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wild tantan

wild tantan

Habit Herbs, prostrate to decumbent, much-branched from base, to 1.5 dm, not woody at base; taproot cylindric, bark brown. Herbs, prostrate to decumbent, much-branched from base, to 3 dm, not woody at base; taproot napiform, bark red, corky.

glabrous or sparsely pubescent with short white hairs along ribs, glabrescent.

densely to sparsely pubescent with short white hairs along ribs, glabrescent.


1–3[–6.5] cm;

stipules persistent, 2.1–9 mm, with membranous, prominently veined auricle opposite petiole, glabrous or pubescent;

petiole 1–5 mm;

pinnae 2–5 pairs;

nectary present, sessile, crateriform, interpinnal between proximal pair of pinnae;

leaflets 22–46, blades 2.7–7 mm, venation obscure except for eccentric midvein, surfaces glabrous.

1–4 cm;

stipules persistent, 2.5–6 mm, with prominently veined auricles, one developed into a tooth curved under pulvinus, pubescent, hairs white, relatively long;

petiole 3–6 mm;

pinnae 2–4 pairs;

nectary usually present, sessile, crateriform or flattened, between proximal pair of pinnae;

leaflets 14–24, blades 3–5.5 mm, venation obscure except eccentric midvein, surfaces glaucous, glabrous.


0.6–4 cm, 1–5.2 cm in fruit.

0.6–2 cm, 1–2 cm in fruit.


stamens 10;

staminodia 1.5–7.5 mm;

style not exserted beyond stamens.

stamens 10;

staminodia 6–8 mm;

style slightly exserted beyond stamens.


reddish brown to nearly black, straight or weakly falcate, linear, not constricted between seeds, dehiscent along both sutures, 2.2–6[–8.8] cm × 2.5–4 mm, apex acute to attenuate.

brown to nearly black, ± falcate, linear-oblong, not constricted between seeds, dehiscent along both sutures, 2.7–5 cm × 2.5–4.5 mm, apex apiculate with beak 1–4 mm.


1 per axil, 3–22-flowered, sometimes only bisexual flowers present;

sterile flowers 0–8 per head;

staminate and bisexual flowers 3–14 per head.

1 per axil, 6–12-flowered;

sterile flowers 0–3 per head;

staminate and bisexual flowers 5–10 per head.


= 28.

= 28.

Desmanthus virgatus

Desmanthus acuminatus

Phenology Flowering and fruiting Apr–Nov. Flowering and fruiting Apr–May.
Habitat Railroad tracks, pastures, roadsides, along city streets, coastal thickets, beaches. Post-oak or juniper woodlands, prairies, roadsides.
Elevation 0–1000 m. (0–3300 ft.) 60–800 m. (200–2600 ft.)
from FNA
FL; LA; TX; Mexico; Central America; South America; West Indies
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
TX; South America (Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay)
[BONAP county map]

Desmanthus virgatus was the umbrella species in the genus for any taxon with inconspicuous flowers and unspecialized legumes; D. acuminatus, D. brevipes, and D. glandulosus have at times been considered varieties of this species, and D. leptophyllus and D. pernambucanus were synonymized with it in the tropics. The confusion is understandable because species differ in characteristics that may be difficult to see on a herbarium specimen, such as habit, degree of branching, taproot color and shape, and sleep movements of the leaves. Common garden studies (M. A. Luckow 1993) demonstrated that such characteristics are not phenotypic plasticity but have a genetic basis. In the flora area, D. virgatus is less variable than in Mexico, where one sees more erect forms with larger fruits and more flowers per inflorescence.

Desmanthus virgatus, as here circumscribed, is found throughout warmer areas in the New World; Old World species that have previously been considered D. virgatus are best referred to D. pernambucanus. Desmanthus virgatus has been intensively studied as a potential source of livestock feed for tropical areas.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Desmanthus acuminatus occurs in Texas from the coastal plain to the Cross Timbers region. Although recognized by some as a variety of D. virgatus, D. acuminatus can be distinguished in the flora area by the red, napiform taproot, pubescent stipules with prominent auricles, and longer petiole with flattened nectary.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 11. FNA vol. 11.
Parent taxa Fabaceae > subfam. Caesalpinioideae (Mimosoid clade) > Desmanthus Fabaceae > subfam. Caesalpinioideae (Mimosoid clade) > Desmanthus
Sibling taxa
D. acuminatus, D. bicornutus, D. brevipes, D. cooleyi, D. covillei, D. glandulosus, D. illinoensis, D. leptolobus, D. leptophyllus, D. obtusus, D. reticulatus, D. velutinus
D. bicornutus, D. brevipes, D. cooleyi, D. covillei, D. glandulosus, D. illinoensis, D. leptolobus, D. leptophyllus, D. obtusus, D. reticulatus, D. velutinus, D. virgatus
Synonyms Mimosa virgata, D. depressus, D. virgatus var. depressus Acuan acuminatum, D. depressus var. acuminatus, D. virgatus var. acuminatus
Name authority (Linnaeus) Willdenow: Sp. Pl. 4: 1047. (1806) Bentham: J. Bot. (Hooker) 4: 357. (1841)
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