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curly thatch-moss, dicranoweisia moss

dicranoweisia moss, mountain pincushion, mountain thatch-moss


crisped and incurved when dry, margins plane to narrowly incurved or recurved at middle, 1-stratose except on margins in distal half, cells smooth;

alar cells undifferentiated.

crisped and curled when dry, plane in many leaves, 2-stratose in distal 1/2, cells with longitudinal striolae in distal 1/2 of leaf; usually a few alar cells enlarged on margins, often colored.


with annulus of 1–3 rows of somewhat separating cells;

peristome smooth basally, papillose distally.

without differentiated annulus;

peristome vertically striolate basally, weakly papillose distally.


asexual reproduction frequent, multicellular gemmae frequent on abaxial surface of leaves.

asexual reproduction absent.

Dicranoweisia cirrata

Dicranoweisia crispula

Phenology Capsules mature late fall–winter. Capsules mature spring–early summer.
Habitat Forming short turf or tufts on tree trunks and decorticated logs, rarely in rock crevices Forming cushions on siliceous rock or gravel, occasionally epiphytic or epixylic
Elevation 1-1900 m [0-6200 ft] 10-2000 m [30-6600 ft]
from FNA
AK; AZ; CA; ID; MT; OR; WA; BC; Asia; n Africa
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AK; AZ; CA; CO; ID; ME; MI; MT; NC; NH; NM; NV; OR; SD; TN; UT; WA; WY; AB; BC; MB; NB; NF; NS; NU; ON; QC; YT; Greenland; Asia
[WildflowerSearch map]

Dicranoweisia crispula is an extremely variable species. In stature the plants vary 1–6 cm, while the leaf length varies 1–3.5 mm. The capsules vary considerably from cylindric to short-elliptic, with the length ranging 0.5–2 mm. The shape and sheathing of the perichaetial leaves is also variable. Although this species is autoicous, sex organs are often absent, especially in terrestrial plants, with sporophytes correspondingly infrequent. Differentiation of alar cells is often weak in North American material and the striolation can also be weak, and is best observed on cells adjacent to the costa. This species is widespread mainly at higher elevations in western North America, but sporadic in the eastern part of the continent, again occurring mainly at higher elevations.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 27, p. 396. FNA vol. 27, p. 396.
Parent taxa Dicranaceae > Dicranoweisia Dicranaceae > Dicranoweisia
Sibling taxa
D. crispula
D. cirrata
Synonyms Weissia cirrata Weissia crispula, D. crispula var. compacta, D. contermina, D. roellii, Trichostomum alpinum, Weissia compacta
Name authority (Hedwig) Lindberg: in C. Milde, Bryol. Siles., 49. (1869) (Hedwig) Milde: Bryol. Siles., 49. (1869)
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