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paper-mulberry, wauke

broussonetia, paper-mulberry

Habit Trees, to 15 m. Bark tan, smooth or moderately furrowed. Trees, deciduous; sap milky.

brown, spreading pubescent.


blade entire or 3-5-lobed, 6-20 × 5-15 cm, base shallowly cordate, often oblique, truncate, or broadly rounded, margins serrate, apex acuminate;

surfaces abaxially densely gray-pubescent, adaxially scabrous.

blade ovate, lobed or entire, margins dentate;

venation appearing palmate or weakly 3-veined from base.


staminate and pistillate on different plants.

Staminate flowers

sepals pubescent.

sepals 4, connate at base;

stamens 4, inflexed.

Pistillate flowers

style elongate-filiform.

sepals 4, connate, forming tube;

ovary superior, stipitate, 1-locular;

style unbranched.


globose; each drupelet partly protruding from its enlarged calyx.


bud absent, axillary buds dark brown, short-pubescent;

leaf scars nearly circular, somewhat elevated.

buds surrounded by bud scales.


inflorescences 6-8 cm;

peduncle 2-4 cm.

inflorescences pedunculate, cylindric spikes; pistillate inflorescences short-pedunculate, globose capitula.


inflorescences ca. 2 cm diam., villous.


globose, 2-3 cm diam.;

drupes red or orange, oblanceolate, each exserted from its calyx.


= 13.

Broussonetia papyrifera


Phenology Flowering spring.
Habitat Disturbed thickets
Elevation 0-600 m (0-2000 ft)
from FNA
AL; AR; CT; DC; DE; FL; GA; IA; IL; KS; KY; LA; MA; MD; MO; MS; NC; NE; NJ; NY; OK; PA; RI; SC; TN; TX; VA; WV; native to Asia [Introduced in North America]
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from USDA
North America; Asia; and Pacific Islands (Polynesia)
[BONAP county map]

Broussonetia papyrifera is now widely naturalized in eastern United States. Frequently planted as a shade tree around dwellings, it is often considered undesirable because of its aggressiveness, shallow root system, and soft, brittle wood. The bark of the tree is used to produce a barkcloth.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Species 7-8 (1 in the flora).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 3. FNA vol. 3.
Parent taxa Moraceae > Broussonetia Moraceae
Subordinate taxa
B. papyrifera
Synonyms Morus papyrifera, Papyrius papyrifera
Name authority (Linnaeus) Ventenat: Tabl. Règn. Vég. 3: 547. (1799) L'Héritier ex Ventenat: Tabl. Règn. Vég. 3: 547. conserved
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