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Hooker's onion, taper-tip onion


1–12+, not basally clustered, not forming rhizomes, ovoid to ± globose, 0.8–1.6 × 0.9–1.6 cm;

outer coats enclosing 1 or more renewal bulbs, ± yellow-brown, prominently cellular-reticulate, membranous, cells square or polygonal, walls thick, obscurely sinuous, without fibers;

inner coats white, cells obscure, ± quadrate.

1–50+, ovoid, 0.2–1.5 × 0.2–1 cm;

outer coats surrounding numerous, very dark purple bulbels, usually white or greenish, membranous, sometimes breaking into ± parallel, fibrous strips;

inner coats white, cells obscure, quadrate.


persistent, withering from tip by anthesis, 2–3, basally sheathing, sheaths not extending much above soil surface;

blade solid, subterete or ± channeled, 7–30 cm × 1–3 mm, margins entire.

persistent, 2–5, sheathing 1/3–1/2 scape;

blade solid, flat or channeled, carinate, 15–40 cm × 2–5(–7) mm, margins entire.


persistent, solitary, erect, solid, terete, 10–35 cm × 1–3 mm.

persistent, solitary, erect, ± solid, 25–90 cm × 1–4 mm.


persistent, erect, loose, 10–40-flowered, hemispheric, bulbils unknown;

spathe bracts persistent, 2, 3–7-veined, lanceolate to ovate, ± equal, apex acuminate.

persistent, erect, very dense, 80–200-flowered, globose, bulbils unknown;

spathe bracts caducous, 2, 7–12-veined, lanceolate, ± equal, apex narrowed to beak, beak to 2 cm.


campanulate, 8–15 mm;

tepals erect, pink to rose-purple, or white, lanceolate to lance-ovate, unequal, becoming rigid and keeled in fruit, margins finely denticulate (inner tepal more prominently so), apex acuminate, outer tepal longer and wider than inner, spreading to recurved at tip, inner tepal with strongly recurved tips;

stamens included;

anthers yellow;

pollen yellow;

ovary crested;

processes 3, central, 2-lobed, rounded, minute, margins entire;

style linear, equaling stamens;

stigma capitate, scarcely thickened, obscurely 3-lobed;

pedicel 6–25 mm.

campanulate, 4–7 mm;

tepals erect, purple, or inner with broad whitish margins and purple midvein, oblong to ovate, ± equal, becoming keeled and ± rigid in fruit, margins entire, apex acute to obtuse;

stamens included;

filaments: outer unlobed, inner with 2 prominent teeth on either side of anther, teeth 2–3 times anther-bearing portion, usually papillose to ciliate;

anthers yellow or purple;

pollen light yellow to white;

ovary crestless;

style linear, ± equaling anther-bearing portion of stamens;

stigma capitate, unlobed;

pedicels 5–30 mm, outer much shorter than inner.


coat dull or shining;

cells minutely roughened.

coat dull;

cells each with central papilla.


= 14.

Allium acuminatum

Allium rotundum

Phenology Flowering Apr–Jul. Flowering May–Jul.
Habitat Dry slopes and plains Disturbed fields and roadsides
Elevation 100–1500 m (300–4900 ft)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
MI; c Europe; s Europe [Introduced in North America]
[BONAP county map]

Allium rotundum is native to central and southern Europe. It is reported as established in southern Michigan, and is to be expected elsewhere in the Great Lakes region.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 26, p. 261. FNA vol. 26, p. 244.
Parent taxa Liliaceae > Allium Liliaceae > Allium
Sibling taxa
A. aaseae, A. abramsii, A. ampeloprasum, A. amplectens, A. anceps, A. atrorubens, A. bigelovii, A. bisceptrum, A. bolanderi, A. brandegeei, A. brevistylum, A. burlewii, A. campanulatum, A. canadense, A. cepa, A. cernuum, A. columbianum, A. constrictum, A. coryi, A. cratericola, A. crenulatum, A. crispum, A. cuthbertii, A. denticulatum, A. diabolense, A. dichlamydeum, A. dictuon, A. douglasii, A. drummondii, A. elmendorfii, A. falcifolium, A. fibrillum, A. fimbriatum, A. fistulosum, A. geyeri, A. gooddingii, A. haematochiton, A. hickmanii, A. hoffmanii, A. howellii, A. hyalinum, A. jepsonii, A. kunthii, A. lacunosum, A. lemmonii, A. macropetalum, A. macrum, A. madidum, A. membranaceum, A. monticola, A. munzii, A. neapolitanum, A. nevadense, A. nevii, A. nigrum, A. obtusum, A. oleraceum, A. paniculatum, A. parishii, A. parryi, A. parvum, A. passeyi, A. peninsulare, A. perdulce, A. platycaule, A. plummerae, A. praecox, A. punctum, A. rhizomatum, A. robinsonii, A. rotundum, A. runyonii, A. sanbornii, A. sativum, A. schoenoprasum, A. scilloides, A. serra, A. sharsmithiae, A. shevockii, A. simillimum, A. siskiyouense, A. speculae, A. stellatum, A. textile, A. tolmiei, A. tribracteatum, A. tricoccum, A. triquetrum, A. tuberosum, A. tuolumnense, A. unifolium, A. validum, A. victorialis, A. vineale, A. yosemitense
A. aaseae, A. abramsii, A. acuminatum, A. ampeloprasum, A. amplectens, A. anceps, A. atrorubens, A. bigelovii, A. bisceptrum, A. bolanderi, A. brandegeei, A. brevistylum, A. burlewii, A. campanulatum, A. canadense, A. cepa, A. cernuum, A. columbianum, A. constrictum, A. coryi, A. cratericola, A. crenulatum, A. crispum, A. cuthbertii, A. denticulatum, A. diabolense, A. dichlamydeum, A. dictuon, A. douglasii, A. drummondii, A. elmendorfii, A. falcifolium, A. fibrillum, A. fimbriatum, A. fistulosum, A. geyeri, A. gooddingii, A. haematochiton, A. hickmanii, A. hoffmanii, A. howellii, A. hyalinum, A. jepsonii, A. kunthii, A. lacunosum, A. lemmonii, A. macropetalum, A. macrum, A. madidum, A. membranaceum, A. monticola, A. munzii, A. neapolitanum, A. nevadense, A. nevii, A. nigrum, A. obtusum, A. oleraceum, A. paniculatum, A. parishii, A. parryi, A. parvum, A. passeyi, A. peninsulare, A. perdulce, A. platycaule, A. plummerae, A. praecox, A. punctum, A. rhizomatum, A. robinsonii, A. runyonii, A. sanbornii, A. sativum, A. schoenoprasum, A. scilloides, A. serra, A. sharsmithiae, A. shevockii, A. simillimum, A. siskiyouense, A. speculae, A. stellatum, A. textile, A. tolmiei, A. tribracteatum, A. tricoccum, A. triquetrum, A. tuberosum, A. tuolumnense, A. unifolium, A. validum, A. victorialis, A. vineale, A. yosemitense
Synonyms A. acuminatum var. cuspidatum, A. cuspidatum
Name authority Hooker: Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 184, plate 196. (1838) Linnaeus: Sp. Pl. ed. 2, 1: 423. (1762)
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