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Oregon rock-cress


Habit Perennials; (caudex simple or branched, with some persistent petiolar remains); sparsely to moderately pubescent, trichomes bulbous-based, simple and long-stalked, forked, (to 2 mm), these often mixed with fewer 3-rayed, stalked stellate ones. Annuals, biennials, or perennials; (sometimes stoloniferous with vegetative rosettes, or caudex simple or branched); not scapose; often pubescent or hirsute, sometimes glabrous or glabrate, trichomes stalked, stellate, sometimes mixed with fewer, simple or forked ones.

simple or few from base (caudex), erect, unbranched distally, (0.6–)1.7–4.5(–5) dm, (usually pubescent throughout, rarely subglabrate, coarsely hirsute, trichomes simple, mixed with forked ones).

erect, ascending, or decumbent, unbranched or branched distally.


basal and cauline;

petiolate or sessile;

basal rosulate, petiolate or sessile, blade margins usually entire or dentate to denticulate, rarely lyrate-pinnatifid;

cauline usually sessile, rarely shortly petiolate, blade (base often auriculate, sagittate, or amplexicaul), margins entire or dentate.

Basal leaves

petiole 0.5–2(–3) cm, (ciliate);

blade oblanceolate to obovate, (1–)2–5(–9) cm × (5–)8–18(–22) mm, margins entire or repand to dentate, (ciliate), apex obtuse, surfaces pubescent or glabrous, trichomes simple and forked, sometimes mixed with 3-rayed stellate ones.

Cauline leaves

3–6 (or 7);

blade oblong, 1–3(–6) cm × 2–7(–15) mm, base not auriculate, margins entire or dentate, (ciliate or not), apex obtuse, surfaces pubescent as basal leaves or glabrous.


simple, (dense).

(sometimes paniculate, usually simple, sometimes branched).


sepals (purple), oblong, (5–)6–8 × 1.5–2 mm, lateral pair saccate basally;

petals purple or pink, spatulate, (10–)12–15(–16) × (3–)4–5 mm, apex obtuse;

filaments (4–)5–8 mm;

anthers narrowly oblong, 1.2–1.8 mm.

sepals erect or ascending, ovate or oblong, lateral pair saccate or not basally, (margins membranous);

petals white, pink, or purple, usually spatulate, oblong, or oblanceolate, rarely obovate, claw differentiated from blade, (shorter than sepals, apex obtuse or rounded);

stamens tetradynamous;

filaments usually not dilated basally;

anthers ovate, oblong, or linear, (apex obtuse);

nectar glands confluent, subtending bases of stamens, lateral glands semiannular or annular, median glands rarely absent, (sometimes toothlike and distinct).

Fruiting pedicels

ascending to erect, 5–10 mm, (pubescent or glabrous).

erect, ascending, or divaricate, (not reflexed or secund), slender.


erect or nearly so, slightly torulose, (3–)4.5–6 cm × 1.5–2 mm;

valves each with prominent midvein;

ovules 24–30 per ovary;

style 0.5–1 mm.

siliques, usually sessile, rarely shortly stipitate, linear, smooth or torulose, (usually straight, sometimes slightly curved), flattened, latiseptate;

valves (papery), each with obscure or prominent midvein, glabrous;

replum (visible), rounded;

septum complete, (membranous, translucent, veinless);

ovules 10–86[–110] per ovary;

style obsolete or distinct;

stigma capitate, (sometimes slightly 2-lobed).


narrowly winged distally or not winged, oblong, 1.8–2.2 × ca. 1 mm;

wing ca. 0.1 mm wide.

uniseriate, flattened, winged or margined, oblong or orbicular;

seed coat (smooth or minutely reticulate), not mucilaginous when wetted;

cotyledons accumbent.


= 8.


= 32.

Arabis oregana


Phenology Flowering Apr–May.
Habitat Moist granitic soil, rocky hillsides, chaparrals, steep banks
Elevation 500-1000(-1400) m (1600-3300(-4600) ft)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from USDA
North America; Europe; Asia; n, alpine; c Africa; e Africa
[BONAP county map]

Arabis oregana is known from Napa and Siskiyou counties (California) and Jackson County (Oregon).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Species ca. 70 (15 in the flora).

As treated by most North American authors (e.g., M. Hopkins 1937; R. C. Rollins 1941, 1993; G. A. Mulligan 1996), Arabis was so broadly delimited that it included species presently assigned to six genera in five tribes (I. A. Al-Shehbaz et al. 2006). These are: Arabidopsis and Turritis (Camelineae), Arabis (Arabideae), Boechera (Boechereae), Pennellia (Halimolobeae), and Streptanthus (Thelypodieae) (see Al-Shehbaz 2003b; M. D. Windham and Al-Shehbaz 2006, 2007).

