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pineland milkweed

hierba de zizotes, zizotes milkweed

Habit Herbs. Herbs.

1 (rarely more), erect to spreading, unbranched, 40–70(–200) cm, densely hirtellous to velutinous, not glaucous, rhizomes absent.

1–7, erect to spreading or decumbent, unbranched or rarely branched near base, 10–50 cm, puberulent with curved trichomes to hirsutulous, not glaucous, rhizomatous.


opposite, petiolate, with 1 or 2 stipular colleters on each side of petiole;

petiole 1–4 mm, densely hirtellous to velutinous;

blade oblong or elliptic to obovate or ovate, 4–9 × 1–3.5 cm, subcoriaceous, base rounded or truncate to cordate, margins sometimes crisped, apex acute to truncate, sometimes emarginate, often mucronate, venation brochidodromous, surfaces densely hirtellous to velutinous abaxially, hirtellous adaxially, margins ciliate, 8–12 laminar colleters.

persistent or gradually caducous from base, opposite, petiolate, with 1 or 2 stipular colleters on each side of petiole;

petiole 2–20 mm, puberulent with curved trichomes to hirtellous;

blade ovate or lanceolate to oblong or elliptic, sometimes conduplicate, 4–11 × 1.2–6.5 cm, chartaceous, base cuneate to obtuse, margins sometimes crisped, apex obtuse to rounded, venation eucamptodromous to faintly brochidodromous, surfaces hirtellous, laminar colleters absent.


extra-axillary, sometimes also appearing terminal, sessile or pedunculate, 7–31-flowered;

peduncle 0–0.5 cm, densely hirtellous to velutinous, with 1 caducous bract at the base of each pedicel.

extra-axillary, sessile or pedunculate, 8–32-flowered;

peduncle 0–1 cm, hirtellous, with 1 caducous bract at the base of each pedicel.


10–12 mm, densely hirtellous to velutinous.

10–20 mm, hirtellous.


erect to pendent;

calyx lobes elliptic, 5–6 mm, apex acute, densely hirtellous;

corolla green, sometimes tinged reddish or bronze, lobes reflexed, sometimes with spreading tips, elliptic, 7–9 mm, apex acute, glabrous abaxially, minutely papillose at base adaxially;

gynostegial column 1–1.5 mm;

fused anthers green, obconic, 2.5–4 mm, wings right-triangular, open at base, apical appendages broadly ovate;

corona segments bronze to yellow, often tinged red, sometimes apically cream or pale, stipitate, tubular, somewhat flattened laterally, flared at base, 5–8 mm, greatly exceeding style apex, apex rounded, flared, glabrous, internal appendage falcate, exserted, sharply incurved over style apex, glabrous;

style apex shallowly depressed, green.

erect to ascending;

calyx lobes lanceolate, 3.5–4 mm, apex acute, hirtellous;

corolla green, sometime tinged red or brown, sometimes faintly striate, lobes reflexed, elliptic to linear-lanceolate, (7–)9–12 mm, apex acute, glabrous at tips abaxially or hirtellous throughout, glabrous adaxially;

gynostegial column 1–1.5 mm;

fused anthers brown, sometimes green proximally, obconic, 2–2.5 mm, wings triangular, widest at middle, closed, apical appendages ovate;

corona segments green, sometimes tinged bronze, apex white or cream, fading yellow, sessile, sinuous-tubular, relatively slender, (5–)7–10 mm, greatly exceeding style apex, apex slightly flared, deeply emarginate, lobed on each side, minutely papillose to glabrate, internal appendage lingulate, sharply incurved, barely exserted, exceeded by segment margin, minutely papillose to glabrate.


broadly ovate, 8–9 × 6–7 mm, margin winged, faces smooth;

coma 2–5 cm.

ovate to oval, 6–8 × 5–6 mm, margin winged, faces smooth;

coma 2–3 cm.


erect on upcurved pedicels, narrowly to broadly fusiform, 7.5–12.5 × 1.5–2.5 cm, apex acuminate, smooth, densely hirtellous to velutinous.

erect on upcurved pedicels, lance-ovoid, 4.5–9.5 × 1.2–2.5 cm, apex attenuate to acuminate, smooth, sometimes faintly striate, puberulent with curved trichomes to hirtellous.

