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rigid didymodon moss

Habit Plants usually blackish green. Plants green, often blackish.

leaves spreading-incurved and twisted to incurved-appressed when dry, spreading to spreading-recurved and not keeled when moist, monomorphic, short-lanceolate or sometimes short-ovate to long-elliptic, broadly concave adaxially across leaf, usually 1–2.5 mm, base scarcely differentiated in shape to ovate, margins usually recurved at mid leaf, entire, apex broadly acute or occasionally narrowly so, not fragile;

costa percurrent or ending a few cells below the apex, broader at mid leaf, occasionally weakly spurred, with a low adaxial pad of cells, adaxial costal cells quadrate, 4–6 cells wide at mid leaf, guide cells in 1–2 layers;

basal laminal cells differentiated medially or across leaf, quadrate to short-rectangular, walls very thin and not perforated;

distal laminal cells 7–12 wide, 1:1 or occasionally transversely elongate below, papillae usually distinct, low or simple to 2-fid, occasionally absent, lumens oval to rounded-quadrate, walls thin to evenly thickened, convex on both sides of lamina, 2-stratose in one or more rows along margins.

leaves appressed-incurved to weakly spreading when dry, spreading or not and not keeled when moist, monomorphic, long-ligulate, ovate-lanceolate, elliptic-lanceolate or long-lanceolate, broadly channeled across leaf or occasionally somewhat channeled along costa, 0.8–1.7(–3) mm, base scarcely differentiated to ovate, margins recurved in proximal 1/4–3/4, entire, apex acute to subulate, occasionally fragile;

costa percurrent to excurrent as a long, thick, blunt subula, not much widened or tapering through the leaf, not strongly spurred, lacking a bulging adaxial pad of cells, adaxial costal cells quadrate, in (2–)3–4(–5) rows, guide cells in a single layer;

basal laminal cells weakly differentiated medially, rectangular, walls thin to evenly thickened, proximal maginal cells little differentiated;

distal laminal cells mostly 8–11 µm wide, 1:1, papillae absent or simple or occasionally 2-fid, lumens oval to rounded-quadrate, walls evenly thickened, moderately bulging on both sides or only abaxially, sometimes 2-stratose marginally or at apex of leaf, or throughout lamina.


0.7–1 cm.

0.7–1.7 cm.


1–1.9 mm;

peristome teeth 32, linear, weakly twisted, to 600 µm, occasionally rudimentary.

1–2 mm;

peristome teeth 32 or 16 cleft to base or rudimentary or occasionally absent, filamentous or long-triangular, straight or weakly twisted, to 740 µm.


11–15 µm.

9–12 µm.


asexual reproduction by multicellular tubers on proximal rhizoids.

asexual reproduction by axillary, ovate to elliptic, multicellular gemmae.


laminal KOH reaction variously negative or yellow- or orange- or red-brown.

laminal KOH reaction yellow- or red-orange.

Didymodon australasiae

Didymodon rigidulus

Phenology Capsules mature winter–spring.
Habitat Soil, gypsum, acid rock, ledges, sandstone, silt
Elevation moderate to high elevations (300-2000 m) [moderate to high elevations (1000-6600 ft)]
from FNA
AZ; CA; CO; NM; NV; OR; TX; Mexico; Central America; South America; Europe; n Africa; s Africa; Pacific Islands (New Zealand); Australia
North America; Mexico; s South America; Eurasia; n Africa
[WildflowerSearch map]

In North American Didymodon, hydroids are found in the costae of D. anserinocapitatus, D. australasiae, D. nevadensis, D. norrisii, D. umbrosus, D. revolutus, and D. vinealis, and in these species the adaxial stereid band is usually absent in well developed specimens. Intergrades exist between D. australasiae and D. umbrosus, but the extreme forms are common and quite distinctive.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Varieties 6 (5 in the flora).

Didymodon rigidulus in the broad sense, as emended by R. H. Zander (1981b) is polymorphic, with several varieties distinguished by fairly good correlations of combinations of characters. Specimens of intermediate morphology that are not clearly assignable to any one variety may be identified as D. rigidulus in the broad sense. Although some authors use the presence of axillary gemmae as diagnostic of the typical variety, other varieties, notably var. gracilis, may occasionally have them. Such gemmae are also found in other species, especially those of the D. vinealis complex. Didymodon vinealis may have 2-stratose distal laminal cells, and should be carefully distinguished.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Lamina 2-stratose in distal 1/2-3/4
var. subulatus
1. Lamina 1-stratose or 2-stratose only at the extreme leaf apex or on the distal margins
→ 2
2. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, elliptic-lanceolate or occasionally long-triangular; costa usually short-excurrent and blunt; apex and distal margins generally 2-stratose; gemmae often present
var. rigidulus
2. Leaves short-lanceolate to lanceolate; costa percurrent to long-excurrent, usually sharp; distal margins 1-stratose or less commonly 2-stratose in patches; gemmae usually absent
→ 3
3. Plants flagellate, leaves strongly appressed when dry, linear-lanceolate; costa long-excurrent
var. ditrichoides
3. Plants thickly leaved, leaves appressed to spreading when dry, short-lanceolate to long-lanceolate; costa percurrent to long-excurrent
→ 4
4. Leaves short- to long-lanceolate; base evenly broadened, square or rectangular; costa usually percurrent to short-excurrent as a rigid subula, seldom-excurrent; distal cells generally papillose, oval or rounded-quadrate; proximal cells short-rectangular; gemmae occasionally present
var. gracilis
4. Leaves long-lanceolate; base abruptly broadened, ovate; costa usually long-excurrent as a straight or flexuose, often fragile subula; distal cells usually smooth, usually angular; proximal cells usually quadrate; gemmae very rare
var. icmadophilus
Source FNA vol. 27, p. 547. FNA vol. 27, p. 543.
Parent taxa Pottiaceae > subfam. Barbuloideae > Didymodon Pottiaceae > subfam. Barbuloideae > Didymodon
Sibling taxa
D. anserinocapitatus, D. asperifolius, D. bistratosus, D. brachyphyllus, D. eckeliae, D. fallax, D. ferrugineus, D. giganteus, D. johansenii, D. leskeoides, D. maschalogena, D. maximus, D. murrayae, D. nevadensis, D. nicholsonii, D. nigrescens, D. norrisii, D. perobtusus, D. revolutus, D. rigidulus, D. subandreaeoides, D. tectorum, D. tophaceus, D. umbrosus, D. vinealis
D. anserinocapitatus, D. asperifolius, D. australasiae, D. bistratosus, D. brachyphyllus, D. eckeliae, D. fallax, D. ferrugineus, D. giganteus, D. johansenii, D. leskeoides, D. maschalogena, D. maximus, D. murrayae, D. nevadensis, D. nicholsonii, D. nigrescens, D. norrisii, D. perobtusus, D. revolutus, D. subandreaeoides, D. tectorum, D. tophaceus, D. umbrosus, D. vinealis
Subordinate taxa
D. rigidulus var. ditrichoides, D. rigidulus var. gracilis, D. rigidulus var. icmadophilus, D. rigidulus var. rigidulus, D. rigidulus var. subulatus
Synonyms Tortula australasiae, D. diaphanobasis, Husnotiella torquescens, Trichostomopsis australasiae, Trichostomopsis brevifolia, Trichostomopsis diaphanobasis, Trichostomopsis fayae Barbula rigidula
Name authority (Hooker & Greville) R. H. Zander: Phytologia 41: 21. (1978) Hedwig: Sp. Musc. Frond., 104. 1801 (as rigidulum),
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