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alpine bistort, serpent-grass, viviparous bistort


Habit Plants (2–)8–30(–45) cm; rhizomes sometimes contorted. Trees, shrubs, vines, or herbs, perennial or annual, homophyllous (heretophyllous in some species of Polygonum); root fibrous or a solid taproot, rarely tuberous.


usually prostrate to erect, sometimes scandent, not scapose, rarely with recurved spines (some species of Persicaria), glabrous or pubescent, sometimes glandular;

nodes usually swollen;

branches free (adnate to stems distal to nodes and appearing to arise internodally in Polygonella);

tendrils absent (except in Antigonon and Brunnichia).


ocrea brown, cylindric, 4–22(–27) mm, margins strongly oblique, glabrous;

petiole attached to sheath 6–20(–45) mm, unwinged distally, 5–110(–200) mm;

blade linear to lanceolate or oblong-ovate, 1–8(–10) × 0.5–1.7(–2.3) cm, base cuneate to rounded or cordate, often asymmetric, margins entire, usually revolute, not wavy, apex obtuse to acute, abaxial face pubescent with whitish or brownish hairs, glaucous, adaxial face glabrous, not glaucous;

cauline leaves 2–4, petiolate proximally, sessile distally, gradually reduced distally, blade linear-lanceolate to linear.

deciduous (persistent in Coccoloba and sometimes more than 1 year in Antigonon and Polygonella), basal or basal and cauline, rarely cauline only, mostly alternate;

ocrea present, persistent or deciduous, cylindric to funnelform, chartaceous, membranous, coriaceous, or, rarely, foliaceous or partly so;

petiole present or absent, rarely articulate basally (Fagopyrum, Fallopia, Polygonella, Polygonum), rarely with extrafloral nectaries (Fallopia, Muehlenbeckia);

blade simple with entire margins, rarely undulate or lobed.


1, narrowly elongate-cylindric, (15–)20–90 × 4–10 mm, usually bearing pink to brown or purple pyriform bulblets proximally and sterile flowers distally;

peduncle 1–5 cm.

terminal or terminal and axillary, spikelike, racemelike, paniclelike, cymelike, or, rarely, capitate, comprising simple or branched clusters of compound inflorescences;

bracts absent;

peduncle spreading to erect, sometimes absent;

clusters of flowers subtended by connate bracteoles forming persistent membranous tube (ocreola), awnless.


ascending or spreading, (1–)2–5 mm.


1–2 per ocreate fascicle;

perianth greenish proximally, usually white or pink distally, rarely red;

tepals obovate, 2.1–4 mm, apex obtuse to acute;

stamens included or exserted, some or all often poorly developed;

anthers reddish to purple.

usually bisexual, sometimes bisexual and unisexual on same plant, rarely unisexual only, 1–20+ per ocreate fascicle, often with stipelike base distal to articulation;

perianth often accrescent in fruit, often greenish, white, pink, yellow, red, or purple, usually unwinged and unkeeled (winged or, sometimes, keeled in Fallopia, rarely keeled in Polygonum), campanulate or urceolate, sometimes membranous, indurate, or fleshy in fruit, rarely developing raised tubercles proximally (Rumex), glabrous or pubescent, sometimes glandular or glandular-punctate;

tepals 2–6, usually in 2 whorls, distinct or connate proximally and forming tube, petaloid or sepaloid, monomorphic or dimorphic;

nectary a disk at base of ovary or glands associated with bases of filaments;

stamens usually (1–)6–9, staminodes rarely present;

filaments distinct, or connate basally and sometimes forming staminal tube, free or adnate to perianth tube;

pistils (2–)3(–4)-carpellate;

ovary 1-locular (sometimes with vestigial partitions proximally);

ovule 1, orthotropous or, rarely, anatropous, placentation basal or free-central;

styles 1–3, erect to spreading or recurved, distinct or connate proximally;

stigmas peltate, capitate, fimbriate, or penicillate.


rarely produced, dark brown, 2.2–3.3 × 0.9–1.5 mm, dull, granular.

yellowish, brown, red, or black, homocarpic (sometimes heterocarpic in Polygonum), winged or unwinged, usually 2–3-gonous, sometimes discoid, biconvex, or spheroidal, rarely 4-gonous.


embryo usually straight or curved, rarely folded.


= 96, 120.

Bistorta vivipara

Polygonaceae subfam. polygonoideae

Phenology Flowering Jun–Sep.
Habitat Moist to wet spruce or mixed woods along shorelines, moist subalpine woods and meadows, alpine meadows, heaths, nutrient-rich sites
Elevation 0-4000 m (0-13100 ft)
from FNA
AK; AZ; CO; ID; ME; MI; MN; MT; NH; NM; NV; OR; SD; UT; VT; WA; WY; AB; BC; LB; MB; NB; NT; NU; ON; QC; SK; YT; SPM; Greenland; Europe; Asia
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
Mainly temperate regions of North America

Bistorta vivipara is highly variable morphologically and cytologically. Robust plants with large leaves, compact spikes, and persistent bulblets have been named subsp. macounii. Abortion of stamens, production of bulblets, and the rarity of fruits suggest that reproduction is largely asexual; fruits and seedlings are produced rarely (N. Söyrinki 1989). B. Jonsell and T. Karlsson (2000+, vol. 1) summarized chromosome numbers that include 2n = 66, ca. 77, ca. 80, 88, 99, ca. 100, 110, 120, and ca. 132.

