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big-head clover, large-head clover

red clover

Habit Pubescent perennial from a thick root and rhizomes, the stems erect, 1-3 dm. tall. Soft-hairy, short-lived perennial from a taproot, the several stems 3-10 dm. tall.

Leaves with 5-9 leaflets, these rather thick, oblanceolate to obcordate, 1.5-2.5 cm. long;

stipules ovate-lanceolate, their margins lacerate.

Leaves trifoliate, leaflets lanceolate to oblong-obovate, 2-6 cm. long, faintly serrulate;

stipules ovate-lanceolate, 1-3 cm. long, with prominent greenish veins.


Heads mostly solitary and terminal, 3-5 cm. broad and long, the peduncles exceeding the leaves;

flowers 22-28 mm. long, pale pinkish to rose-pink, spreading to erect, the pedicels very short;

calyx 2/3 as long as the corolla, the 5 teeth awl-shaped, plumose, many times as long as the tube.

Heads terminal, sessile or with peduncles shorter than the 2 subtending leaves, 50- to 200-flowered, globose-conic, 2.5-3.5 cm. long and wide;

flowers spreading to erect, deep red, 13-20 mm. long;

calyx over half as long as the corolla, short-hairy, the 5 teeth with a needle-like tip; the 2 upper teeth about equal to the tube, the 3 lower twice as long.


Pod 1-seeded.

Pod 2-seeded.

Trifolium macrocephalum

Trifolium pratense

Flowering time April-June June-August
Habitat Shrub-steppe, sagebrush desert and ponderosa pine woodlands. Escaped from cultivation; found along mountain trails where horses have been used
Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington, south through eastern Oregon, east to Idaho and Nevada.
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
Widely distributed on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east across North America to the Atlantic Coast.
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
Origin Native Introduced from Europe
Conservation status Not of concern Not of concern
Sibling taxa
T. albopurpureum, T. arvense, T. aureum, T. bifidum, T. campestre, T. cernuum, T. ciliolatum, T. cyathiferum, T. depauperatum, T. dichotomum, T. douglasii, T. dubium, T. eriocephalum, T. fragiferum, T. glomeratum, T. gracilentum, T. hirtum, T. hybridum, T. incarnatum, T. latifolium, T. longipes, T. microcephalum, T. microdon, T. oliganthum, T. plumosum, T. pratense, T. repens, T. resupinatum, T. retusum, T. striatum, T. subterraneum, T. suffocatum, T. thompsonii, T. variegatum, T. vesiculosum, T. willdenovii, T. wormskioldii
T. albopurpureum, T. arvense, T. aureum, T. bifidum, T. campestre, T. cernuum, T. ciliolatum, T. cyathiferum, T. depauperatum, T. dichotomum, T. douglasii, T. dubium, T. eriocephalum, T. fragiferum, T. glomeratum, T. gracilentum, T. hirtum, T. hybridum, T. incarnatum, T. latifolium, T. longipes, T. macrocephalum, T. microcephalum, T. microdon, T. oliganthum, T. plumosum, T. repens, T. resupinatum, T. retusum, T. striatum, T. subterraneum, T. suffocatum, T. thompsonii, T. variegatum, T. vesiculosum, T. willdenovii, T. wormskioldii
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