1. Limbidia usually conspicuous | → 2 |
| → 3 |
2. Limbidia (2-)4-stratose; margins serrulate to serrate, occasionally entire; stems coarse, often dendroid, irregularly branched to subpinnate beyond ± naked stem; paraphyllia absent. | Limbella |
2. Limbidia 2-4-stratose; margins serrulate distally or to base, sometimes entire; stems fine, prostrate, irregularly branched or subpinnate; paraphyllia present. | Platylomella |
3. Stems with hyalodermis at least partial | → 4 |
3. Stems with hyalodermis absent | → 6 |
4. Stem leaves usually plicate; costae single, ending in acumen. | Sanionia |
4. Stem leaves not plicate; ecostate, costae double and short, or sometimes single and long | → 5 |
5. Plants in or near running water or lakeshores; costae single, to 1/2-3/4 leaf or double and short; if double and short, medial laminal cells 27- 66 µm. | Hygrohypnum |
5. Plants in moist and humid habitats; costae double and short, or ecostate; medial laminal cells 42-115(-145) µm. | Calliergonella |
6. Stem leaf alar cells not or poorly differentiated; costae single | → 7 |
6. Stem leaf alar cells ± differentiated or not; costae single or double, occasionally ecostate | → 8 |
7. Plants yellow to dark green or blackish; leaves not plicate; rhizoids sparsely branched, never from abaxial costa surface. | Hygroamblystegium |
7. Plants golden to yellow-green or golden brown; leaves strongly plicate; rhizoids strongly branched, from proximal abaxial costa surface. | Tomentypnum |
| → 9 |
8. Stem leaves longer than 1 mm | → 17 |
9. Rhizoids or rhizoid initials on stem, abaxial costa surface, or lamina near apex, warty-papillose, strongly branched, often forming tomentum. | Conardia |
9. Rhizoids or rhizoid initials only on stem or abaxial costa insertion, never on lamina, smooth or rarely slightly papillose, slightly to strongly branched, rarely forming tomentum | → 10 |
10. Stem leaves recurved, wide-spreading, or squarrose, at least along some shoot portions; acumina when differentiated distinctly furrowed | → 11 |
10. Stem leaves not recurved, wide-spreading, or squarrose; acumina plane or almost so | → 14 |
11. Stem leaf costae usually double, short, terminal abaxial spine often present; distal laminal cells usually prorate distally on dorsal side | → 12 |
11. Stem leaf costae single, long, sometimes double and shorter in some (rarely all) leaves, terminal abaxial spine absent; distal laminal cells smooth | → 13 |
12. Leaf acumina not differentiated; apices acute or blunt. | Hygrohypnum |
12. Leaf acumina usually clearly differentiated; apices acuminate or narrowly so. | Campylophyllum |
13. Widest alar cells 10-18(-21) µm wide; paraphyllia absent; sexual condition dioicous; endostome cilia nodose or partially appendiculate. | Campyliadelphus |
13. Widest alar cells 14-25 µm wide; paraphyllia often present; sexual condition autoicous; endostome cilia nodose. | Pseudocampylium |
14. Plants aquatic or semiaquatic; leaves orbicular, broadly ovate, or ovate; if ovate, either apices broadly rounded or alar cells well differentiated. | Hygrohypnum |
14. Plants terrestrial (sometimes on shores); leaves usually ovate to oblong-lanceolate, rarely lanceolate; apices acuminate; alar cells differentiated or not | → 15 |
15. Ecostate or costae double. | Platydictya |
| → 16 |
16. Capsules straight, erect; exostome teeth short, papillose throughout; endostome basal membranes absent, cilia absent; usually epiphytes on trees, sometimes rotten wood. | Anacamptodon |
16. Capsules arcuate, inclined to horizontal; exostome teeth well developed, external surface cross striolate basally; endostome basal membranes present, cilia usually well developed; growing on soil, rock, or wood. | Amblystegium |
17. Stem leaves recurved, wide-spreading, or squarrose, at least along some shoot portions; acumina distinctly furrowed | → 18 |
