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crépis capillaire, smooth hawk's-beard

striped hawksbeard

Habit Annuals or biennials, 10–90 cm (taproots shallow). Annuals, 20–30 cm (taproots shallow).

1(–6+), erect to ± procumbent, usually simple (usually with single stout leader, sometimes multiple with slender laterals), hispid proximally or throughout.

1–3, erect, simple or dichotomously branched proximally or distally, hispid proximally, glabrous distally.


basal and cauline;

petiolate (petiole bases clasping);

blades lanceolate or oblanceolate, runcinate or lyrate, 5–30 × 1–4.5 cm, margins pinnately divided to sharply dentate (lobes remote, unequal), apices obtuse or acute, mucronate, faces glabrous or sparsely hispid (hairs yellow; proximal cauline auriculate and clasping).

basal and cauline;


blades lyrate,10–20 × 3–4 cm, pinnately lobed (lateral lobes remote, triangular, terminal lobes relatively large, ovate or truncate), apices obtuse, faces hispid (hairs pale, relatively short).


cylindric to turbinate, 5–8 × 3–6 mm.

cylindric, 5–7 × 3–7 mm.



corollas deep yellow (reddish abaxially), 8–12 mm (hairy).

ca. 30;

corollas yellow, deep purplish red abaxially, 7 mm.


8–16, lanceolate, 6–7 mm (margins scarious), apices acute, abaxial faces stipitate-glandular and glandular setose (setae black, usually in 2 rows), adaxial glabrous.

10, lanceolate (proximal 1/2 of each becoming indurate, swollen and angular in fruit, enclosing and partially fused to cypsela, margins green), apices bent at right angles (ciliate), abaxial faces basally tomentulose, adaxial glabrous.


of 8, linear, tomentulose or stipitate-glandular bractlets 2–4 mm.

of 5, lanceolate, glabrous or proximally tomentulose bractlets 3–6 mm.


10–15(–30+), in corymbiform arrays.

borne singly (sessile in axils of branches).


brownish yellow, fusiform, 1.5–2.5 mm, apices narrowed (not beaked), ribs 10 (glabrous or scabrous);

pappi white (fluffy), 3–4 mm (scarcely surpassing phyllaries).

(dimorphic) yellowish, ribs 10 (smooth), outer strongly compressed and triangular, obconic, 2–2.5 mm, strongly constricted proximally, apices truncate, inner obconic, ca. 2.5 mm, tapered proximally, apices constricted;

pappi white (fine, soft), 1.5 mm.


= 6.

= 6.

Crepis capillaris

Crepis zacintha

Phenology Flowering May–Nov. Flowering Jun–Jul.
Habitat Meadows, pastures, lawns, roadsides, fields, waste places Grassy slopes, fields, gravelly waste areas, roadsides
Elevation 0–1300 m (0–4300 ft) 200–300 m (700–1000 ft)
from FNA
AK; AR; CA; CO; CT; DC; DE; IA; ID; IL; IN; KY; MA; MD; ME; MI; MO; MS; MT; NC; ND; NH; NJ; NV; NY; OH; OR; PA; RI; TN; TX; UT; VA; VT; WA; WI; WV; AB; BC; NB; NS; ON; QC; Europe [Introduced in North America]
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
TX; Europe [Introduced in North America]
[BONAP county map]

Crepis capillaris is recognized by its shallow root system, dense rosettes of coarsely dentate or pinnately lobed leaves, erect slender stems, auriculate-based cauline leaves, relatively small heads, phyllaries with double rows of black setae, and fluffy white pappi. It is weedy and can become a serious lawn pest. It is one of only three species of Crepis with 2n = 6; E. B. Babcock (1947) considered it to be advanced in the genus.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Crepis zacintha is recognized by its annual habit, lyrate-pinnatifid leaves mostly in rosettes, cymiform-dichotomous branching, single heads in axils of branches, indurate and bent phyllaries, and dimorphic, angular cypselae. Because of its unique morphology, it sometimes has been assigned to a separate, monotypic genus (Zacintha Miller).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 19, p. 228. FNA vol. 19, p. 238.
Parent taxa Asteraceae > tribe Cichorieae > Crepis Asteraceae > tribe Cichorieae > Crepis
Sibling taxa
C. acuminata, C. atribarba, C. bakeri, C. barbigera, C. biennis, C. bursifolia, C. elegans, C. foetida, C. intermedia, C. modocensis, C. monticola, C. nana, C. nicaeënsis, C. occidentalis, C. pannonica, C. pleurocarpa, C. pulchra, C. rubra, C. runcinata, C. setosa, C. tectorum, C. vesicaria, C. zacintha
C. acuminata, C. atribarba, C. bakeri, C. barbigera, C. biennis, C. bursifolia, C. capillaris, C. elegans, C. foetida, C. intermedia, C. modocensis, C. monticola, C. nana, C. nicaeënsis, C. occidentalis, C. pannonica, C. pleurocarpa, C. pulchra, C. rubra, C. runcinata, C. setosa, C. tectorum, C. vesicaria
Synonyms Lapsana capillaris, C. cooperi, C. virens Lapsana zacintha, Rhagadiolus zacintha, Zacintha verrucosa
Name authority (Linnaeus) Wallroth: Linnaea 14: 657. (1840) (Linnaeus) Babcock: Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 19: 404. (1941)
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