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cirse ou chardon des marais, European Marsh thistle, European swamp or marsh thistle, European swamp thistle, marsh thistle

Habit Biennials or monocarpic perennials, 30–200(–300) cm; clusters of fibrous roots. Annuals or perennials (sometimes coarse and/or robust, often prickly-spiny and thistlelike [subshrubs, shrubs, or trees]; rarely dioecious, e.g., some Cirsium spp.).

single, erect, villous to tomentose with jointed trichomes, distally tomentose with fine, unbranched trichomes;

branches 0–few, ascending, (short).


blades narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, 15–30+ × 3–10 cm, margins shallowly to very deeply pinnatifid, narrow lobes separated by broad sinuses, spiny-dentate to lobed, main spines 2–6 mm, abaxial villous to tomentose with jointed trichomes, sometimes also thinly tomentose with fine unbranched trichomes, adaxial faces villous with septate trichomes or glabrate;

basal often present at flowering, petioles spiny-winged, bases tapered;

cauline many, sessile, gradually reduced and becoming widely spaced above, bases long-decurrent with prominently spiny wings;

distal cauline deeply pinnatifid with few-toothed spine-tipped lobes.

basal and/or cauline; alternate; ± petiolate or sessile; (leaf bases often decurrent on stems) margins usually lobed to dissected, sometimes dentate or entire (usually spiny).


0–1 cm.


ovoid to campanulate, 1–1.5 × 0.8–1.3 cm, thinly cobwebby tomentose with fine unbranched trichomes.


flat to convex, usually epaleate (often pitted and often bristly-setose or densely hairy).

Ray florets

0 (corollas of peripheral florets in radiant heads often notably enlarged, usually 5-lobed, sometimes zygomorphic and raylike or ± 2-lipped).

Peripheral (pistillate) florets

0 or (in disciform heads) in 1–3+ series;

corollas (usually present) usually yellow, sometimes ochroleucous or cyanic.

Disc florets

bisexual and fertile (rarely functionally staminate);

corollas yellow, cyanic, or white, usually actinomorphic, lobes 5, usually narrowly triangular to ± linear, seldom deltate (sometimes unequal, corollas then ± zygomorphic);

anther bases ± tailed, apical appendages usually oblong (filaments sometimes papillate to pilose; connate in Silybum);

styles (bisexual, fertile florets) distally enlarged or swollen, usually dilated and/or with rings of hairs at or near point of bifurcation, abaxially smooth or papillate to hairy (at least distally, sometimes ± throughout), “branches” often connate, adaxially continuously stigmatic ± to tips, apices rounded to acute, appendages essentially none.


lavender to purple (white), 11–13 mm, tubes 5–7 mm, throats 2–3 mm, lobes 3–4.5 mm;

style tips 1.5–2 mm.


in 5–7 series, strongly imbricate, greenish, or with purplish tinge, lanceolate to ovate (outer) or linear-lanceolate (inner), margins thinly arachnoid-ciliate, abaxial faces with narrow glutinous ridge, outer and middle appressed, entire, apices acute, mucronate or spines erect or spreading, weak, 0.3–1 mm;

apices of inner phyllaries purplish, linear-attenuate, scarious, flat.

usually persistent [readily falling], in (1–)3–5+ series, usually distinct, usually unequal, usually herbaceous (sometimes fleshy), margins (entire or denticulate to pectinate, sometimes spiny) and apices seldom notably scarious (apices often spinose or ± expanded into distinct, often fimbriate-fringed, pectinate, and/or spiny appendages).


