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Mimosa, Persian silk tree, silk-tree

tall albizia, white siris

Habit Trees to 6 m. Stems strigillose, bark light gray, smooth, with inconspicuous scattered, brownish lenticels. Trees 4–15(–25) m. Stems to 8.5 cm diam., glabrous, bark greenish, smooth, thin, with scattered, orange lenticels.

20–32 cm;

stipules 2 mm;

petiole 3–7.5 cm, glabrescent or puberulent;

gland proximal or sub-basal, elliptic, length to 1.5 times width;

pinnae (4 or)5–12 pairs, 5.5–10 cm, with gland between 1 or 2 distal pairs;

leaflets (13–)17–22(–36) pairs, blades not bicolored, oblong, 0.7–1.5 cm, venation palmate, midvein marginal or submarginal, base strongly asymmetric, truncate, apex acute, short-mucronate, surfaces glabrous or sparsely pubescent;

terminal pair not heteromorphic.

9–35 cm;

stipules 2 mm;

petiole to 6 cm, glabrescent;

gland ± proximal, elliptic, length 3 times width;

pinnae (1–)3–6 pairs, 10–21 cm, with gland between 1 or 2 distal pairs;

leaflets 6–9 pairs, blades bicolored, inequilaterally oval or oblong, 2–5 cm, venation palmate, midvein submarginal, base acute, apex rounded, mucronate, surfaces glabrous or sparsely appressed-puberulous, adaxially darker;

terminal pair not heteromorphic.


18–25-flowered, terminal or axillary, capitula;

axis densely strigillose.

20–25-flowered, axillary, capitula;

axis densely strigillose.


3–9 cm, densely strigulose;

bracts linear-lanceolate, 2(–5) mm.

1–2 cm, densely strigillose;

bracts caducous, proximal, linear lanceolate, 1.3 mm, densely strigillose.


to 1 mm.

to 1 mm.


calyx campanulate, (2.5–)6 mm, lobes 5 or 6, glabrescent;

corolla campanulate, (8–)12 mm, lobes 4 or 5, strigillose distally;

stamens 32, white proximally, pink distally, 30–35 mm, tube (10–)12 mm;

terminal or central flower calyx 3 mm, lobes 5, glabrous;

corolla 9–12 mm, lobes 5;

stamens 28 mm, tube long-exerted, to 18 mm.

calyx campanulate, 2 mm, lobes 5 or 6, densely strigillose;

corolla infundibuliform, 5.3 mm, lobes 5, strigillose;

stamens 45, 15 mm, tube 2 mm;

terminal or central flower calyx 2.5 mm, lobes 5, glabrous;

corolla to 7 mm, lobes 5, densely strigillose;

stamens 70, 28 mm, staminal tube to 6 mm.


fuscous-ferruginous, 10–20 × 1.5–2.6 cm, margins straight or slightly constricted, base acute, apex rounded, narrowing to a beak to 1.5 cm, valves membranous, glabrescent, smooth or slightly rough.

reddish brown, 13–16 × 1.5–3 cm, base acute, apex rounded to a beak to 1 cm, valves membranous, glabrescent, smooth with faint reticulations.


6–8(–10), 9 × 5 mm.

4–8(–12), 6.5–8.5 × 4–6.5 mm.


= 26, 52.

= 26.

Albizia julibrissin

Albizia procera

Phenology Flowering spring–summer; fruiting summer–fall. Flowering fall; fruiting winter.
Habitat Disturbed roadsides, thickets, riverbanks. Roadsides, thickets.
Elevation 100–700 m. (300–2300 ft.) 0–10 m. (0–0 ft.)
from FNA
AL; AR; CA; CT; FL; GA; IL; IN; KS; LA; MD; MO; MS; NC; NJ; NM; NY; OH; OK; PA; SC; TN; TX; VA; WV; sw Asia [Introduced in North America; introduced also in Mexico, West Indies (Jamaica), South America (Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Uruguay), s Europe, s, se Asia, Africa, Pacific Islands (New Zealand)]
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
FL; se Asia; Australia [Introduced in North America; introduced also in West Indies (Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles), Central America (Panama), South America (Brazil, Venezuela), Africa]
[BONAP county map]

Albizia julibrissin is commonly cultivated and is thought to be the hardiest of the Albizia species. It is especially attractive when flowering; staminal filaments are deep pink, grading to white at the base. Albizia julibrissin forma rosea (Carrière) Rehder is a dwarf, bushier plant with bright pink flowers.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Albizia procera is cultivated in southern Florida and is found outside cultivation in Miami-Dade County. In its native range, wood from the species is used for furniture and general construction.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 11. FNA vol. 11.
Parent taxa Fabaceae > subfam. Caesalpinioideae (Mimosoid clade) > Albizia Fabaceae > subfam. Caesalpinioideae (Mimosoid clade) > Albizia
Sibling taxa
A. kalkora, A. lebbeck, A. procera
A. julibrissin, A. kalkora, A. lebbeck
Synonyms Mimosa procera
Name authority Durazzini: Mag. Tosc. 3(4): 13, plate [opp. p. 1]. (1772) (Roxburgh) Bentham: London J. Bot. 3: 89. (1844) — (as Albizzia)
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