Claytonia sibirica |
Claytonia gypsophiloides |
candy flower, pink purslane, Siberian miner's-lettuce, Siberian spring-beauty, western springbeauty |
Coast Range claytonia, gypsum spring beauty |
Habit | Plants annual or perennial, rhizomatous, producing bulblets or stolons; periderm absent. | Plants annual, with minute, tuberous bodies; periderm absent. |
Stems | 5–40 cm. |
5–15 cm. |
Leaves | basal leaves petiolate, 3–20 cm, blade linear, lanceolate, or deltate, 2–7 × 1–5 cm; cauline leaves sessile, distinct, blade lanceolate to ovate, 1–5 cm. |
blades gray, beige, or pink, glaucous; basal blades linear (almost filiform), 3–12 × 0.05–0.1 cm; cauline leaves sessile, blades distinct and spatulate or partially connate into horn shape, 0.2–1.5 cm, or perfoliate, 0.2–1.5 cm wide. |
Inflorescences | multibracteate; bracts leaflike, 5–30 mm. |
1-bracteate; bract leaflike, 0.5–15 mm. |
Flowers | 8–20 mm diam., sepals 3–5 mm; petals white, candy-striped, or pink, 8–14 mm; ovules 3. |
6–12 mm diam.; sepals 2–3 mm; petals pink or white, 6–10 mm; ovules 3. |
Seeds | (1–)3, 2–3 mm, shiny and smooth; elaiosome 1 mm. |
1–2 mm diam., tuberculate; elaiosome 0.5–1 mm. |
2n | = 12, 24, 36. |
= 16. |
Claytonia sibirica |
Claytonia gypsophiloides |
Phenology | Flowering Feb–Aug. | Flowering Feb–May. |
Habitat | Thickets of red alder, dogwood, vine-leaf maple, moist shaded coniferous forests | Moist areas on serpentine in open glades or slopes of chaparral and foothill pine woodlands |
Elevation | 0-2000 m [0-6600 ft] | 100-1200 m [300-3900 ft] |
Distribution |
AK; CA; ID; MT; OR; WA; BC; Eurasia (Russia)
Source | FNA vol. 4, p. 474. | FNA vol. 4, p. 468. |
Parent taxa | ||
Sibling taxa | ||
Synonyms | Montia sibirica, Montia sibirica var. bulbifera, Montia sibirica var. heterophylla | C. nubigena, Montia gypsophiloides, Montia perfoliata var. nubigena |
Name authority | Linnaeus: Sp. Pl. 1: 204. (1753) | Fischer & C. A. Meyer: Index Seminum (St. Petersburg) 2: 33. (1835) |
Web links |