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elegant beardtongue, Blue Mountain penstemon

Habit Perennial from a stout taproot, shrubby at the base, the numerous stems 3-8 dm. long, forming a rounded clump, glabrous throughout.

Leaves opposite, all cauline, the lowermost reduced, the others numerous, sessile, lanceolate to broadly oblong, 4-10 cm. long and 1-3 cm. wide, sharply serrate or occasionally sub-entire.


Inflorescence a narrow, terminal panicle, or nearly a raceme;

calyx 2.5-6.5 mm. long, the 5 segments scarious margined and toothed, usually glabrous;

corolla bright lavender to purple-violet, 25-38 mm. long, over 1 cm. wide at the mouth, glabrous inside and out except for the marginal hairs on the lobes; the 4 fertile filaments pubescent toward the tip, the lower pair exerted;

anthers permanently horseshoe-shaped, 1.6-2.0 mm. long;

pollen sacs remaining saccate and indehiscent on the lower half, glabrous except for the hairs along the sutures;

staminode shortly exerted, with a long, white beard along the flattened tip.


Capsule 6-9 mm. long.

Penstemon whippleanus

Penstemon venustus

Flowering time May-August
Habitat Open, rocky slopes, from the foothills to moderate elevations in the mountains.
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington, where introduced in central Washington and native to the Blue Mountains region in southeastern Washington; Washington to California, east to Idaho and Utah.
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
Origin Native and Introduced
Conservation status Not of concern
Sibling taxa
P. acuminatus, P. attenuatus, P. barrettiae, P. cardwellii, P. cinereus, P. confertus, P. davidsonii, P. deustus, P. ellipticus, P. eriantherus, P. euglaucus, P. fruticosus, P. gairdneri, P. glandulosus, P. hesperius, P. lyallii, P. ovatus, P. palmeri, P. pennellianus, P. procerus, P. pruinosus, P. richardsonii, P. rupicola, P. rydbergii, P. serrulatus, P. speciosus, P. subserratus, P. triphyllus, P. venustus, P. washingtonensis, P. wilcoxii
P. acuminatus, P. attenuatus, P. barrettiae, P. cardwellii, P. cinereus, P. confertus, P. davidsonii, P. deustus, P. ellipticus, P. eriantherus, P. euglaucus, P. fruticosus, P. gairdneri, P. glandulosus, P. hesperius, P. lyallii, P. ovatus, P. palmeri, P. pennellianus, P. procerus, P. pruinosus, P. richardsonii, P. rupicola, P. rydbergii, P. serrulatus, P. speciosus, P. subserratus, P. triphyllus, P. washingtonensis, P. wilcoxii
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