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Calochortus howellii

Howell's mariposa lily

sexton mountain mariposa lily


slender, not branching or rarely branching in axil of cauline leaf, straight, 2–4 dm.

stout, not branching, 16–22 cm, not bearing bulblets.


basal persistent, 20–35 cm;

blade gradually tapering distally, adaxially pubescent.

basal 2–25 dm × 8–12 mm;

cauline usually present.


subumbellate, 1–3-flowered;

bracts 2, subopposite, linear to narrowly lanceolate, attenuate, 1–3 cm.




perianth open, campanulate;

sepals shorter than petals, ovate-acuminate, glabrous;

petals yellowish white, with purplish hairs toward base, broadly obovate, cuneate, inconspicuously fringed laterally, sparingly short-hairy adaxially, apex rounded;

glands transversely oblong, slightly depressed, densely covered with short, distally branching hairs, the bases of which unite at lower margin to form inconspicuous, discontinuous membranes;

filaments shorter than anthers;

anthers oblong-lanceolate, apex acute to short-apiculate.

± erect;

perianth open, campanulate;

sepals broadly lanceolate, somewhat shorter than petals;

petals bright lavender, broadly obovate, adaxial surface glabrous or with short, purple hairs distal to gland, apex margins erose;

glands slightly depressed, surrounded proximally by minutely denticulate membrane;

filaments longer than anthers;

anthers oblong, apex acute to obtuse.


erect, 3-winged, ellipsoid, ca. 2 cm, base and apex acute.

nodding, narrowly 3-winged, ovoid, 1.5–2 cm.


light-colored, irregular.



= 20.

Calochortus howellii

Calochortus indecorus

Phenology Flowering late spring–mid summer. Flowering late spring.
Habitat Dry, rocky, serpentine soils
Elevation 300–500 m (1000–1600 ft)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[BONAP county map]

Calochortus howellii is known only from the Illinois River valley, Josephine County.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Calochortus indecorus was collected from the western slope of Sexton Mountain, northeastern Josephine County. Endemic to that area, the taxon is now presumed extinct.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 26, p. 129. FNA vol. 26, p. 127.
Parent taxa Liliaceae > Calochortus Liliaceae > Calochortus
Sibling taxa
C. albus, C. amabilis, C. ambiguus, C. amoenus, C. apiculatus, C. argillosus, C. aureus, C. bruneaunis, C. catalinae, C. clavatus, C. coeruleus, C. concolor, C. coxii, C. dunnii, C. elegans, C. eurycarpus, C. excavatus, C. flexuosus, C. greenei, C. gunnisonii, C. indecorus, C. invenustus, C. kennedyi, C. leichtlinii, C. longebarbatus, C. luteus, C. lyallii, C. macrocarpus, C. minimus, C. monanthus, C. monophyllus, C. nitidus, C. nudus, C. nuttallii, C. obispoensis, C. palmeri, C. panamintensis, C. persistens, C. plummerae, C. pulchellus, C. raichei, C. simulans, C. splendens, C. striatus, C. subalpinus, C. superbus, C. tiburonensis, C. tolmiei, C. umbellatus, C. umpquaensis, C. uniflorus, C. venustus, C. vestae, C. weedii, C. westonii
C. albus, C. amabilis, C. ambiguus, C. amoenus, C. apiculatus, C. argillosus, C. aureus, C. bruneaunis, C. catalinae, C. clavatus, C. coeruleus, C. concolor, C. coxii, C. dunnii, C. elegans, C. eurycarpus, C. excavatus, C. flexuosus, C. greenei, C. gunnisonii, C. howellii, C. invenustus, C. kennedyi, C. leichtlinii, C. longebarbatus, C. luteus, C. lyallii, C. macrocarpus, C. minimus, C. monanthus, C. monophyllus, C. nitidus, C. nudus, C. nuttallii, C. obispoensis, C. palmeri, C. panamintensis, C. persistens, C. plummerae, C. pulchellus, C. raichei, C. simulans, C. splendens, C. striatus, C. subalpinus, C. superbus, C. tiburonensis, C. tolmiei, C. umbellatus, C. umpquaensis, C. uniflorus, C. venustus, C. vestae, C. weedii, C. westonii
Name authority S. Watson: Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 23: 266. (1888) Ownbey & M. Peck: Leafl. W. Bot. 7: 191. (1954)
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