17. Stem leaves not recurved, wide-spreading, or squarrose; acumina plane or furrowed | → 21 |
18. Stem leaves to 1.7 mm; bases clearly decurrent; alar cells slightly inflated, widest alar cells 10-25 µm wide | → 19 |
18. Stem leaves usually at least 1.6 mm; bases not or hardly decurrent; alar cells strongly inflated, widest alar cells 17-32 µm wide | → 20 |
19. Widest alar cells 10-18(-21) µm wide; paraphyllia absent; sexual condition dioicous; endostome cilia nodose or partially appendiculate. | Campyliadelphus |
19. Widest alar cells 14-25 µm wide; paraphyllia often present; sexual condition autoicous; endostome cilia nodose. | Pseudocampylium |
20. Stem leaf costae double or single, ending below mid leaf; alar regions quadrate, ovate, or rectangular, reaching from margin 15-60% distance to costa at insertion. | Campylium |
20. Stem leaf costae double and short or single and long; alar regions transversely triangular or quadrate, reaching from margin (25-)40-100% distance to costa at insertion. | Drepanocladus |
21. Paraphyllia usually present; rhizoids often forming tomentum | → 22 |
21. Paraphyllia absent; rhizoids rarely forming tomentum | → 24 |
22. Stem leaves plicate; at least some medial laminal cells usually prorate or rarely papillose abaxially; paraphyllia linear or lanceolate-linear. | Palustriella |
22. Stem leaves not plicate; medial laminal cells smooth; paraphyllia ± lanceolate | → 23 |
23. Sexual condition dioicous; alar cells hyaline, inflated; stem leaves usually triangular; margins denticulate or serrulate. | Cratoneuron |
23. Sexual condition autoicous; alar cells green to brownish orange, not or slightly inflated; stem leaves oblong-lanceolate to oblong-ovate, rarely ovate; margins entire to finely denticulate. | Hygroamblystegium |
24. Stem leaf costae double or 2-fid, short, or ending in mid leaf to slightly beyond | → 25 |
24. Stem leaf costae single, long | → 26 |
25. Alar cell walls thin or slightly incrassate, regions mostly well delimited, small, quadrate or rectangular; axillary hairs hyaline when young. | Hygrohypnum |
25. Alar cell walls ± strongly incrassate, regions indistinctly delimited, large, transversely triangular; axillary hairs yellow or brownish when young. | Pseudocalliergon |
26. Stem leaf alar regions distinctly delimited | → 27 |
26. Stem leaf alar regions indistinctly or gradually delimited | → 28 |
27. Alar cells not or slightly inflated; plants frequently in running water or on wet rock. | Hygrohypnum |
27. Alar cells strongly inflated; plants not usually in running water. | Drepanocladus |
28. Rhizoids or rhizoid initials on abaxial costa surface or on lamina near apex, warty-papillose, strongly branched, often forming tomentum. | Conardia |
28. Rhizoids or rhizoid initials only on stem or abaxial costa insertion, never on lamina, smooth or rarely warty-papillose, slightly to strongly branched, rarely forming tomentum (often forming tomentum in Hygroamblystegium) | → 29 |
29. Stem leaf alar cell walls usually incrassate to strongly so, rarely thin in mature leaves; axillary hairs well developed, many, distal cells yellow or brownish when young. | Pseudocalliergon |
29. Stem leaf alar cell walls thin or slightly incrassate in mature leaves; axillary hairs well developed and many, or small, delicate, sparse, distal cells hyaline when young | → 30 |
30. Leaf apices rounded or blunt; costae ending 1/2 -3/4 leaf length. | Hygrohypnum |
30. Leaf apices acuminate, if blunt or obtuse then costae ending in or just before apex | → 31 |
31. Stem leaf costae to 3/5 -3/4 leaf length; medial laminal cells 42-117 µm. | Leptodictyum |
31. Stem leaf costae usually ending in distal acumen to percurrent; medial laminal cells (9-)13-65(-67) µm. | Hygroamblystegium |