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Mexican poppy, Mexican prickly-poppy, yellow pricklypoppy

red pricklypoppy, spiny pricklypoppy

Habit Plants annual. Plants annual to short-lived perennial.

often branching from base, 2.5-8 dm, unarmed or sparingly prickly.

4-8(-12) dm, sparingly prickly.


blades: surfaces unarmed or sparingly prickly on veins;

proximal lobed 1/2 or more distance to midrib;

distal more shallowly lobed, mostly clasping.

blades: abaxial surface moderately prickly on veins, adaxial surface unarmed to sparingly prickly on main veins;

basal and proximal lobed to 4/5 distance to midrib.


buds subglobose, body 10-15 × 9-13 mm, unarmed or sparingly prickly;

sepal horns terete, 5-10 mm, unarmed.

buds broadly ellipsoid-oblong, body 12-20 × 10-15 mm, somewhat prickly;

sepal horns often angular in cross section, 5-10 mm, slightly prickly basally.


4-7 cm broad, subtended by 1-2 foliaceous bracts;

petals bright yellow or rarely pale lemon yellow;

stamens 30-50;

filaments yellow;

pistil 4-6-carpellate.

6-9 cm broad, usually closely subtended by 1-2 foliaceous bracts;

petals white or lavender;

stamens 150 or more;

filaments lemon yellow to red;

pistil 3-6-carpellate.


oblong to broadly ellipsoid, 25-45 × 12-20 mm (including stigma and excluding prickles when present), unarmed or prickly, longest prickles 6-10 mm.

narrowly to broadly ellipsoid, 25-40(-50) × 8-15(-18) mm (including stigma and excluding prickles), prickly, surface clearly visible;

prickles unequal, longest 5-7(-10) mm.


1.6-2 mm.

ca. 1.5 mm.


= 28.

= 28, 56.

Argemone mexicana

Argemone sanguinea

Phenology Flowering and fruiting spring–fall, or throughout year in tropics. Flowering early spring–summer; fruiting spring–summer.
Habitat Waste places, often a weed of roadsides, dooryards, fallow fields Coastal plains and westward
Elevation 0-1500 m (0-4900 ft) 10-1500 m (0-4900 ft)
from FNA
AL; CT; FL; GA; IL; IN; KS; LA; MA; MD; MI; MO; NC; NE; NJ; NY; PA; SC; TN; TX; VA; ON; Mexico; Central America; West Indies
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
TX; Mexico (Coahuila, Durango, and Nuevo León)
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Argemone mexicana is probably native to southern Florida as well as the Caribbean islands and has been introduced along the coast of the United States from New England to Texas and, more infrequently, inland. Although it has been reported from Mississippi, no specimens are known. It is widespread in temperate and tropical regions around the world by introduction.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 3. FNA vol. 3.
Parent taxa Papaveraceae > Argemone Papaveraceae > Argemone
Sibling taxa
A. aenea, A. albiflora, A. arizonica, A. aurantiaca, A. chisosensis, A. corymbosa, A. gracilenta, A. hispida, A. munita, A. ochroleuca, A. pleiacantha, A. polyanthemos, A. sanguinea, A. squarrosa
A. aenea, A. albiflora, A. arizonica, A. aurantiaca, A. chisosensis, A. corymbosa, A. gracilenta, A. hispida, A. mexicana, A. munita, A. ochroleuca, A. pleiacantha, A. polyanthemos, A. squarrosa
Synonyms A. leiocarpa A. platyceras var. rosea
Name authority Linnaeus: Sp. Pl. 1: 508. (1753) Greene: Pittonia 4: 68. (1899)
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