0 (involucres sometimes closely subtended by leaflike peduncle bracts).


few–many in dense clusters at branch tips.

mostly homogamous (usually discoid, sometimes disciform or radiant, then peripheral florets usually pistillate or neuter, sometimes bisexual or with staminodes), borne singly or in corymbiform, paniculiform, or racemiform arrays (heads with 1 floret each aggregated into second-order heads in Echinops).


tan to stramineous, 2.5–3.5 mm, apical collars 0.1–0.2 mm, shiny;

pappi 9–11 mm.

usually monomorphic within heads (often thick-walled, hard, nutlike, receptacular attachments basal or lateral, bases sometimes each with an elaiosome), usually ellipsoid, obovoid, or ovoid, sometimes rounded-prismatic, terete, 4–5-angled, or ± compressed, rarely beaked, bodies usually smooth, sometimes rugose or 10- or 20-nerved (glabrous or puberulent to villous; often with apical umbo and/or crown in addition to pappus);

pappi (rarely 0) readily falling or persistent, usually of fine to coarse, barbellate to plumose bristles, sometimes of scales, sometimes both bristles and scales.


= 34.

Cirsium palustre

Asteraceae tribe Cardueae

Phenology Flowering summer (Jul–Aug).
Habitat Marshes, wet forests
Elevation 10–800 m (0–2600 ft)
from FNA
MA; MI; NH; NY; WI; BC; NF; NS; ON; QC; SPM; Europe [Introduced in North America]
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
Mostly Old World; especially Mediterranean [Some species widely introduced]

Cirsium palustre is a noxious weed, native to Europe, that invasively spreads through wetland communities, forming impenetrable spiny stands as it displaces native species. The range of this pernicious weed in North America is rapidly expanding. It has the potential to spread into boreal forest areas across the continent; in Europe it grows nearly to the Arctic Circle. The rapid spread of C. palustre in Michigan (E. G. Voss 1972–1996, vol. 3) is indicative of its invasiveness. Spontaneous hybrids between C. palustre and C. arvense have been reported from England and other European countries (W. A. Sledge 1975) and can be expected wherever these species grow together in North America.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Genera 83, species 2500 (17 genera, 116 species in the flora).

