Araujia odorata |
Araujia |
latexplant |
araujia, bladder-flower |
Habit | Lianas; latex white. | |||||
Stems | to 15 m. |
prostrate or twining, unarmed, glabrous or eglandular-pubescent. |
Leaves | petiole 0.5–4 cm, eglandular-pubescent; blade ovate, deltate, or hastate, 1.8–8 × 0.8–6 cm, base truncate to cordate, surfaces glabrous to eglandular-pubescent. |
persistent to semipersistent, opposite, petiolate; stipular colleters absent or 2, 1 borne at base of petiole on each side, interpetiolar and infrapetiolar colleters absent; laminar colleters present. |
Inflorescences | peduncle 0.1–0.7 cm, eglandular-pubescent. |
extra-axillary, solitary, racemose or cymose, pedunculate. |
Pedicels | 0.6–1.5 cm, eglandular-pubescent. |
Flowers | sepals green, lanceolate to oblong, not leaflike, 5–13 × 1–3 mm, surfaces eglandular-pubescent; calycine colleters present; corolla pale to waxy green, rotate, lobes 7–13 × 2–4 mm, abaxial surface eglandular-pubescent, adaxial surface glabrous; gynostegial corona a fused tube, 5–8 mm, obscuring gynostegium, glabrous; style-head extension absent. |
calycine colleters absent or present; corolla white, light pink, or pale to waxy green, rotate or funnelform, aestivation valvate; corolline corona absent; androecium and gynoecium united into a gynostegium adnate to corolla tube; gynostegial corona a tube or interrupted and of cartilaginous to fleshy, irregularly toothed to entire segments; anthers adnate to style, locules 2; pollen in each theca massed into rigid, vertically oriented pollinium, pollinia lacrimiform, joined from adjacent anthers by translators to common corpusculum and together forming pollinarium. |
Fruits | follicles, solitary, pendulous or somewhat deflexed, green, ovoid, terete or somewhat compressed, smooth or longitudinally furrowed, glabrous or pubescent. |
Seeds | brownish black to black, 5–6 × 1.5–2 mm; coma 2–5 cm. |
obdeltate, obpyriform, or oblong, flattened to navicular, winged or not, not beaked, comose, not arillate. |
Follicles | 8–12 × 2–7 cm, glabrous. |
x | = 10, 11. |
2n | = 22. |
Araujia odorata |
Araujia |
Phenology | Flowering summer–fall; fruiting fall–winter. | |||||
Habitat | Citrus groves, roadsides, waste places, dunes, beaches. | |||||
Elevation | 0–100 m. [0–300 ft.] | |||||
Distribution |
FL; South America [Introduced in North America; introduced also in Central America] |
South America [Introduced in North America; introduced also in Central America, Europe, Africa, Pacific Islands, Australia] |
Discussion | Native to central South America, Araujia odorata was introduced to the United States as an ornamental in the 1930s and first observed in a citrus grove in Florida in 1957 (D. P. H. Tucker and R. L. Phillips 1974; D. L. Spellman and C. R. Gunn 1976). (Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.) |
Species ca. 12 (2 in the flora). (Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.) |
Key |
Source | FNA vol. 14. | FNA vol. 14. | ||||
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Synonyms | Cynanchum odoratum, Morrenia odorata | |||||
Name authority | (Hooker & Arnott) Fontella & Goyder: Phytotaxa 26: 11. (2011) | Brotero: Trans. Linn. Soc. London 12: 62, plates 4, 5. (1818) | ||||
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