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silverleaf ponysfoot


sparsely to densely sericeous.


petiole 5–35 mm;

blade suborbiculate, 8–20 × 7–19 mm, surfaces: abaxial densely sericeous, hairs silvery gray, adaxial sparsely sericeous to glabrate, hairs green.


5–35 mm, straight to curved or nodding, not notably recurved near tips.


sepals 1.5(–2.5) mm at anthesis, to 3.3 mm in fruit;

corolla yellow-green, 1.5(–2) mm.


notably 2-lobed, 2–3.5 × 1.8–2.5 mm, lobes separating, each valvately dehiscent.

Dichondra sericea

Phenology Flowering: Mar–Dec [year-round].
Habitat Disturbed sites, oak woodlands, sandy soils.
Elevation 500–1300 m. (1600–4300 ft.)
from FNA
AZ; Mexico; Central America; South America; West Indies
[BONAP county map]
Source FNA vol. 14.
Parent taxa Convolvulaceae > Dichondra
Sibling taxa
D. argentea, D. brachypoda, D. carolinensis, D. donelliana, D. micrantha, D. occidentalis, D. recurvata
Synonyms D. repens var. sericea
Name authority Swartz: Prodr., 54. (1788)
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