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single-sorus fern, single-sorus spleenwort

dwarf spleenwort, hairy spleenwort, triangle spleenwort


not proliferous.



erect, unbranched;

scales black with lighter margins, linear-lanceolate, 3–6 × 0.4–0.8 mm, margins entire.

erect, unbranched;

scales black with pale margins, linear, extremely narrow, 2–3 mm, only several cells wide.





reddish brown throughout, lustrous, 1–12(–20) cm, 1/3–1/10 length of blade;

indument of black filiform scales.

green in small leaves, black abaxially and green adaxially in large leaves, (1–)2–7(–16) cm, 1–2 times length of blade;

indument of fine, nonglandular hairs on veins.


linear, 1-pinnate throughout, 5–25(–40) × 1–2.5(–3) cm, thick, glabrous;

base gradually tapered;

apex acute, not rooting.

deltate, simple to 2-pinnate, 1–8(–12) × 1–6(–8) cm, thin, papery with scattered hairs on both surfaces;

base truncate;

margins crenate-dentate;

apex pointed, not rooting.


in 10–40 pairs, oblong to quadrangular, somewhat asymmetric;

medial pinnae 4–15 × 2–5 mm;

base rounded to cuneate;

margins crenulate or ± entire;

apex obtuse.

in 0–5 pairs, ovate to deltate, simple to lobed to pinnate proximally, 1–6 × 1–3.5 cm, proximal pinna pair largest;

base broadly cuneate to truncate;

margins irregularly crenate;

apex rounded to pointed.


free, obscure.

free, evident.


1(–3) per pinna, only on basiscopic side.

1–15(–35) per pinna, on both basiscopic and acroscopic sides.


32 per sporangium.

64 per sporangium.


reddish brown throughout, lustrous, glabrous.

green, dull, glabrous.


= 2n = 108 (apogamous).


= 72.

Asplenium monanthes

Asplenium pumilum

Habitat Rock Shaded limestone boulders
Elevation 50–1000 m (200–3300 ft) 0–50 m (0–200 ft)
from FNA
AL; AZ; NC; SC; HI; Mexico; Central America; West Indies in Hispaniola; Jamaica; South America to n Argentina; Africa including Madagascar; Madeira; Réunion; Tristan da Cunha
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
FL; Mexico; Central America; South America; West Indies
[BONAP county map]

Asplenium pumilum is a widespread tropical American fern known only from a few spots in north central Florida. It is a very distinct species, readily recognized by its hairy blades and deltate leaves. Fertile forms vary from simple and only 2 cm to 2-pinnate and 28 cm, and all stages between the two extremes exist. Extreme forms are different enough to suggest that two species might be present.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 2. FNA vol. 2.
Parent taxa Aspleniaceae > Asplenium Aspleniaceae > Asplenium
Sibling taxa
A. abscissum, A. adiantum-nigrum, A. adulterinum, A. auritum, A. bradleyi, A. cristatum, A. dalhousiae, A. ebenoides, A. exiguum, A. heterochroum, A. montanum, A. palmeri, A. pinnatifidum, A. platyneuron, A. plenum, A. pumilum, A. resiliens, A. rhizophyllum, A. ruta-muraria, A. scolopendrium, A. septentrionale, A. serratum, A. trichomanes, A. trichomanes-dentatum, A. trichomanes-ramosum, A. verecundum, A. vespertinum, A. ×biscayneanum, A. ×curtissii, A. ×heteroresiliens
A. abscissum, A. adiantum-nigrum, A. adulterinum, A. auritum, A. bradleyi, A. cristatum, A. dalhousiae, A. ebenoides, A. exiguum, A. heterochroum, A. monanthes, A. montanum, A. palmeri, A. pinnatifidum, A. platyneuron, A. plenum, A. resiliens, A. rhizophyllum, A. ruta-muraria, A. scolopendrium, A. septentrionale, A. serratum, A. trichomanes, A. trichomanes-dentatum, A. trichomanes-ramosum, A. verecundum, A. vespertinum, A. ×biscayneanum, A. ×curtissii, A. ×heteroresiliens
Synonyms A. pumilum var. anthriscifolium
Name authority Linnaeus: Mant. Pl. 1: 130. (1767) Swartz: Prodr. 129. (1788)
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