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lechosa, papaw, papaya, pawpaw


Habit Plants ca. 6 m. Stems to ca. 20 cm diam., bark green to gray or brown, leaf scars prominent, smooth. Trees relatively short-lived.

drooping proximally, erect or spreading distally;

petiole 35–70 cm, hollow;

blade round in general contour, 20–60 cm diam., shallowly to deeply palmately 5–9-lobed, lobes lanceolate to ovate, margins entire or pinnately divided into lanceolate to ovate lobes.

crowded distally on branches; glabrous.


15–60 cm;

bracts ± rhombic.

staminate 100+-flowered, elongate;

pistillate 1–several-flowered.


each borne in axil of bract.

Staminate flowers


calyx green, short-tubular, ca. 1.5 mm, teeth triangular to linear;

corolla white, 2–3.5 cm, lobes narrowly oblong, ca. 1.3 cm;

stamens yellow.

Pistillate flowers


calyx yellow, short-tubular, 5–10 mm, teeth triangular to linear;

petals lanceolate-oblong, white to pale yellow, 3–5 cm;

ovary ellipsoidal to rounded, 2–3 cm.


hanging from trunk near summit, green to orange, ellipsoidal to oblong, rounded distally, 8–45 cm.

slightly 5-angled.




= 9.


= 18.

Carica papaya


Phenology Flowering and fruiting year round.
Habitat Disturbed areas, waste places, hummocks, roadsides
Elevation 0-100 m (0-300 ft)
from USDA
Central America; nw South America [Introduced, Fla.; introduced also pantropically]
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from USDA
Central America; South America [Introduced, Fla.; introduced also pantropically]
[BONAP county map]

Carica papaya is widely cultivated in tropical regions worldwide for its large melonlike fruit, one of the most popular tropical fruits, and occasionally as an ornamental. Papaya fruit is a good source of calcium, and vitamins A and C. Except for the ripe fruit, all parts of the plant possess a milky sap that contains the proteolytic enzymes papain and chymopapain, widely used to tenderize meat. Immature fruit, leaves, and flowers are also used as a cooked vegetable. Papaya also has industrial and pharmaceutical applications, including use in chewing gums, brewing, drugs for digestive ailments, treatment of gangrenous wounds, use in the textile industry, and use in production of soaps and shampoos.

The species is cultivated in extreme southern Texas, where occasional seedlings arise from seeds discarded in waste places or dumps but are never persistent.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Species, in the traditional sense, ca. 20 (1 in the flora).

V. M. Badillo (2000) considered Carica to consist of only one species (C. papaya), others being reassigned to the genus Vasconcellea A. Saint-Hilaire.

Some species of Carica in the traditional sense are grown for their edible fruits or sweet and juicy seed coverings (arils), the most important being C. papaya.

Species, in the traditional sense, ca. 20 (1 in the flora)

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 7, p. 171. FNA vol. 7, p. 171.
Parent taxa Caricaceae > Carica Caricaceae
Subordinate taxa
C. papaya
Name authority Linnaeus: Sp. Pl. 2: 1036. (1753) Linnaeus: Sp. Pl. 2: 1036. (1753): Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 458. (1754)
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