R. C. Rollins (1993) recognized 80 species of Arabis in North America, of which 24 were divided into 40 varieties. By contrast, G. A. Mulligan (1996) recognized 30 species and six varieties in Canada alone. The combination of characteristics that they used to circumscribe the genus (e.g., linear and latiseptate fruits, accumbent cotyledons, and often branched trichomes) evolved repeatedly in Brassicaceae and cannot be relied on in the delimitation of genera (O. Appel and I. A. Al-Shehbaz 2003). The vast majority of North American species have been transferred to Boechera (x = 7), a genus distinct morphologically, cytologically, and molecularly (Al-Shehbaz 2003b; M. D. Windham and Al-Shehbaz 2006, 2007, 2007b). As currently circumscribed, Arabis (x = 8) is a primarily Eurasian genus with only 15 species in North America.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Cauline leaves: blade bases auriculate, subcordate, amplexicaul or subamplexicaul
→ 2
1. Cauline leaves: blade bases not auriculate or amplexicaul, sometimes cuneate
→ 7
2. Perennials, stoloniferous; lateral sepals conspicuously saccate basally; fruits ascending to spreading
→ 3
2. Biennials or perennials, not stoloniferous; lateral sepals not or slightly saccate basally, or not conspicuously so; fruits erect, erect-ascending, or nearly so (except A. patens)
→ 4
3. Petals 5-8(-9) × 2-3.5 mm; fruits 1.7-3.5(-4) cm; basal leaves: blade trichomes stellate with simple rays; sepals 2.5-4(-4.7) mm.
A. alpina
3. Petals 10-19 × 4-8 mm; fruits (3-)4-7 cm; basal leaves: blade trichomes stellate with some rays branched; sepals 4.5-8 mm.
A. caucasica
4. Fruits divaricate to erect-ascending (not appressed to rachises); ovules 16-28 per ovary.
A. patens
4. Fruits usually erect, rarely erect-ascending (often appressed to rachises); ovules 38-86 per ovary
→ 5
5. Fruits 0.7-0.8 mm wide; petals 6-9 mm; basal leaf blades: abaxial surface with predominantly subsessile, stellate trichomes; Alabama, Georgia.
A. georgiana
5. Fruits 0.8-1.8(-2) mm wide; petals 3.5-5(-5.5) mm (longer in A. eschscholtziana); basal leaf blades: abaxial surface usually with mix of simple, forked, and stalked, stellate trichomes, rarely subglabrate; not Alabama, not Georgia
→ 6
6. Petals 3.5-5(-5.5) mm; lateral sepals not saccate basally; fruits 0.8-1 (-1.2)mm wide; cauline leaves (7-)10-45(-61), overlapping or not.
A. pycnocarpa
6. Petals (5.5-)6.5-9(-10) mm; lateral sepals saccate basally; fruits 1.2-1.8(-2) mm wide; cauline leaves (2-)4-12(-18), not overlapping or rarely so.
A. eschscholtziana
7. Petals white, 3.5-11 mm
→ 8
7. Petals purple or pink, 8-18(-20) mm
→ 11
8. Trichomes of basal leaf blades short-stalked, stellate.
A. crucisetosa
8. Trichomes of basal leaf blades simple and forked, or only simple
→ 9
9. Fruits and fruiting pedicels erect, (sub)appressed to rachises; petals 3.5-4 mm.
A. olympica
9. Fruits and fruiting pedicels ascending to divaricate or suberect, not appressed to rachises; petals (5-)6-11 mm
→ 10
10. Fruits 1.7-2.2 mm wide; seeds winged, (1.5-)1.8-2.5(-3) mm; petals 7-11.
A. furcata
10. Fruits 0.8-1.2(-1.5) mm wide; seeds not winged, 0.6-1.2(-1.5) mm; petals (5-)6-8 mm.
A. nuttallii
11. Basal leaf blades: surfaces with short-stalked, stellate trichomes.
A. modesta
11. Basal leaf blades: surfaces with simple, forked, and sometimes 2-, 3-, or 4-rayed trichomes, or, rarely, with fewer, stellate ones
→ 12
12. Seeds orbicular or nearly so, 2-2.5 mm diam.; fruits 2-3 mm wide.
A. blepharophylla
12. Seeds oblong, 1-1.3 mm wide; fruits 1.5-2 mm wide
→ 13
13. Plants glabrous or with simple trichomes (terminating teeth of basal leaf blades); simple trichomes not bulbous-based; fruits 2-4 cm.
A. mcdonaldiana
13. Plants moderately pubescent with simple and forked trichomes; simple trichomes often bulbous-based; fruits (3-)3.5-6.5 cm
→ 14
14. Plants with at least some 3-rayed, stellate trichomes; cauline leaves 1-3(-6) cm; fruits slightly torulose.
A. oregana
14. Plants without 3-rayed, stellate trichomes; cauline leaves 0.4-1(-1.5) cm; fruits not torulose.
A. aculeolata
Source FNA vol. 7, p. 264. FNA vol. 7, p. 257. Author: Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz.
Parent taxa Brassicaceae > tribe Arabideae > Arabis Brassicaceae > tribe Arabideae
Sibling taxa
A. aculeolata, A. alpina, A. blepharophylla, A. caucasica, A. crucisetosa, A. eschscholtziana, A. furcata, A. georgiana, A. mcdonaldiana, A. modesta, A. nuttallii, A. olympica, A. patens, A. pycnocarpa
Subordinate taxa
A. aculeolata, A. alpina, A. blepharophylla, A. caucasica, A. crucisetosa, A. eschscholtziana, A. furcata, A. georgiana, A. mcdonaldiana, A. modesta, A. nuttallii, A. olympica, A. oregana, A. patens, A. pycnocarpa
Synonyms A. purpurascens, A. furcata var. purpurascens
Name authority Rollins: Rhodora 43: 349. (1941) Linnaeus: Sp. Pl. 2: 664. (1753): Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 298. (1754)
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