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single-sorus fern, single-sorus spleenwort

Scott's spleenwort


not proliferous.

not proliferous.


erect, unbranched;

scales black with lighter margins, linear-lanceolate, 3–6 × 0.4–0.8 mm, margins entire.

ascending to erect, rarely branched;

scales dark brown to blackish throughout, narrowly deltate, 2–4 × 0.25–0.45 mm, margins entire.



weakly subdimorphic, fertile leaves taller and more erect than sterile leaves.


reddish brown throughout, lustrous, 1–12(–20) cm, 1/3–1/10 length of blade;

indument of black filiform scales.

reddish or purplish brown throughout, lustrous, 1–10 cm, 1/5–1 times length of blade;

indument of dark brown to black scales, narrowly deltate at very base, grading into hairs distally.


linear, 1-pinnate throughout, 5–25(–40) × 1–2.5(–3) cm, thick, glabrous;

base gradually tapered;

apex acute, not rooting.

highly variable and typically irregularly shaped, narrowly deltate to lanceolate, pinnatifid or 1-pinnate in proximal 1/3, 2–20 × 1–6(–13) cm, medium thick, sparsely pubescent adaxially only;

base ± truncate;

apex acute to long-attenuate, apical buds borne occasionally but not known to root in nature.


in 10–40 pairs, oblong to quadrangular, somewhat asymmetric;

medial pinnae 4–15 × 2–5 mm;

base rounded to cuneate;

margins crenulate or ± entire;

apex obtuse.

in 0–3 pairs, often irregular in size and shape, deltate to narrowly deltate;

proximal pinnae 5–30(–80) × 3–10(–15) mm;

base truncate to obtuse, auriculate on both sides;

margins entire to finely serrate or crenulate;

apex obtuse to acute or occasionally attenuate.


free, obscure.

somewhat evident, mostly free, rarely anastomosing.


1(–3) per pinna, only on basiscopic side.

1–10(–15+) pairs per pinna, on both acroscopic and basiscopic lobes.


32 per sporangium.

malformed (sterile form) or 64 per sporangium (fertile form).


reddish brown throughout, lustrous, glabrous.

reddish or purplish brown abaxially, fading to green distally, lustrous, glabrous.


= 2n = 108 (apogamous).


= 72, 144.

Asplenium monanthes

Asplenium ebenoides

Habitat Rock Conglomerate boulders
Elevation 50–1000 m (200–3300 ft) 70 m (200 ft)
from FNA
AL; AZ; NC; SC; HI; Mexico; Central America; West Indies in Hispaniola; Jamaica; South America to n Argentina; Africa including Madagascar; Madeira; Réunion; Tristan da Cunha
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[BONAP county map]

The above description applies to the sterile hybrid Asplenium platyneuron × rhizophyllum and its allopolyploid derivative. The allotetraploid form is known only from Hale County, Alabama, where it occurs with A. platyneuron (but not with A. rhizophyllum) on conglomerate boulders (K. S. Walter et al. 1982). The sterile diploid form of A. ebenoides occurs at elevations of 70 to 500 m within the region where the ranges of the parental species overlap, always occurring with both parents on limestone, sandstone, or other rock strata. A hybrid between the allopolyploid and A. platyneuron [A. × boydstoniae (K. S. Walter) J. W. Short] was discovered at Havana Glen. An unnamed hybrid between the sterile diploid (presumably via unreduced spores) and A. rhizophyllum is known from West Virginia and Missouri (K. S. Walter et al. 1982).

This fern has been pivotal in the study of fern hybridization. Called the "most famous hybrid fern," it was one of the first crosses to be synthesized deliberately in culture (M. Slosson 1902) and the first to be converted from the sterile diploid state to the fertile tetraploid state experimentally (W. H. Wagner Jr. and R. S. Whitmire 1957).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 2. FNA vol. 2.
Parent taxa Aspleniaceae > Asplenium Aspleniaceae > Asplenium
Sibling taxa
A. abscissum, A. adiantum-nigrum, A. adulterinum, A. auritum, A. bradleyi, A. cristatum, A. dalhousiae, A. ebenoides, A. exiguum, A. heterochroum, A. montanum, A. palmeri, A. pinnatifidum, A. platyneuron, A. plenum, A. pumilum, A. resiliens, A. rhizophyllum, A. ruta-muraria, A. scolopendrium, A. septentrionale, A. serratum, A. trichomanes, A. trichomanes-dentatum, A. trichomanes-ramosum, A. verecundum, A. vespertinum, A. ×biscayneanum, A. ×curtissii, A. ×heteroresiliens
A. abscissum, A. adiantum-nigrum, A. adulterinum, A. auritum, A. bradleyi, A. cristatum, A. dalhousiae, A. exiguum, A. heterochroum, A. monanthes, A. montanum, A. palmeri, A. pinnatifidum, A. platyneuron, A. plenum, A. pumilum, A. resiliens, A. rhizophyllum, A. ruta-muraria, A. scolopendrium, A. septentrionale, A. serratum, A. trichomanes, A. trichomanes-dentatum, A. trichomanes-ramosum, A. verecundum, A. vespertinum, A. ×biscayneanum, A. ×curtissii, A. ×heteroresiliens
Synonyms Asplenosorus ebenoides
Name authority Linnaeus: Mant. Pl. 1: 130. (1767) R. R. Scott: Gard. Monthly & Hort. Advertiser 7: 267. (1865)
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