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single-sorus fern, single-sorus spleenwort

fork spleenwort, northern spleenwort


not proliferous.

not proliferous.


erect, unbranched;

scales black with lighter margins, linear-lanceolate, 3–6 × 0.4–0.8 mm, margins entire.

erect, much branched to produce dense many-stemmed tufts or mats bearing numerous crowded leaves;

scales dark reddish brown to black throughout, narrowly deltate, 2–4 × 0.3–0.6 mm, margins entire.





reddish brown throughout, lustrous, 1–12(–20) cm, 1/3–1/10 length of blade;

indument of black filiform scales.

dark reddish brown proximally, fading to green distally, 2–13 cm, 2–5 times length of blade;

indument absent.


linear, 1-pinnate throughout, 5–25(–40) × 1–2.5(–3) cm, thick, glabrous;

base gradually tapered;

apex acute, not rooting.

linear, simple or more often 1-pinnate, 0.5–4 × 0.1–0.4 cm, occasionally wider when pinnae strongly diverge, leathery, glabrous;

base acute;

apex acute, not rooting at tip.


in 10–40 pairs, oblong to quadrangular, somewhat asymmetric;

medial pinnae 4–15 × 2–5 mm;

base rounded to cuneate;

margins crenulate or ± entire;

apex obtuse.

of pinnate leaves 2(–4), strongly ascending to give forked appearance, linear, (5–)10–30 × 0.75–3 mm;

base acute;

margins remotely lacerate;

apex acute.


free, obscure.

free, obscure.


1(–3) per pinna, only on basiscopic side.

usually 2+ per pinna, parallel to margins.


32 per sporangium.

64 per sporangium.


reddish brown throughout, lustrous, glabrous.

green, lustrous, glabrous.


= 2n = 108 (apogamous).


= 144.

Asplenium monanthes

Asplenium septentrionale

Habitat Rock Cliffs of various substrates
Elevation 50–1000 m (200–3300 ft) 700–2900 m (2300–9500 ft)
from FNA
AL; AZ; NC; SC; HI; Mexico; Central America; West Indies in Hispaniola; Jamaica; South America to n Argentina; Africa including Madagascar; Madeira; Réunion; Tristan da Cunha
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
AZ; CA; CO; DC; NM; OK; OR; SD; TX; UT; WV; WY; Mexico in Baja California; Europe; Asia
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

In North America Asplenium septentrionale is principally a western species with isolated disjunct populations in Monroe and Hardy counties, West Virginia. Because of its close resemblance to a tuft of grass, it is easily overlooked, and discoveries of additional localities are to be expected. In Europe A. septentrionale is known to hybridize with several species, but in North America only the hybrid with A. trichomanes (A. × alternifolium Wulfen) is known.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 2. FNA vol. 2.
Parent taxa Aspleniaceae > Asplenium Aspleniaceae > Asplenium
Sibling taxa
A. abscissum, A. adiantum-nigrum, A. adulterinum, A. auritum, A. bradleyi, A. cristatum, A. dalhousiae, A. ebenoides, A. exiguum, A. heterochroum, A. montanum, A. palmeri, A. pinnatifidum, A. platyneuron, A. plenum, A. pumilum, A. resiliens, A. rhizophyllum, A. ruta-muraria, A. scolopendrium, A. septentrionale, A. serratum, A. trichomanes, A. trichomanes-dentatum, A. trichomanes-ramosum, A. verecundum, A. vespertinum, A. ×biscayneanum, A. ×curtissii, A. ×heteroresiliens
A. abscissum, A. adiantum-nigrum, A. adulterinum, A. auritum, A. bradleyi, A. cristatum, A. dalhousiae, A. ebenoides, A. exiguum, A. heterochroum, A. monanthes, A. montanum, A. palmeri, A. pinnatifidum, A. platyneuron, A. plenum, A. pumilum, A. resiliens, A. rhizophyllum, A. ruta-muraria, A. scolopendrium, A. serratum, A. trichomanes, A. trichomanes-dentatum, A. trichomanes-ramosum, A. verecundum, A. vespertinum, A. ×biscayneanum, A. ×curtissii, A. ×heteroresiliens
Synonyms Acrostichum septentrionale
Name authority Linnaeus: Mant. Pl. 1: 130. (1767) (Linnaeus) Hoffmann: Deutschl. Fl. 2: 12. (1796)
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