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Calochortus bruneaunis

Bruneau mariposa lily, pinyon mariposa

club hair mariposa, clubhair mariposa lily, slender mariposa lily

Habit Plants usually bulbose; bulb coat, when present, membranous. Plants usually bulbose; bulb coat, when present, membranous.

usually not branching or twisted, 1–4 dm.

slender or coarse, stout, branching or not, strongly flexuous, 3–10 dm.


basal withering, 1–2 dm;

blade linear.

basal withering, 1–2 dm;

blade linear.



bracts 2–4 cm.

subumbellate, 1–6-flowered;

bracts 4–8 cm, bases dilated.



perianth open, campanulate;

sepals with dark red or purple blotch near base, lanceolate, 1–4 cm, usually glabrous, apex acuminate;

petals white tinged with lilac, with longitudinal median green stripe on abaxial surface and dark red or purple crescent distal to gland, narrowly obovate, 2–4 cm, ± glabrous;

glands surrounded by yellow border, round, depressed, surrounded by conspicuously fringed membrane, densely covered with short, unbranched or distally branching hairs;

filaments 5–6 mm;

anthers yellow, blue, or maroon, oblong, 5–7 mm, apex obtuse.


perianth open, cup-shaped;

sepals usually with red-brown blotch at base, lanceolate-ovate, 2–4 cm, apex acute;

petals lemon to golden yellow, with transverse line distal to gland, broadly cuneate to obovate, 3–5 cm;

glands round, deeply depressed, densely covered with short hairs with branching, coralline tips, surrounded by conspicuously fringed membrane and club-shaped hairs;

filaments ca. 10 mm;

anthers purplish brown, oblong, 4–10 mm.


erect, linear-lanceoloid, angled, 3–7 cm, apex acuminate.

erect, lanceoloid-linear, angled, 6–9 cm, apex acuminate.


yellow, flat.

light yellow, translucent, flat.


= 14.

= 16.

Calochortus bruneaunis

Calochortus clavatus

Phenology Flowering late spring–summer.
Habitat Dry brushy, grassy slopes, flats, pinyon-juniper woodlands
Elevation 900–3000 m (3000–9800 ft)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Varieties 5 (5 in the flora).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Petals shorter than sepals; petal glands very deeply depressed.
var. avius
1. Petals longer than sepals; petal glands shallowly to moderately depressed.
→ 2
2. Stems straight, slender, usually 3 dm or shorter.
→ 2
2. Stems flexuous, coarse, usually 5–10 dm.
→ 3
3. Petals 3–4 cm, sparsely bearded; leaves not recurved.
var. gracilis
3. Petals 4–5 cm, bearded; leaves strongly recurved.
var. recurvifolius
4. Petals deep yellow, hairs very knobby; anthers deep purple.
var. clavatus
4. Petals light yellow, hairs not very knobby; anthers yellow to medium purple.
var. pallidus
Source FNA vol. 26. FNA vol. 26, p. 138.
Parent taxa Liliaceae > Calochortus Liliaceae > Calochortus
Sibling taxa
C. albus, C. amabilis, C. ambiguus, C. amoenus, C. apiculatus, C. argillosus, C. aureus, C. catalinae, C. clavatus, C. coeruleus, C. concolor, C. coxii, C. dunnii, C. elegans, C. eurycarpus, C. excavatus, C. flexuosus, C. greenei, C. gunnisonii, C. howellii, C. indecorus, C. invenustus, C. kennedyi, C. leichtlinii, C. longebarbatus, C. luteus, C. lyallii, C. macrocarpus, C. minimus, C. monanthus, C. monophyllus, C. nitidus, C. nudus, C. nuttallii, C. obispoensis, C. palmeri, C. panamintensis, C. persistens, C. plummerae, C. pulchellus, C. raichei, C. simulans, C. splendens, C. striatus, C. subalpinus, C. superbus, C. tiburonensis, C. tolmiei, C. umbellatus, C. umpquaensis, C. uniflorus, C. venustus, C. vestae, C. weedii, C. westonii
C. albus, C. amabilis, C. ambiguus, C. amoenus, C. apiculatus, C. argillosus, C. aureus, C. bruneaunis, C. catalinae, C. coeruleus, C. concolor, C. coxii, C. dunnii, C. elegans, C. eurycarpus, C. excavatus, C. flexuosus, C. greenei, C. gunnisonii, C. howellii, C. indecorus, C. invenustus, C. kennedyi, C. leichtlinii, C. longebarbatus, C. luteus, C. lyallii, C. macrocarpus, C. minimus, C. monanthus, C. monophyllus, C. nitidus, C. nudus, C. nuttallii, C. obispoensis, C. palmeri, C. panamintensis, C. persistens, C. plummerae, C. pulchellus, C. raichei, C. simulans, C. splendens, C. striatus, C. subalpinus, C. superbus, C. tiburonensis, C. tolmiei, C. umbellatus, C. umpquaensis, C. uniflorus, C. venustus, C. vestae, C. weedii, C. westonii
Subordinate taxa
C. clavatus var. avius, C. clavatus var. clavatus, C. clavatus var. gracilis, C. clavatus var. pallidus, C. clavatus var. recurvifolius
Synonyms C. nuttallii var. bruneaunis Mariposa clavata
Name authority A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride: Bot. Gaz. 55: 372. (1913) S. Watson: Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 14: 265. (1879)
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