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mountain swamp onion, swamp onion

Spanish needle onion


1–3, larger bulbs each usually with cluster of 10–30 easily detached bulbels to one side of base, not clustered on stout, primary rhizome, globose to ovoid, 1–1.6 × 0.8–1.5 cm;

outer coats enclosing 1 or more bulbs, brownish, membranous, without fibers;

inner coats white to pink;

inner and outer coats frequently without obvious reticulations, these, when present, contorted.

2–10+, forming threadlike rhizomes, rhizomes 3–10 cm, terminated by bulbels and/or 1–2 basal bulbels that in turn may produce threadlike rhizomes, ± globose, 1–1.5 × 1–1.5 cm;

outer coats enclosing single bulb, brown, membranous, lacking cellular reticulation or cells arranged in only 2–3 rows distal to roots, ± quadrate, without fibers;

inner coats light yellow, turning reddish on drying, cells obscure, ± quadrate.


persistent, green at anthesis, 2, basally sheathing, sheaths not extending much above soil surface;

blade solid, flat or channeled, 10–25 cm × 1–4 mm, margins entire.

persistent, withering from tip by anthesis, 1, basally sheathing, sheath not extending much above soil surface;

blade solid, terete, 20–40 cm × 2–4 mm.


persistent, solitary, erect, solid, ± terete, sometimes ridged, 10–20 cm × 1–2 mm.

persistent, solitary, erect, solid, terete, 10–20+ cm × 1–5 mm.


persistent, erect, compact, 10–20-flowered, hemispheric, bulbils unknown;

spathe bracts persistent, 2, 5–7-veined, ovate, ± equal, apex acuminate.

persistent, erect, compact, 12–30-flowered, globose, bulbils unknown;

spathe bracts persistent, usually 3, 5–7-veined, lanceolate, ± equal, apex apiculate.


campanulate, 6–10 mm;

tepals erect or ± spreading, white with prominent green or pink midveins, lanceolate, ± equal, becoming papery in fruit, margins entire, apex obtuse to acuminate, becoming involute at tip;

stamens included;

anthers white or yellow;

pollen yellow;

ovary crestless or obscurely crested;

processes 3, low, central, rounded, minute;

style linear, equaling stamens;

stigma capitate, unlobed or slightly lobed;

pedicel 5–12 mm.

campanulate, 12–14 mm;

tepals spreading, unequal;

outer tepals maroon, oblanceolate, margins irregularly shallow-toothed, apex acute to mucronate, reflexed-curled;

inner tepals maroon distally, white proximally, ovate, withering in fruit, curled back at tip, margins entire, apex acute, reflexed;

stamens included;

anthers yellow;

pollen yellow;

ovary crested;

processes 6, prominent, narrowly triangular, margins entire, apex emarginate;

style linear, equaling stamens;

stigma capitate, 3-lobed, lobes slender, recurved;

pedicel 10–16 mm.


coat dull;

cells ± smooth.

coat shining;

cells minutely roughened.


= 28, 42.

= 14.

Allium madidum

Allium shevockii

Phenology Flowering May–Jul. Flowering Jun–Jul.
Habitat Seasonally wet meadows Soil pockets on schist outcrops
Elevation 1100–2000 m (3600–6600 ft) 2200–2400 m (7200–7900 ft)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[BONAP county map]

Allium madidum is found in the Blue Mountains, Oregon and in Idaho near Payette Lake and New Meadows.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Of conservation concern.

Allium shevockii is known only from the upper slopes of Spanish Needle Peak in the southern Sierra Nevada and from Horse Canyon, Tehachapi Mountains.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 26, p. 255. FNA vol. 26, p. 252.
Parent taxa Liliaceae > Allium Liliaceae > Allium
Sibling taxa
A. aaseae, A. abramsii, A. acuminatum, A. ampeloprasum, A. amplectens, A. anceps, A. atrorubens, A. bigelovii, A. bisceptrum, A. bolanderi, A. brandegeei, A. brevistylum, A. burlewii, A. campanulatum, A. canadense, A. cepa, A. cernuum, A. columbianum, A. constrictum, A. coryi, A. cratericola, A. crenulatum, A. crispum, A. cuthbertii, A. denticulatum, A. diabolense, A. dichlamydeum, A. dictuon, A. douglasii, A. drummondii, A. elmendorfii, A. falcifolium, A. fibrillum, A. fimbriatum, A. fistulosum, A. geyeri, A. gooddingii, A. haematochiton, A. hickmanii, A. hoffmanii, A. howellii, A. hyalinum, A. jepsonii, A. kunthii, A. lacunosum, A. lemmonii, A. macropetalum, A. macrum, A. membranaceum, A. monticola, A. munzii, A. neapolitanum, A. nevadense, A. nevii, A. nigrum, A. obtusum, A. oleraceum, A. paniculatum, A. parishii, A. parryi, A. parvum, A. passeyi, A. peninsulare, A. perdulce, A. platycaule, A. plummerae, A. praecox, A. punctum, A. rhizomatum, A. robinsonii, A. rotundum, A. runyonii, A. sanbornii, A. sativum, A. schoenoprasum, A. scilloides, A. serra, A. sharsmithiae, A. shevockii, A. simillimum, A. siskiyouense, A. speculae, A. stellatum, A. textile, A. tolmiei, A. tribracteatum, A. tricoccum, A. triquetrum, A. tuberosum, A. tuolumnense, A. unifolium, A. validum, A. victorialis, A. vineale, A. yosemitense
A. aaseae, A. abramsii, A. acuminatum, A. ampeloprasum, A. amplectens, A. anceps, A. atrorubens, A. bigelovii, A. bisceptrum, A. bolanderi, A. brandegeei, A. brevistylum, A. burlewii, A. campanulatum, A. canadense, A. cepa, A. cernuum, A. columbianum, A. constrictum, A. coryi, A. cratericola, A. crenulatum, A. crispum, A. cuthbertii, A. denticulatum, A. diabolense, A. dichlamydeum, A. dictuon, A. douglasii, A. drummondii, A. elmendorfii, A. falcifolium, A. fibrillum, A. fimbriatum, A. fistulosum, A. geyeri, A. gooddingii, A. haematochiton, A. hickmanii, A. hoffmanii, A. howellii, A. hyalinum, A. jepsonii, A. kunthii, A. lacunosum, A. lemmonii, A. macropetalum, A. macrum, A. madidum, A. membranaceum, A. monticola, A. munzii, A. neapolitanum, A. nevadense, A. nevii, A. nigrum, A. obtusum, A. oleraceum, A. paniculatum, A. parishii, A. parryi, A. parvum, A. passeyi, A. peninsulare, A. perdulce, A. platycaule, A. plummerae, A. praecox, A. punctum, A. rhizomatum, A. robinsonii, A. rotundum, A. runyonii, A. sanbornii, A. sativum, A. schoenoprasum, A. scilloides, A. serra, A. sharsmithiae, A. simillimum, A. siskiyouense, A. speculae, A. stellatum, A. textile, A. tolmiei, A. tribracteatum, A. tricoccum, A. triquetrum, A. tuberosum, A. tuolumnense, A. unifolium, A. validum, A. victorialis, A. vineale, A. yosemitense
Name authority S. Watson: Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 14: 228. (1879) McNeal: Madroño 34: 150, fig. 1. (1987)
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