Asclepias obovata

Asclepias oenotheroides

Phenology Flowering May–Sep; fruiting Jul–Oct. Flowering (Feb–)Mar–Nov; fruiting (Apr–)May–Nov.
Habitat Hills, slopes, flats, ridges, sandhills, ditches, seeps, bogs, sandstone, sandy, rocky, silty, and clay soils, pine flatwoods, pine savannas, pine, pine-oak, and bottomland hardwood forests, prairies, often following fires. Coastal and inland dunes, salt flats, shell mounds, hills, slopes, ridges, arroyos, canyons, valleys, urban lots, ditches, limestone, sandstone, shale, basalt, volcanic ash, caliche, alluvium, sandy, clay, silty, gravel, rocky, and calcareous soils, thorn scrub, desert scrub, desert and mesquite grasslands, prairies, pastures, pinyon-juniper, juniper, oak, and riparian woodlands, pine flatwoods.
Elevation 0–200 m. (0–700 ft.) 0–1900 m. (0–6200 ft.)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
AZ; CO; LA; NM; OK; TX; Mexico; Central America
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Asclepias obovata is a common milkweed of seasonally wet, sandy soils in pine woodlands of the Gulf Coastal Plain and (rarely) the southern Atlantic Coastal Plain. It is rare and considered to be of conservation concern in Arkansas.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Asclepias oenotheroides is one of the most widespread American milkweeds, ranging from southeastern Colorado to Nicaragua. It is very common in southern and western Texas and throughout valleys and plains across Mexico. However, it is rare at the northern limit of its range in Colorado (known only from Las Animas County), where it is considered to be of conservation concern, Louisiana (known only from Jefferson Davis Parish), and Oklahoma. In the absence of flowers, it can be difficult to distinguish from its close relatives: A. nyctaginifolia, in southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico, and A. emoryi in southern Texas. Compared to A. oenotheroides, the leaves of A. nyctaginifolia tend to be broader and more consistently ovate, whereas the leaves of A. emoryi tend to be narrower and more consistently elliptic or linear-lanceolate. However, A. oenotheroides is highly variable, and the overlap with these relatives is substantial. Even in flower, pressed specimens can be challenging to distinguish. The corona segments of A. nyctaginifolia are thicker and wider than those of A. oenotheroides, which is easily observed on fresh flowers but may be obscured by drying. Similarly, in fresh flowers the flared segment apex that exceeds the exserted appendage in A. oenotheroides is easily distinguished from the segment apex that is closed by the flush appendage in A. emoryi, yet this obvious distinction is frustratingly obscure in dried material. For most of the range of A. oenotheroides the length of the corona segments greatly exceeds that of A. emoryi. However, along the southern Texas coastal plain, and especially on the barrier islands, the length of corona segments of A. oenotheroides is shorter, overlapping slightly with A. emoryi. Such plants correspond to the type of Podostemma helleri. In addition, hybridization of A. oenotheroides with both A. emoryi and A. nyctaginifolia is suspected, based on a few, scattered specimens with intermediate floral morphology in the regions of overlap with each species.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 14. FNA vol. 14.
Parent taxa Apocynaceae > Asclepias Apocynaceae > Asclepias
Sibling taxa
A. albicans, A. amplexicaulis, A. angustifolia, A. arenaria, A. asperula, A. brachystephana, A. californica, A. cinerea, A. connivens, A. cordifolia, A. cryptoceras, A. curassavica, A. curtissii, A. cutleri, A. eastwoodiana, A. elata, A. emoryi, A. engelmanniana, A. eriocarpa, A. erosa, A. exaltata, A. fascicularis, A. feayi, A. hallii, A. hirtella, A. humistrata, A. hypoleuca, A. incarnata, A. involucrata, A. labriformis, A. lanceolata, A. lanuginosa, A. latifolia, A. lemmonii, A. linaria, A. linearis, A. longifolia, A. macrosperma, A. macrotis, A. meadii, A. michauxii, A. nummularia, A. nyctaginifolia, A. oenotheroides, A. ovalifolia, A. pedicellata, A. perennis, A. prostrata, A. pumila, A. purpurascens, A. quadrifolia, A. quinquedentata, A. rubra, A. rusbyi, A. ruthiae, A. sanjuanensis, A. scaposa, A. solanoana, A. speciosa, A. sperryi, A. stenophylla, A. subulata, A. subverticillata, A. sullivantii, A. syriaca, A. texana, A. tomentosa, A. tuberosa, A. uncialis, A. variegata, A. verticillata, A. vestita, A. viridiflora, A. viridis, A. viridula, A. welshii
A. albicans, A. amplexicaulis, A. angustifolia, A. arenaria, A. asperula, A. brachystephana, A. californica, A. cinerea, A. connivens, A. cordifolia, A. cryptoceras, A. curassavica, A. curtissii, A. cutleri, A. eastwoodiana, A. elata, A. emoryi, A. engelmanniana, A. eriocarpa, A. erosa, A. exaltata, A. fascicularis, A. feayi, A. hallii, A. hirtella, A. humistrata, A. hypoleuca, A. incarnata, A. involucrata, A. labriformis, A. lanceolata, A. lanuginosa, A. latifolia, A. lemmonii, A. linaria, A. linearis, A. longifolia, A. macrosperma, A. macrotis, A. meadii, A. michauxii, A. nummularia, A. nyctaginifolia, A. obovata, A. ovalifolia, A. pedicellata, A. perennis, A. prostrata, A. pumila, A. purpurascens, A. quadrifolia, A. quinquedentata, A. rubra, A. rusbyi, A. ruthiae, A. sanjuanensis, A. scaposa, A. solanoana, A. speciosa, A. sperryi, A. stenophylla, A. subulata, A. subverticillata, A. sullivantii, A. syriaca, A. texana, A. tomentosa, A. tuberosa, A. uncialis, A. variegata, A. verticillata, A. vestita, A. viridiflora, A. viridis, A. viridula, A. welshii
Synonyms A. lindheimeri, A. longicornu, Podostemma helleri
Name authority Elliott: Sketch Bot. S. Carolina 1: 321. (1817) Schlechtendal & Chamisso: Linnaea 5: 123. (1830)
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