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Point Reyes bird's beak, salt marsh bird's beak, saltmarsh birdbeak

birdbeak, salty bird's-beak

Habit Herbs, annual; hemiparasitic.

erect, spreading, or decumbent, 10–40 cm, puberulent or villous, sometimes glabrescent, hairs glandular and eglandular.

erect, spreading, or decumbent, not fleshy, puberulent, hispid, or villous, sometimes glandular-hairy or glabrescent.


blades narrowly lanceolate, 5–30 × 2–8 mm, margins entire.

cauline, alternate;

petiole absent;

blade not fleshy, not leathery, margins entire or pinnately 5- or 7-lobed.


terminal, spikes;

bracts present.


2–9 cm;

bracts often purple distally, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, 15–30 mm, margins entire or distally 2-toothed.



bracteoles absent.


calyx 15–25 mm;

corolla white to pale yellow or pale pink, 15–25 mm, lobes 4–5 mm, often marked with red-brown or purple-red lines;

stamens 4, proximal with 2 pollen sacs, distal pair with 1 pollen sac and 1 infertile appendage;

staminodes 0.

sepals 2, calyx bilaterally symmetric, spathelike, lobes narrowly triangular to triangular;

petals 5, corolla white, yellow, pink, or lavender, often marked or tinted with pink to purple-red lines or spots, strongly bilabiate, club-shaped, abaxial lobes 3, middle lobe erect, not revolute, adaxial 2, adaxial lip galeate, rounded at apex, opening downward;

stamens 2 or 4, didynamous, filaments glabrous or sparsely pilose, pollen sacs approximate, connective not elongate;

staminodes 0 or 2, peglike;

ovary 2-locular, placentation axile;

stigma slightly expanded at apex.


narrowly ovoid, 6–10 mm.

dehiscence loculicidal.


10–40, dark brown, ovoid to reniform, 1–3 mm, without abaxial crest.

8–40, brown to dark brown, ovoid to ± reniform, wings absent.


= 7.

Chloropyron maritimum


from FNA
CA; NV; OR; UT; nw Mexico
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
w United States; nw Mexico
[BONAP county map]

Subspecies 3 (3 in the flora).

There are intermediates between the subspecies (T. I. Chuang and L. R. Heckard 1973).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Species 4 (4 in the flora).

Species of Chloropyron grow almost exclusively in saline and alkaline habitats.

Chloropyron is similar to Cordylanthus and Dicranostegia and, like them, has upright flowers in which the abaxial corolla lip is usually held close to the galeate adaxial lip. The flowers appear to be in bud even when they are fully open.

T. I. Chuang and L. R. Heckard (1973) placed species of Chloropyron in Cordylanthus as subg. Hemistegia (A. Gray) Jepson. With evidence from molecular data, D. C. Tank et al. (2009) have shown that Chloropyron is closely related to Dicranostegia and that both genera form a clade that is sister to Castilleja and Triphysaria, while Cordylanthus in the narrow sense is somewhat unresolved at the base of the subtribe Castillejinae clade.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Seeds 25–40, 1–1.5 mm; galeas yellow to yellow-green.
subsp. canescens
1. Seeds 10–20, 1.5–3 mm; galeas purple-red, brown-red, or pink.
→ 2
2. Stem branches: distal usually overtopping central spike; galeas purple-red or brown-red.
subsp. maritimum
2. Stem branches not overtopping central spike; galeas pink or purple-red.
subsp. palustre
1. Stamens 4, staminodes 0; bract margins entire or distally 2-toothed.
C. maritimum
1. Stamens 2, staminodes 2; bract margins pinnately lobed.
→ 2
2. Leaf blades 1–2 mm wide, linear to linear-lanceolate; styles puberulent.
C. tecopense
2. Leaf blades 2–10 mm wide, narrowly lanceolate to lanceolate; styles glabrous.
→ 3
3. Calyces 15–20 mm; seeds without abaxial crest; stems puberulent or hispid.
C. molle
3. Calyces 12–15 mm; seeds with abaxial crest; stems sparsely pilose or glabrescent.
C. palmatum
Source FNA vol. 17, p. 666. FNA vol. 17, p. 666. Author: Kerry A. Barringer.
Parent taxa Orobanchaceae > Chloropyron Orobanchaceae
Sibling taxa
C. molle, C. palmatum, C. tecopense
Subordinate taxa
C. maritimum subsp. canescens, C. maritimum subsp. maritimum, C. maritimum subsp. palustre
C. maritimum, C. molle, C. palmatum, C. tecopense
Synonyms Cordylanthus maritimus
Name authority (Nuttall ex Bentham) A. Heller: Muhlenbergia 3: 133. (1907) Behr: Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 61. (1855)
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