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Chaenactis thompsonii

Thompson's pincushion

pebble pincushion, straw-bed pincushion

Habit Perennials, 10–30 cm (not or scarcely cespitose, not matted); proximal indument thinning with age, grayish, arachnoid-sericeous to thinly lanuginose. Plants (5–)10–30(–60) cm.

mostly 5–15+, ascending to erect.


mostly cauline, 2–5 cm;

largest blades ± elliptic, ± plane, 1-pinnately lobed;

lobes mostly 2–5 pairs, remote, ± plane.

basal (often withering) and, usually, cauline, 1–6(–10) cm;

largest blades ± 3-dimensional, not to somewhat succulent;

primary lobes mostly 2–7(–10) pairs, ultimate lobes ± crowded to remote, antrorse, linear, terete.


ascending to erect, 2–5 cm.

2–6 cm.


± obconic.

obconic to ± cylindric or hemispheric, mostly 5–10 mm diam.


paleae (0–)3–10+ (persistent, ± phyllary-like, apices visible among mature floret buds).


7–9 mm.

4–6 mm.


longest (10–)12–15 mm;

outer closely lanuginose, not stipitate-glandular, apices erect, ± rigid.

longest 7–10 mm, ± granular-glandular and villous;

apices (all or inner) erect to incurved, usually reddish, acuminate, aristate, terete.


mostly 1–3 per stem.


7–9 mm (eglandular);

pappi: longest scales 3.5–5 mm.

± terete, 3–4.5 mm;

pappi usually of 4(–5) scales, longest 3–5 mm.

Chaenactis thompsonii

Chaenactis carphoclinia

Phenology Flowering Jun–Aug.
Habitat Rocky or gravelly serpentine slopes, scree, talus, openings in or above conifer forests
Elevation (900–)1200–2200 m ((3000–)3900–7200 ft)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
AZ; CA; NM; NV; UT; nw Mexico
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Of conservation concern.

Chaenactis thompsonii appears to be sister to C. evermannii; it is known from the mountains of central and northwestern Washington. The similar habits of C. thompsonii and C. ramosa (= C. douglasii var. douglasii) appear to result from convergent evolution in the distinctive habitat of their type localities (Wenatchee Mountains), not from a close genetic relationship as suggested by Cronquist.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Varieties 2 (2 in the flora).

Though occasionally suspected (P. Stockwell 1940), there are no confirmed natural or artificial hybrids between Chaenactis carphoclinia and any other member of the genus. The presence of paleae on the receptacle of C. carphoclinia is unique in Chaenactis.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Leaves basal and cauline, longest 1–6(–7) cm; petioles scarcely dilated proximally, ± herbaceous
var. carphoclinia
1. Leaves ± basal, longest 7–10 cm; petioles dilated proximally, ± indurate
var. peirsonii
Source FNA vol. 21, p. 407. FNA vol. 21, p. 402.
Parent taxa Asteraceae > tribe Heliantheae > subtribe Chaenactidinae > Chaenactis > sect. Macrocarphus Asteraceae > tribe Heliantheae > subtribe Chaenactidinae > Chaenactis > sect. Acarphaea
Sibling taxa
C. alpigena, C. artemisiifolia, C. carphoclinia, C. cusickii, C. douglasii, C. evermannii, C. fremontii, C. glabriuscula, C. macrantha, C. nevadensis, C. nevii, C. parishii, C. santolinoides, C. stevioides, C. suffrutescens, C. xantiana
C. alpigena, C. artemisiifolia, C. cusickii, C. douglasii, C. evermannii, C. fremontii, C. glabriuscula, C. macrantha, C. nevadensis, C. nevii, C. parishii, C. santolinoides, C. stevioides, C. suffrutescens, C. thompsonii, C. xantiana
Subordinate taxa
C. carphoclinia var. carphoclinia, C. carphoclinia var. peirsonii
Name authority Cronquist: in C. L. Hitchcock et al., Vasc. Pl. Pacif. N.W. 5: 123, fig. [p. 125]. (1955) A. Gray: in W. H. Emory, Rep. U.S. Mex. Bound. 2(1): 94. (1859)
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