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blood amaranth, caterpillar amaranth, purple amaranth, red amaranth

Habit Plants almost glabrous or slightly pubescent distally, especially when young.

erect, green or reddish purple, branched distally, mostly in inflorescence, to nearly simple, 0.4–2 m.


petiole 1/2 as long as to ± equaling blade;

blade rhombic-ovate or ovate to broadly lanceolate, 3–15(–20) × 1.5–10(–15) cm, occasionally larger in robust plants, base cuneate to broadly cuneate, margins entire, plane, apex acute or subobtuse to slightly emarginate, with mucro.


narrowly spathulate, 2–3 mm, equaling or slightly longer than tepals, apex short-spinescent.


terminal and axillary, erect, reflexed, or nodding, usually dark red, purple, or deep beet-red, less commonly almost green or greenish red, leafless at least distally, large and robust.

Staminate flowers

at tips of inflorescences;

tepals 5;

stamens (4–)5.

Pistillate flowers

tepals 5, oblong to lanceolate, not clawed, equal or subequal, 1.5–3 mm, apex acute;

style branches erect or slightly reflexed;

stigmas 3.


usually white or ivory, with reddish or yellowish tint, sometimes dark brown to dark reddish brown, broadly lenticular to elliptic-lenticular, 1.2–1.6 mm diam., smooth or indistinctly punctate.


obovoid to elongate-obovoid, 2–2.5 mm, smooth or slightly rugose distally, dehiscence regularly circumscissile.

Amaranthus cruentus

Phenology Flowering summer–fall.
Habitat Near places of cultivation
from FNA
AZ; CA; CT; IL; IN; KY; MA; MD; ME; MI; NC; NE; NH; NJ; NY; OH; OR; PA; RI; SC; TX; UT; VT; WA; WI; WV; Central America; South America; cultivated widely
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Amaranthus cruentus is cultivated as ornamental and pseudocereal almost worldwide from tropical to warm-temperate regions. While reported as naturalized in several states, most specimens identified as this species are referable to A. hybridus or other native species. Escaped plants of A. cruentus sometimes occur near places of cultivation (see note under A. caudatus). No attempt has been made to summarize distribution data for such escapes.

Amaranthus cruentus originated from A. hybridus (most probably in cultivation in Central America), with which it shares almost all major morphologic characteristics. Inclusion of cultivated forms in A. hybridus in a broad sense is thus rather justified. Cultivated species traditionally have been treated as separate taxa in horticultural and agricultural literature, and we prefer to maintain the current convenient usage of these names.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 4.
Parent taxa Amaranthaceae > Amaranthus > subg. Amaranthus
Sibling taxa
A. acanthochiton, A. albus, A. arenicola, A. australis, A. blitoides, A. blitum, A. californicus, A. cannabinus, A. caudatus, A. crassipes, A. crispus, A. deflexus, A. dubius, A. fimbriatus, A. floridanus, A. graecizans, A. greggii, A. hybridus, A. hypochondriacus, A. muricatus, A. obcordatus, A. palmeri, A. polygonoides, A. powellii, A. pumilus, A. retroflexus, A. scleropoides, A. spinosus, A. tamaulipensis, A. thunbergii, A. torreyi, A. tricolor, A. tuberculatus, A. viridis, A. viscidulus, A. watsonii, A. wrightii
Synonyms A. hybridus subsp. cruentus
Name authority Linnaeus: Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 2: 1269. (1759)
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