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Cusick's serviceberry, Cusick's shadbush, saskatoon

pale serviceberry, pale serviceberry or shadbush, pallid service berry

Habit Shrubs, 2–8 m. Stems 1–50, solitary or in colonies. Shrubs, 0.5–6 m. Stems 1–50, often densely colonial, much branched.

fully unfolded;

petiole (9–)12.8–19(–28) mm;

blade elliptic to suborbiculate, (22–)33–46(–61) × (13–)25–32(–50) mm, base subcordate to truncate, each margin with (0 or)1–6(–11) teeth on proximal 1/2 and (2–)4 or 5(–7) teeth in distalmost cm, largest teeth 1 mm, apex usually truncate, sometimes mucronate to acute, abaxial surface glabrous or sparsely hairy by flowering, glabrous (or sparsely hairy) later, adaxial glabrous later.

fully unfolded;

petiole (1–)4.5–8.5(–18) mm;

blade suborbiculate to oval or obovate, (15–)20–29(–44) × (10–)14–20(–28) mm, base rounded to subcordate, sometimes cuneate, each margin with 0(–2) teeth on proximal 1/2 and (0–)2–5(–9) teeth in distalmost cm, largest teeth less than 1 mm, apex rounded, truncate, or emarginate to acute and mucronate, abaxial surface moderately (sparsely) hairy by flowering, sparsely to moderately hairy later, adaxial sparsely hairy later.


(4–)6–8(–10)-flowered, (17–)26–36(–47) mm.

(6 or)7–11(–17)-flowered, (15–)21–29(–38) mm.


(0 or)1 or 2 subtended by a leaf, proximalmost (4–)9–14(–18) mm.

(0 or)1 or 2(or 3) subtended by a leaf, proximalmost (8–)12–18(–25) mm.


sepals erect to recurved after flowering, (2.6–)3.3–4.3(–5.3) mm;

petals obovate to oblanceolate, (10.8–)13.3–20.1(–23.2) × (2.3–)3.3–6.3(–7.5) mm;

stamens (14–)18–20(–21);

styles (4 or)5, (1.7–)2.6–4(–4.8) mm;

ovary apex glabrous or sparsely hairy (or with a ring of hairs at base of styles).

sepals usually erect to recurved after flowering, (1.3–)1.6–3(–4.5) mm;

petals elliptic to broadly oval, (4–)5.2–8(–9.5) × (2.2–)3.2–4.6(–6.6) mm;

stamens (12–)17–21(–23);

styles (2 or)3 or 4(or 5), (1.4–)2.1–2.7(–3.3) mm;

ovary apex moderately to densely (sparsely) hairy.


bluish black, 10 mm diam. 2n = 4x.

often brownish, 6–10 mm diam. 2n = 2x, 4x.

Amelanchier cusickii

Amelanchier pallida

Phenology Flowering Mar–Jul; fruiting May–Aug. Flowering Apr–Jun; fruiting Jul–Sep.
Habitat Basaltic ledges, cliffs, and bluffs along streams, stony soil, streambeds, stream banks, copses, mountainsides, roadsides Dry rocky slopes, canyons, chaparral, mountainsides
Elevation 600–2300 m (2000–7500 ft) 1000–2000 m (3300–6600 ft)
from FNA
[BONAP county map]
from FNA

Amelanchier cusickii has distinctively long petals. Leaves that are glabrous upon expanding and glabrous or sparsely hairy ovary apices are also useful for identification. The species flowers before A. alnifolia, which suggests that the two are genetically distinct. G. N. Jones (1946) noted that A. alnifolia and A. cusickii frequently grow together and that there is no evidence of hybridization; the authors have observed hybridization between A. alnifolia var. semiintegrifolia and A. cusickii.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Amelanchier pallida is known from northern California and southern Oregon. The species is distinctive for its often broadly oval petals, relatively long proximalmost pedicels, leaves with teeth that are relatively small and few in number, and usually absent in proximal half, and much-branched habit.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 9, p. 652. FNA vol. 9, p. 650.
Parent taxa Rosaceae > subfam. Amygdaloideae > tribe Maleae > Amelanchier Rosaceae > subfam. Amygdaloideae > tribe Maleae > Amelanchier
Sibling taxa
A. alnifolia, A. amabilis, A. arborea, A. bartramiana, A. canadensis, A. fernaldii, A. gaspensis, A. humilis, A. interior, A. intermedia, A. laevis, A. nantucketensis, A. nitens, A. pallida, A. sanguinea, A. spicata, A. utahensis
A. alnifolia, A. amabilis, A. arborea, A. bartramiana, A. canadensis, A. cusickii, A. fernaldii, A. gaspensis, A. humilis, A. interior, A. intermedia, A. laevis, A. nantucketensis, A. nitens, A. sanguinea, A. spicata, A. utahensis
Synonyms A. alnifolia var. cusickii, A. basalticola
Name authority Fernald: Erythea 7: 121. (1899) Greene: Fl. Francisc., 53. (1891)
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