairs papillose-based, throat hispid;

ligules present on the lower leaves, 1-5 mm, of stiff hairs;

blades 15-70 cm long, 5-13 mm wide, glabrous.


5-25 cm, with few-many papillose-based hairs at or below the nodes of the primary axes, hairs sometimes longer than the spikelets;

primary branches 1.5-10 cm, erect to spreading, longer branches with short, inconspicuous secondary branches, axes scabrous, sometimes also sparsely hispid, hairs to 5 mm, papillose-based.

13-45 cm, erect, rachis nodes hispid, hairs 3-6.5 mm, papillose-based, internodes scabrous;

primary branches 4-10 cm, subverticillate, ascending, nodes hispid, hairs 2.5-4 mm, papillose-based, internodes scabrous;

secondary branches short, spikelets subsessile, in clusters.


2.5-4 mm long, 1.1-2.3 mm wide, disarticulating at maturity.

4-7 mm, hispid, hairs appressed, disarticulating at maturity.

Lower glumes

at least 1/2 as long as the spikelets;

lower florets staminate;

lower lemmas apiculate or awned, awns to 18 mm;

lower paleas subequal to the lower lemmas, often purple;

anthers of lower florets 1.5-3.6 mm, orange;

upper lemmas 2.5-5 mm, elliptic or narrowly ovate, apices obtuse, with a membranous, soon-withering tip;

anthers of upper florets shorter than those of the lower florets.

Upper glumes

about as long as the spikelets;

lower florets sterile;

lower lemmas unawned to awned, sometimes varying within a branch, awns to 50 mm;

lower paleas subequal to the lemmas;

upper lemmas broadly ovate to elliptical, coriaceous portion rounded distally, passing abruptly into an early-withering, acuminate, membranous tip that is further demarcated from the coriaceous portion by a line of minute hairs (use 25x magnification);

anthers 0.5-1 mm.


1.3-2.2 mm long, 1-1.8 mm wide, ovoid or oblong, brownish;

embryos 59-86% as long as the caryopses.

to 3 mm.


= 54.

= 54.

Echinochloa crus-galli

Echinochloa polystachya

from USDA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[BONAP county map]

Echinochloa crus-galli is a Eurasian species that is now widely established in the Flora region, where it grows in moist, disturbed sites, including rice fields. Some North American taxonomists have interpreted E. crus-galli much more widely; others treat it as here, but recognize several infraspecific taxa based on such characters as trichome length and abundance, and awn length. There are several ecological and physiological ecotypes within the species, but the correlation between these and the species' morphological variation has not been established, so no infraspecific taxa are recognized here.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Echinochloa polystachya grows in coastal marshes, often in standing water, from Texas, Louisiana, and Florida south through Mexico and the Caribbean islands to Argentina. Two varieties exist. Echinochloa polystachya var. polystachya has glabrous culms and leaf sheaths; Echinochloa polystachya var. spectabilis (Nees ex Trin.) Mart. Crov. has swollen, pubescent cauline nodes and pubescent leaf sheaths.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 25, p. 400. FNA vol. 25, p. 394.
Parent taxa Poaceae > subfam. Panicoideae > tribe Paniceae > Echinochloa Poaceae > subfam. Panicoideae > tribe Paniceae > Echinochloa
Sibling taxa
E. colona, E. crus-pavonis, E. esculenta, E. frumentacea, E. muricata, E. oplismenoides, E. oryzicola, E. oryzoides, E. paludigena, E. polystachya, E. pyramidalis, E. walteri
E. colona, E. crus-galli, E. crus-pavonis, E. esculenta, E. frumentacea, E. muricata, E. oplismenoides, E. oryzicola, E. oryzoides, E. paludigena, E. pyramidalis, E. walteri
Name authority (L.) P. Beauv (Kunth) Hitchc.
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