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San Bruno Mountain manzanita

Eastwood manzanita, Eastwood's manzanita

Habit Shrubs, prostrate or mat- or mound-forming, 0.1–1 m; burl absent; twigs densely fine-hairy with long, gland-tipped hairs. Shrubs, erect or mound-forming, 1–3 m; burl present; twigs tomentose to short-hairy, with eglandular hairs or with long, clear, pink or dark, glandular hairs.

petiole to 2 mm;

blade light green, dull, orbiculate to orbiculate-ovate, 2.5–4 × 2–3 cm, base auriculate-clasping, margins entire, plane, surfaces papillate, ± scabrous, sparsely glandular-hairy.

petiole 5–10 mm;

blade bright green, slightly glaucous to strongly gray-glaucous, shiny or dull, elliptic to ovate, 2–4.5 × 1–2.5 cm, base cuneate to rounded, sometimes ± lobed or truncate, margins entire or toothed, plane, surfaces papillate, scabrous or smooth, glabrous or glandular-puberulent to -hairy, puberulent, or finely tomentose, sometimes glabrescent; (abaxial surface sometimes with more stomata than adaxial surface).


panicles, 3–5-branched;

immature inflorescence pendent, (branches densely clustered, ± sessile), axis 0.5–1 cm, 1+ mm diam., densely fine-hairy with long, gland-tipped hairs;

bracts appressed, leaflike, ovate, 5–10 mm, apex acute, surfaces glandular-hairy.

panicles, 3–6-branched;

immature inflorescence pendent, (branches crowded, not concealed by bracts), axis 1–3 cm, 1+ mm diam., short-hairy to hairy, with or without glandular hairs;

bracts not appressed, variable, from scalelike and awl-like to leaflike and deltate, lanceolate, or broadly lanceolate (at least at base), 3–10 mm, apex acute, surfaces hairy or finely glandular-hairy.


3–5 mm, densely glandular-hairy.

3–10 mm, sparsely hairy to finely glandular-hairy.


corolla white, urceolate;

ovary densely glandular-hairy.

corolla white to pink, conic to urceolate;

ovary densely white-hairy, sometimes glandular.


depressed-globose, 6–7 mm diam., glandular-hairy, (± viscid).

slightly (or markedly) depressed-globose, 6–10 mm diam., glabrous or finely glandular-hairy, (viscid).



usually mostly distinct, sometimes connate.


= 26.

Arctostaphylos imbricata

Arctostaphylos glandulosa

Phenology Flowering winter–early spring.
Habitat Maritime chaparral on sandstone outcroppings
Elevation 100-200 m (300-700 ft)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
CA; OR; nw Mexico
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Of conservation concern.

Arctostaphylos imbricata occurs on San Bruno Mountain in San Mateo County. It is in the Center for Plant Conservation’s National Collection of Endangered Plants.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Subspecies 10 (8 in the flora).

Arctostaphylos glandulosa occurs in the California Floristic Province from southern Oregon to northern Baja California within the Coast, Transverse, and Peninsular ranges.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Twigs, bracts, and/or immature inflorescence axes glandular-hairy
→ 2
1. Twigs, bracts, and immature inflorescence axes not glandular-hairy
→ 4
2. Leaf blades strongly white-glaucous.
subsp. leucophylla
2. Leaf blades green to gray-green, not glaucous to moderately glaucous
→ 3
3. Twigs glandular-hairy; immature inflorescences usually glandular-hairy.
subsp. glandulosa
3. Twigs not glandular-hairy; immature inflorescences glandular-hairy; (interior and eastern side of Santa Lucia Mountains).
subsp. howellii
4. Twigs short-hairy and with longer, white hairs.
subsp. mollis
4. Twigs short-hairy, not glandular-hairy
→ 5
5. Leaf blades strongly white-glaucous.
subsp. adamsii
5. Leaf blades dark green to moderately gray-green
→ 6
6. Stones mostly connate into single or weakly connate sphere.
subsp. gabrielensis
6. Stones usually distinct
→ 7
7. Leaf blades dark green (margins often reddish); fruits markedly flattened into depressed-globose shape.
subsp. crassifolia
7. Leaf blades green or gray-green; fruits only slightly flattened into depressed-globose shape.
subsp. cushingiana
Source FNA vol. 8, p. 435. FNA vol. 8, p. 442.
Parent taxa Ericaceae > subfam. Arbutoideae > Arctostaphylos Ericaceae > subfam. Arbutoideae > Arctostaphylos
Sibling taxa
A. andersonii, A. auriculata, A. bakeri, A. canescens, A. catalinae, A. columbiana, A. confertiflora, A. crustacea, A. cruzensis, A. densiflora, A. edmundsii, A. franciscana, A. gabilanensis, A. glandulosa, A. glauca, A. glutinosa, A. hispidula, A. hookeri, A. hooveri, A. insularis, A. klamathensis, A. luciana, A. malloryi, A. manzanita, A. mewukka, A. montana, A. montaraensis, A. montereyensis, A. morroensis, A. myrtifolia, A. nevadensis, A. nissenana, A. nortensis, A. nummularia, A. obispoensis, A. ohloneana, A. osoensis, A. otayensis, A. pacifica, A. pajaroensis, A. pallida, A. parryana, A. patula, A. pechoensis, A. pilosula, A. pringlei, A. pumila, A. pungens, A. purissima, A. rainbowensis, A. refugioensis, A. regismontana, A. rudis, A. sensitiva, A. silvicola, A. stanfordiana, A. tomentosa, A. uva-ursi, A. virgata, A. viridissima, A. viscida
A. andersonii, A. auriculata, A. bakeri, A. canescens, A. catalinae, A. columbiana, A. confertiflora, A. crustacea, A. cruzensis, A. densiflora, A. edmundsii, A. franciscana, A. gabilanensis, A. glauca, A. glutinosa, A. hispidula, A. hookeri, A. hooveri, A. imbricata, A. insularis, A. klamathensis, A. luciana, A. malloryi, A. manzanita, A. mewukka, A. montana, A. montaraensis, A. montereyensis, A. morroensis, A. myrtifolia, A. nevadensis, A. nissenana, A. nortensis, A. nummularia, A. obispoensis, A. ohloneana, A. osoensis, A. otayensis, A. pacifica, A. pajaroensis, A. pallida, A. parryana, A. patula, A. pechoensis, A. pilosula, A. pringlei, A. pumila, A. pungens, A. purissima, A. rainbowensis, A. refugioensis, A. regismontana, A. rudis, A. sensitiva, A. silvicola, A. stanfordiana, A. tomentosa, A. uva-ursi, A. virgata, A. viridissima, A. viscida
Subordinate taxa
A. glandulosa subsp. adamsii, A. glandulosa subsp. crassifolia, A. glandulosa subsp. cushingiana, A. glandulosa subsp. gabrielensis, A. glandulosa subsp. glandulosa, A. glandulosa subsp. howellii, A. glandulosa subsp. leucophylla, A. glandulosa subsp. mollis
Synonyms A. andersonii var. imbricata
Name authority Eastwood: Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 4, 20: 149. 1931 , Eastwood: Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 3, 1: 82. 1897 ,
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