The circumscription for Cynareae adopted here is the traditional one and includes the three elements (Cynareae in the narrow sense, Carlineae, and Echinopeae) recognized as tribally distinct by M. Dittrich (1977[1978]). Work by K. Bremer (1987) supported the Dittrich scheme. A traditional circumscription of Cynareae was maintained by J. L. Panero and V. A. Funk (2002).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Leaf margins spiny
→ 2
1. Leaf margins not spiny (tips sometimes ± spinose-apiculate)
→ 10
2. Florets 1 per head (heads in globose, second-order heads)
2. Florets 3–250+ per head (heads borne singly or in ± open arrays, not in globose second-order heads)
→ 3
3. Stems winged
→ 4
3. Stems not or rarely winged (some Cirsium spp.)
→ 5
4. Receptacles bearing setiform scales ("flattened bristles"), (not pitted); cypselar attachments slightly lateral; pappus bristles usually distinct, sometimes basally connate
4. Receptacles not bristly (deeply pitted); cypselar attachments basal; pappus bristles basally connate
5. Leaves variegated (stamen filaments connate)
5. Leaves not variegated (stamen filaments distinct)
→ 6
6. Corollas yellow to orange, red, or ± purple; cypsela attachments lateral; pappi 0 or of distinct, minutely barbed (not plumose) setiform scales ("flattened bristles") or subulate scales
→ 7
6. Corollas white or purplish to red; cypsela attachments basal or oblique-basal; pappi of basally connate, plumose setiform scales ("flattened bristles")
→ 8
7. Heads discoid (all florets fertile); receptacles bearing subulate scales; cypselae 4-angled
7. Heads disciform (peripheral florets sterile); receptacles bristly ("flat- tened bristles"), cypselae terete, 20-ribbed
8. Receptacles scaly (sometimes bristly); cypsela attachments oblique- basal
8. Receptacles densely bristly-setose; cypselar attachments basal
→ 9
9. Involucres 35–100+ mm diam. (largest leaves 60–150 cm; recep- tacles becoming fleshy)
9. Involucres 10–50 mm diam. (largest leaves 20–50(–110) cm; receptacles usually not notably fleshy)
10. Heads discoid (all florets bisexual and fertile)
→ 11
10. Heads radiant or disciform (peripheral florets usually neuter)
→ 15
11. Cypselar attachments ± lateral
→ 12
11. Cypselar attachments basal
→ 13
12. Phyllary appendages entire or lacerate, not fringed; pappi of ± caducous, dis- tally plumose bristles
12. Phyllary appendages dentate or fringed; pappi 0 or if persistent, then non- plumose bristles or scales
13. Phyllary apices spiny, hooked; bristles of pappus distinct, not plumose
13. Phyllary apices spiny or not, not hooked; setiform scales ("flattened bristles") of pappus basally connate, plumose
→ 14
14. Receptacles densely long-bristly ("flattened bristles") (becoming fleshy); florets 100–250+
14. Receptacles usually subulate-scaly, sometimes bristly or naked (not fleshy); florets 10–20
15. Heads disciform
→ 16
15. Heads radiant
→ 17
16. Phyllary appendages dentate or fringed, spiny or not; receptacles bristly ("flat- tened bristles")
16. Phyllary appendages 0 (apices acute, entire); receptacles bearing subulate scales
17. Phyllary appendages 0
→ 18
17. Phyllary appendages present
→ 19
18. Biennials or perennials; spines on phyllary apices caducous; cypsela apices not coronate
18. Annuals; spines on phyllary apices persistent; cypsela apices coronate.
19. Cypselae compressed (oblong; attachment scars rimmed, rims whitish, swollen), apices denticulate
19. Cypselae ± terete (barrel-shaped; attachment scars not rimmed), apices entire
→ 20
20. Annuals; leaf margins mostly entire or denticulate to serrulate; cypsela attachment oblique-basal; involucres 20–40 mm diam.; phyllary bodies linear, margins entire, appendages fimbriate; corollas of peripheral florets 30–70 mm
20. Annuals, biennials, or perennials; leaf margins entire or toothed to pinnately lobed; involucres 10–25(–40) mm diam.; cypsela attachment lateral; phyllary bodies oblong to ovate or obovate, margins fimbriate, appendages fimbriate; corollas of peripheral florets 15–30(–45) mm
Source FNA vol. 19, p. 110. FNA vol. 19, p. 82.
Parent taxa Asteraceae > tribe Cardueae > Cirsium Asteraceae
Sibling taxa
C. altissimum, C. andersonii, C. andrewsii, C. arizonicum, C. arvense, C. barnebyi, C. brevifolium, C. brevistylum, C. canescens, C. carolinianum, C. ciliolatum, C. clavatum, C. crassicaule, C. cymosum, C. discolor, C. douglasii, C. drummondii, C. eatonii, C. edule, C. engelmannii, C. flodmanii, C. foliosum, C. fontinale, C. grahamii, C. helenioides, C. hookerianum, C. horridulum, C. hydrophilum, C. inamoenum, C. joannae, C. kamtschaticum, C. lecontei, C. longistylum, C. mohavense, C. muticum, C. neomexicanum, C. nuttallii, C. occidentale, C. ochrocentrum, C. ownbeyi, C. parryi, C. perplexans, C. pitcheri, C. praeteriens, C. pulcherrimum, C. pumilum, C. quercetorum, C. remotifolium, C. repandum, C. rhothophilum, C. rydbergii, C. scariosum, C. texanum, C. tracyi, C. turneri, C. undulatum, C. vinaceum, C. virginianum, C. vulgare, C. wheeleri, C. wrightii
Subordinate taxa
Acroptilon, Amberboa, Arctium, Carduus, Carlina, Carthamus, Centaurea, Cirsium, Crupina, Cynara, Echinops, Mantisalca, Onopordum, Plectocephalus, Saussurea, Silybum, Volutaria
Synonyms Carduus palustris family Asteraceae tribe Cynareae
Name authority (Linnaeus) Scopoli: Fl. Carniol. ed. 2, 2: 128. (1772) Cassini
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