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three-leaf foamflower

cut-leaved foamflower

Habit Herbaceous perennial from slender rhizomes, the flowering stems 2-3.5 dm. tall, glandular-pubescent.

Basal leaves with petioles 2-3 times as long as the blades;

leaf blades highly variable, cordate, 1.5-8 cm. long and up to 12 cm broad, trifoliate and the leaflets deeply divided, or trifoliate and the leaflets shallowly lobed, or palmately 3- to 5 lobed;

cauline leaves few and reduced.


Inflorescence an elongate, leafless panicle;

calyx bell-shaped, irregular, the 5 lobes longer than the tubular section, the upper lobe the largest;

petals 5, white, linear, similar to the filaments;

stamens 10, the filaments opposite the petals much shorter that the alternate 5.


Ovary superior;

carpels 2, unequal, 3-5 mm. and 7-10 mm. long respectively.

Tiarella trifoliata

Tiarella trifoliata var. laciniata

Flowering time May-August May-August
Habitat Moist woods and stream banks, sea level to mid-elevations in the mountains. Forest understory at low elevations along the coast.
Widely distributed on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to California, east to Alberta, Idaho and Montana.
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington; southwestern British Columbia to Lane County, Oregon.
[BONAP county map]
Origin Native Native
Conservation status Not of concern Not of concern
Sibling taxa
T. trifoliata var. trifoliata, T. trifoliata var. unifoliata
Subordinate taxa
T. trifoliata var. laciniata, T. trifoliata var. trifoliata, T. trifoliata var. unifoliata
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