Calochortus persistens |
Calochortus plummerae |
Siskiyou mariposa-lily |
Plummer's mariposa-lily |
Habit | Plants usually bulbose; bulb coat fibrous-reticulate. | |
Stems | not branching, ca. 1 dm. |
slender, usually branching, 3–6 dm. |
Leaves | basal persistent, ca. 2 dm; blade lanceolate, tapering at base, flat. |
basal withering; blade linear to lanceolate, 2–4 dm. |
Inflorescences | subumbellate, 2-flowered. |
2–6-flowered; bracts resembling distal cauline leaves. |
Flowers | erect; perianth open, campanulate; sepals smaller than petals; petals pink to light purplish, obovate, 35–40 mm, adaxial surface hairy only distal to gland, margins yellow-ciliate; glands bordered proximally by wide, ciliate membrane, distally by short hairs; anthers lanceolate, apex apiculate. |
erect; perianth open, broadly campanulate; sepals lanceolate, 3–5 cm, glabrous or with a few hairs at base, apex long-tapering; petals pale pink to rose, drying purplish, broadly cuneate to obovate, 3–4 cm, glabrous distally or nearly so, rarely fringed, with conspicuous, long, yellow hairs in broad median band, margins dentate; glands round, slightly depressed, ± glabrous, bordered by ring of dense, obscuring, orange hairs; filaments 9–11 mm, ± equaling anthers; anthers lanceolate-linear, apex acute to somewhat short-tipped. |
Capsules | nodding, winged, ellipsoid, ca. 1 cm, apex acute. |
erect, linear, angled, 4–8 cm, apex acute. |
Seeds | irregular. |
light beige. |
2n | = 20. |
= 18. |
Calochortus persistens |
Calochortus plummerae |
Phenology | Flowering late spring–mid summer. | Flowering late spring–mid summer. |
Habitat | Open areas in rocky soils | Dry rocky slopes, often in brush, chaparral, pine forest |
Elevation | 1000–1500 m (3300–4900 ft) | 0–1700 m (0–5600 ft) |
Distribution |
Discussion | Of conservation concern. Calochortus persistens is restricted to the Klamath and Cascade ranges in Siskiyou County. (Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.) |
Source | FNA vol. 26, p. 131. | FNA vol. 26, p. 140. |
Parent taxa | Liliaceae > Calochortus | Liliaceae > Calochortus |
Sibling taxa | ||
Name authority | Ownbey: Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27: 448, plate 38, figs. 1, 2. (1940) | Greene: Pittonia 2: 70. (1890) |
Web links |