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strongly julaceous.

weakly julaceous.


loosely imbricate when dry, strongly concave, 0.6–1.2 mm;

costa ending mid leaf or 2/3 leaf length, rarely percurrent;

distal laminal cells elongate-vermicular, 60–100 µm, 8–10:1, walls sinuate.

strongly imbricate when dry, flat to somewhat concave, 0.6–1.4 mm;

costa percurrent to short-excurrent, mucro smooth;

distal laminal cells elongate-rhomboidal, 40–60 µm, 6:1, walls not or weakly sinuate.


2–3 cm.

2–3 cm.


inclined to nodding, brown or red-brown, ovate-pyriform, 1–2 mm;

peristome double;

endostome basal membrane high, segments broadly perforated, cilia 1–3, appendiculate to nodose.

erect or suberect, red, ovate-cylindric, 1–3 mm;

peristome single, highly reduced, of unknown origin;

endostome segments and cilia absent.


8–13 µm.

8–15 µm.


asexual reproduction absent.

asexual reproduction by leaf axil bulbils, red-brown, leafy, small.

Anomobryum julaceum

Anomobryum concinnatum

Phenology Capsules mature Jun–Sep. Capsules mature Jul–Sep.
Habitat Acidic seepy or damp soil, soil over rock, ledges Acidic seepy or damp soil, soil over rock, ledges
Elevation low to high elevations (0-4000 m) [low to high elevations (0-13100 ft)] low to high elevations (0-3500 m) [low to high elevations (0-11500 ft)]
from FNA
AK; CA; CO; CT; MI; MN; NC; NY; PA; WI; AB; BC; NT; NU; YT; Mexico; Central America; South America; Africa; Greenland; Eurasia; Subantarctic Islands
from FNA
AK; CA; CO; ME; MI; MN; MO; MT; NC; NY; TN; UT; VA; WI; BC; NB; NL; NT; QC; Greenland; Mexico (Chiapas, Chihuahua, Distrito Federal, México, Querétaro); Eurasia

Anomobryum julaceum is a widespread boreal-temperate species; capsules are very rare. Material from southern California and Mexico has been referred to var. mexicanum Schimper, but this variety is not recognized here.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Anomobryum concinnatum is a widespread boreal-temperate species, rarely with capsules, identical to material of the synonym A. leptostomoides in gametophyte features. Specimens assigned to the latter are few and produce erect capsules with highly reduced peristomes. These specimens have been interpreted as fertile specimens of A. concinnatum, a name with priority. Because A. concinnatum is rarely separated from A. julaceum, the distributions of the two in North America are tentative; A. concinnatum is the more widespread.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 28, p. 121. FNA vol. 28, p. 121.
Parent taxa Bryaceae > Anomobryum Bryaceae > Anomobryum
Sibling taxa
A. concinnatum
A. julaceum
Synonyms Bryum julaceum, Pohlia filiformis Bryum concinnatum, A. julaceum var. concinnatum, A. leptostomoides
Name authority (Schrader ex P. Gaertner: Syn. Musc. Eur., 382. (1860) (Spruce) Lindberg: Öfvers Kongl. Vetensk.-Akad. Förh. 18: 277. (1861)
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