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Shockley's evening-primrose

froststem suncup

Habit Herbs annual, glandular puberulent throughout, or glabrate and glaucous distally. Herbs annual or biennial, villous, at least proximally, glabrous or even glaucous distally, rarely glandular puberulent.

several, 10–100 cm.

virgate with numerous divergent branches, 20–150 cm.


primarily in poorly defined basal rosette, cauline greatly reduced when present;

petiole 0.4–8 cm;

blade unlobed, ovate to cordate, 2–11.5 × 1.4–5 cm, margins sinuate-dentate, brown oil cells prominently lining veins abaxially.

primarily in well-developed basal rosette, cauline reduced or absent, 6–30 × 1.4–6.5 cm;

petiole 0.3–6 cm;

blade pinnately or bipinnately lobed, terminal lobe ovate to elliptic, 2.5–6.5 × 1.5–3 cm, margins irregularly serrate, dark brown oil cells prominently lining veins abaxially.


erect, elongating in anthesis.

erect to nodding, elongating in bud.


opening at sunrise;

buds without free tips;

floral tube 2–5 mm, villous inside;

sepals 1.5–3.5 mm;

petals lavender, paler and often with flecks toward base, often yellow at very base, fading darker lavender, 2–6 mm;

stamens unequal, filaments of antisepalous ones 1.8–3 mm, of antipetalous ones 1–2.5 mm, anthers 0.6–1 mm, glabrous or sparsely ciliate;

style 4–7 mm, stigma surrounded by anthers at anthesis.

opening at sunrise;

buds individually reflexed, with apical or slightly subapical free tips less than 1 mm;

floral tube 1–3 mm, glabrous or villous inside proximally;

sepals 3–8 mm;

petals usually bright yellow, rarely cream, fading yellow to lavender, 4–9 mm;

stamens unequal, filaments of antisepalous stamens 2.5–4 mm, those of antipetalous ones 1.3–3 mm, anthers 2–4 mm, ciliate;

style 7–11 mm, stigma exserted beyond anthers at anthesis.


erect, clavate, 7–13 mm;

pedicel 2–5 mm.

usually spreading, rarely slightly reflexed, oblong-cylindrical, 10–52 mm;

pedicel 7–20 mm.


1–1.2 mm.

1–1.3 mm.


= 14.

= 14.

Chylismia heterochroma

Chylismia multijuga

Phenology Flowering May–Jun. Flowering Mar–Jun(–Sep).
Habitat Alluvial and rocky slopes. Forming colonies on rocky slopes and banks of eroded sedimentaries, on gypsum or limestone, on conglomerates, often with Juniperus and Pinus edulis, with Encelia farinosa and Larrea.
Elevation 600–2200 m. (2000–7200 ft.) 300–1100 m. (1000–3600 ft.)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Chylismia heterochroma is known from Churchill and Lander counties, Nevada, south to Lincoln and southern Nye counties, Nevada, to adjacent California (Mono Lake, Mono County, and central Inyo counties). P. H. Raven (1962, 1969) determined this species to be self-compatible and autogamous.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Chylismia multijuga is known from Washington County, Utah, and southern Lincoln County, Nevada, to northern Mohave County, Arizona. P. H. Raven (1962, 1969) determined this species to be self-incompatible. It hybridizes with C. brevipes subspp. brevipes and pallidula.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 10. FNA vol. 10.
Parent taxa Onagraceae > subfam. Onagroideae > tribe Onagreae > Chylismia > sect. Chylismia Onagraceae > subfam. Onagroideae > tribe Onagreae > Chylismia > sect. Chylismia
Sibling taxa
C. arenaria, C. atwoodii, C. brevipes, C. cardiophylla, C. claviformis, C. confertiflora, C. eastwoodiae, C. exilis, C. megalantha, C. multijuga, C. munzii, C. parryi, C. scapoidea, C. specicola, C. walkeri
C. arenaria, C. atwoodii, C. brevipes, C. cardiophylla, C. claviformis, C. confertiflora, C. eastwoodiae, C. exilis, C. heterochroma, C. megalantha, C. munzii, C. parryi, C. scapoidea, C. specicola, C. walkeri
Synonyms Oenothera heterochromas., Camissonia heterochroma, C. heterochroma var. monoensis, O. heterochroma subsp. monoensis, O. heterochroma var. monoensis Oenothera multijuga, Camissonia multijuga, Chylisma hirta, C. parviflora, C. venosa, O. brevipes var. multijuga, O. brevipes var. parviflora, O. multijuga var. parviflora, O. phlebophylla, O. watsonii
Name authority (S. Watson) Small: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 23: 193. (1896) — (as Chylisma) (S. Watson) Small: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 23: 193. (1896) — (as Chylisma)
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