Anomobryum julaceum |
Anomobryum |
anomobryum moss |
Habit | Plants small, in thin mats or scattered, pale green to yellow-green. | |||||
Stems | strongly julaceous. |
0.5–1.5 cm, weakly to strongly julaceous, often appearing stringlike, not or weakly branched; rhizoids few, micronemata and macronemata absent or present in clusters on proximal stem. |
Leaves | loosely imbricate when dry, strongly concave, 0.6–1.2 mm; costa ending mid leaf or 2/3 leaf length, rarely percurrent; distal laminal cells elongate-vermicular, 60–100 µm, 8–10:1, walls sinuate. |
imbricate when dry, erect when moist, broadly ovate or ovate-lanceolate, flat to concave, 0.6–1.4 mm; base not decurrent; margins recurved proximally, plane distally, or often plane throughout, entire, 1-stratose, limbidium absent; apex broadly acute; costa not reaching apex or very short-excurrent, mucro smooth, guide cells absent; alar cells not differentiated from juxtacostal cells; laminal areolation distinctly heterogeneous; proximal laminal cells quadrate or short-rectangular, 1–2:1; medial and distal cells elongate-rhomboidal to elongate-vermicular, 6–10:1, walls thick, not pitted. |
Seta | 2–3 cm. |
single, flexuose. |
Sexual condition | dioicous; perigonia and perichaetia terminal, leaves same size as vegetative leaves or usually larger, not forming rosette, inner leaves little differentiated. |
Capsule | inclined to nodding, brown or red-brown, ovate-pyriform, 1–2 mm; peristome double; endostome basal membrane high, segments broadly perforated, cilia 1–3, appendiculate to nodose. |
inclined to erect, ovate-cylindric or ovate-pyriform, 1–3 mm; hypophysis somewhat differentiated; operculum weakly convex, short-conic, not rostrate; peristome double, single, or rarely absent; exostome pale brown basally, hyaline distally, teeth slender lanceolate; endostome separate from exostome or sometimes adherent or absent, basal membrane low to high, segments present or absent, broadly perforate, cilia present or sometimes absent. |
Spores | 8–13 µm. |
shed singly, 8–15 µm, finely papillose, pale tan or yellow-tan. |
Specialized | asexual reproduction absent. |
asexual reproduction by leaf axil bulbils or absent. |
Anomobryum julaceum |
Anomobryum |
Phenology | Capsules mature Jun–Sep. | |||||
Habitat | Acidic seepy or damp soil, soil over rock, ledges | |||||
Elevation | low to high elevations (0-4000 m) [low to high elevations (0-13100 ft)] | |||||
Distribution |
AK; CA; CO; CT; MI; MN; NC; NY; PA; WI; AB; BC; NT; NU; YT; Mexico; Central America; South America; Africa; Greenland; Eurasia; Subantarctic Islands |
Nearly worldwide |
Discussion | Anomobryum julaceum is a widespread boreal-temperate species; capsules are very rare. Material from southern California and Mexico has been referred to var. mexicanum Schimper, but this variety is not recognized here. (Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.) |
Species ca. 30 (2 in the flora). Species of Anomobryum are distributed in temperate to alpine regions of the world, with concentrations in the mountains of Mexico and Central and South America. Although the genus is morphologically similar to Bryum, molecular studies consistently show that the types of the two genera, A. julaceum and B. argenteum, are not closely related. Anomobryum can generally be distinguished from Bryum by the elongate, very slender stems, suggestive of pieces of string, and extremely long distal laminal cells. Bryum species tend to have thicker, more rounded stems that are relatively short, and for the most part shorter distal laminal cells. Plants of Anomobryum have brown to orange stems. The leaf apices are not hyaline; the distal laminal cells do not occur in rows oblique to the costa; the exostome teeth are trabeculate and without pores; and the spores do not germinate in the capsule. (Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.) |
Key |
Source | FNA vol. 28, p. 121. | FNA vol. 28, p. 120. | ||||
Parent taxa | ||||||
Sibling taxa | ||||||
Subordinate taxa | ||||||
Synonyms | Bryum julaceum, Pohlia filiformis | |||||
Name authority | (Schrader ex P. Gaertner: Syn. Musc. Eur., 382. (1860) | Schimper: Syn. Musc. Eur., cxxxviii, 382. (1860) | ||||
Web links |