A. E. Porsild and W. J. Cody (1980) reported that indigenous peoples of the circumpolar region eat the starchy, slightly astringent rootstocks raw or cooked, and preserve them in seal oil or by freezing. E. Hultén (1968) reported that the rootstocks taste like almonds.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Genera 28, species ca. 850 (16 genera, 160 species in the flora).

Morphological (K. Haraldson 1978; L.-P. Ronse Decraene and J. R. Akeroyd 1988; Ronse Decraene et al. 2000; Hong S. P. et al. 1998) and molecular (A. S. Lamb Frye and K. A. Kron 2003) data provide support for separation of Persicaria from Polygonum. Further studies are needed to elucidate the relationships of allied genera, particularly Aconogonon, Bistorta, and Koenigia with Persicaria, and Fallopia and Polygonella with Polygonum.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Tendrils present; plants vines
→ 2
1. Tendrils absent; plants trees, shrubs, or herbs, rarely vinelike shrubs
→ 3
2. Perianths pink to purple or, rarely, white or yellow, membranous; pedicels not 3-winged
2. Perianths green to greenish yellow, indurate; pedicels 3-winged, 1 wing more prominent and becoming greatly expanded in fruit
3. Plants trees or shrubs; tubes of pistillate flowers becoming fleshy in fruit
3. Plants herbs, subshrubs, or, rarely, vinelike shrubs; tubes of pistillate flowers rarely becoming fleshy in fruit
→ 4
4. Tepals 6
→ 5
4. Tepals 3, 4, or 5
→ 7
5. Flowers unisexual; outer 3 tepals of pistillate flowers each with apex ending in stout spine
5. Flowers bisexual or, rarely, unisexual; outer 3 tepals each without apex ending in stout spine
→ 6
6. Achenes winged; inner tepals of fruiting perianths nonaccrescent; stamens (6-)9
6. Achenes unwinged; inner tepals of fruiting perianths usually accrescent; stamens 6
7. Herbs annual; tepals 3 [4]; stamens (1-)3[-5]
7. Herbs perennial or annual, or shrubs; tepals 4-5; stamens 3-8
→ 8
8. Tepals 4; achenes lenticular, winged; leaves mostly basal
8. Tepals 4 or 5; achenes 3-gonous, discoid, biconvex, spheroidal, or 4-gonous, unwinged or essentially so; leaves cauline or basal and cauline, rarely mostly basal
→ 9
9. Branches adnate to stems, appearing to arise internodally
9. Branches not adnate to stems, not appearing to arise internodally
→ 10
10. Plants shrubs, vinelike; flowers unisexual, tubes of pistillate flowers becoming fleshy in fruit
10. Plants herbs or, if shrubs, not vinelike; flowers bisexual or, rarely, unisexual, if unisexual then tubes of pistillate flowers not becoming fleshy
→ 11
11. Outer tepals winged or keeled
→ 12
11. Outer tepals unwinged and unkeeled
→ 13
12. Outer tepals winged (keeled in F. ciliondis and, usually, F. convolvulus); ocreae chartaceous, tan to brownish, glabrous or scabrous to variously pubescent, never 2-lobed distally
12. Outer tepals keeled; ocreae often hyaline, silvery, glabrous, 2-lobed distally
13. Leaves mostly basal, some cauline; inflorescences terminal, spikelike; stems simple
13. Leaves cauline; inflorescences terminal and axillary or axillary; stems usually branched, rarely simple
→ 14
14. Achenes strongly exserted; perianths nonaccrescent; tepals distinct
14. Achenes included or exserted; perianths accrescent or nonaccrescent; tepals connate to 2/3 their lengths. [15. Shifted to left margin.—Ed.]
→ 15
15. Ocreae often hyaline, silvery, glabrous, 2-lobed distally, often disintegrating into fibers or completely
15. Ocreae chartaceous, usually tan, brown, or reddish, rarely silvery, glabrous or scabrous to variously pubescent, never 2-lobed distally, often tearing with age
→ 16
16. Inflorescences spikelike, paniclelike, or capitate; tepals 4 or 15, connate 1/ 2/ 3 their length (less than 5 their length in P. wallichii); stamens 5-8
16. Inflorescences racemelike or paniclelike; tepals 5, connate ca. 1/ 4 their length; stamens 8
Source FNA vol. 5, p. 595. FNA vol. 5, p. 479. Author: Craig C. Freeman.
Parent taxa Polygonaceae > subfam. Polygonoideae > Bistorta Polygonaceae
Sibling taxa
B. bistortoides, B. officinalis, B. plumosa
Subordinate taxa
Aconogonon, Antigonon, Bistorta, Brunnichia, Coccoloba, Emex, Fagopyrum, Fallopia, Koenigia, Muehlenbeckia, Oxyria, Persicaria, Polygonella, Polygonum, Rheum, Rumex
Synonyms Polygonum viviparum, B. vivipara subsp. macounii, Persicaria vivipara, Polygonum viviparum var. macounii
Name authority (Linnaeus) Delarbre: Fl. Auvergne ed. 2, 2: 516. (1800) Eaton: Bot. Dict. ed. 4, 30. (1836)
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